Yang Zi and Li Xian Confirmed for Period C-drama Flourished Peony and Let the Fanwars Begin

I’m glad this melon got confirmed as quickly as it did because the rumors alone were already causing such a fandom ruckus. Now it’s confirmed the fans can boycott, accept, leave, whatever and the drama can just film along merrily. Period C-drama Flourished Peony will indeed star Yang Zi and Li Xian, one of the most popular C-drama OTPs from their modern hit Go Go Squid 4 years ago. One would think this reunion would make their respective fandoms happy since their first go around was such a success but his fandom has been losing their collective shit over this because they think Li Xian is now way more successful than when he did GGS and does not need to be second billing to Yang Zi, plus they don’t like her fandom. Her fandom doesn’t give two shits about him (good or bad either way), but don’t like his fandom so they don’t want her working with him again because it puts her in the warpath of his fandom. Reportedly fans have announced they have left his fandom over this casting. Sigh, don’t let the door hit you on your way out m’kay.

Chinese fandom (China) mania is the weirdest thing. I can’t wrap around how they get so crazed about everything, down to approval of whom is cast opposite their Favourite One (TM). One minute those two are OTC to them, and now, they don’t want it.
Didn’t the same thing happen with the Zhao LuSi and YuNing casting for Jade Curtain Pearl Curtain (or whatever it’s titled now)? OTC two years ago and now, it’s screaming battles.
I understand the idea of living vicariously through a fantasy, but to spend so much energy fighting over something that won’t matter an ounce of worth in one’s life is beyond me.
I meant “wrap my head around.” Sorry, no edit button on the computer.
Zhao Lusi and her fans discovered the meaning of FAFO. Should Lyn have kept quiet at their shit? Nope. Good luck on that set.
Ikr, chinese fans is so crazy for that, they’re at the level of rabid kpop idol fans. And fanwar has become often even internationally influenced by the chinese fandom. Feels like there’s correlation between money and obsession, those who are obsessed with their idol usually spends a lot of money to justify it, which is why this thing continues to happens
Cent fandoms’ batshit craziness is on like a whole other echelon to me and I’ve been involved in jpop and kpop previously. Like I’ve never seen fans trying to dictate their fav’s projects in any other entertainment fandoms except Chinese ones. It’s mind boggling to me especially when we keep seeing the constant wars fans go to whenever a casting rumors or news are announced. Am like, “but then who do you even want your favorite to act with?! Like they’ve to work and can’t just act in front of a green screen solo the entire time?! They need costars!” It is so so weird to me
LMAO, like LX or YZ gives a damn about what their fans want. They care about being performers. If you have a problem with the casting, LX and YZ would be more then happy that you have left their fandom, it just proves you were never a fan to begin with. As a fan of both actors, I am happy you left too! If you care so much about casting, become a producer and cast them with the people you want, otherwise, this is happening because they want it to happen obviously.
Li Xian definitely could take up another role as a first billing, but on a much smaller scale project. His fans looks down on Flourished Peony as “one of those idol costume dramas”. It’s not. Flourished Peony is one of the key projects by Huace. The budget is bigger and there’s some form
of government involvement (Peony is the national flower of China) attached to this project. Regardless of how the drama fares, there is going to be significant amount of attention for LX up to when the drama airs in 2025.
It is a huge disservice to downplay Yang Zi’s current status in the industry too. Playing second billing to Yang Zi is not embarrassing for him.
The way Chinese fans presume to know more than industry professionals aka the ent companies that have their stars pick particular projects or the way Chinese fans think they know better than their own favs what’s good for their own career is so weird and alarming to me.
I really want to laugh at how stupid this fan war is as they are fighting regardless how their idols do no need them to fight. There are many trouble makers who just love to flame the heat and watch the fire spread… And stupid fans allows themselves to be used for a lost cause and make their idols look bad. Such a toxic pattern of behaviour…
I for one have looking forward to this pairing… Being a long while since a pairing interest me. I like the friendship this 2 artiste have and how they are always so supportive of each other. At the end of the day, I just want to be entertained with a good project.
Drama outside C drama is more juicy. LOL
It seems while YZ appears to have good relationship with her costars, many fandoms of her costars don’t like her in general after the dramas were done. I got that impression from XZ’s fandom too. It’s a bit odd to me.
Yes, she does. It is not just her co-stars , it is with all cast members and crew team. Yang Zi really get on with them. She is very bubbly and is full of happy energy. Thus many producers and crew members enjoy working with her. Lots of artiste, young and old like her and trust her alot too. Trust is hard to gain in this industry.
She treats everyone equally, there is no arrogance about her. She have been in the industry since a young kid. She knows what is most important to have a lasting career, it is not to put others down, be positive, be professional on site and help other newbies relax into their roles.
Her reputation of being able to make her co-stars relaxed around her thus they have chemistry on screen is not a hearsay. She does it to help everyone and the production. Xiao Zhan’s fans may be critical of her but he has only praises for her. He had even said he enjoyed working with Yang Zi as she is comfortable to be around.
I really like this actress… as her positive attitude is just rare in this China entertainment industry. but her fans can be a bitch…something she cannot alway control. But I have heard her indirectly advise her fans against some of their behaviours.
BUT i do feel it is a shame she too have to undergo PS to fit industry and audience standards. I feel she is most beautiful in Battle of Changsha, her most natural look but she was jobless for years in those days as her looks just could not get her consistent job. That is the reality. Many artiste have to make such decisions in China, KOrea, Japan..and even US. So many top American artiste have PS or botox as they age…US entertainment industry cannot handle natural aging.
@HL, Are you sure YZ really went through PS? I just guess but am no way an expert to tell that. LOL. I really liked her in Ashes of Love that led me to watch Oath of Love and therefore knew Xiao Zhan as an actor. What a blessing! LOL. I also like her looks and style in Go Go Squid but not in Oath of Love.
It obviously appeared to me XZ and YZ were in a very friendly relationship, either in BTS or at award ceremonies. But on Weibo and Youtube there’re many xfx hating her and spreading all kinds of nasty hearsay about her. I honestly don’t care that much about celebrities’ life off screen as long as they deliver good products on screen. We in the West don’t meddle in celebrities’ private life. That being said, given how pervasively YZ has been criticized off screen, it does create a negative public image of her. I can’t say I wasn’t influenced at all while I used to hang around some xfx fan sites for a while until the latest occasion when I watched XZ apparently warmly greeted and chatted with YZ in an award ceremony in public eyes. XZ joked in a recent interview this year to advise his fans not to be so gullible about any speculation (melon in Chinese slang) that may cause loose bowels. LOL. I reflected how all the naysayers had affected YZ’s impression on me as an individual that somehow I was even reluctant to check her dramas again. It’s very irrational. But I believe all those rumors do have a negative impact on her public image as a pro actor.
Her looks have changed, easy to spot. But it is not aggressive as some other artistes. I say artiste because many male actors also undergo PS…just it is not as obvious. And male get away with it easier then female artistes. If are able to find it, watch Battle of Changsha. You can see her natural face…
I am not pushing others to like her as her acting and looks is not for everyone. Her huge fandom is not much help either. I just wanted to share with you reasons why I have a soft spot for her. But if I do not enjoy her dramas, I will switch off the telly too. liking her as a person does not mean I have to like all the drams she films.
In fact, if The Golden Pin originally with Kris Wu was released, I would not watch it as I hate Kris Wu to the core…dislike him even before his scandal was exposed. He turns me off…
Yes, Xiao Zhan is comfortable with Yang Zi, he is fond of working with her, I have seen how he treats her off screen. Like good friends.
I really honestly findd many fandoms in China very toxic…there are always a percentage of bad eggs that spread toxic around, and it really affects their idol’s image. Xiao Zhan is the best example.
Real question : do any fandoms actually like anyone else other than their fav? Like I’ve not seen any fandoms in Cent that get along with each other. The best I’ve seen is when a fandom knows they’re outnumbered by the other side so they just stay relatively quiet but I’ve not seen any fandoms that support each other despite their favs working on the same project.
C drama fandoms are mostly cults like Kpop fandoms. LOL. That’s why I don’t identify myself as a xfx even though I’m a hardcore fan of Xiao Zhan. A lot of elements in this fandom culture have rabid and irrational characteristics that’s age irrelevant. LOL. I read quite a few comments from really old xfx that’s considered provocative from my perspective. They are elderly and seniors but talked like teenage. LOL. Same for other fandoms, e.g., Wang Yibo, Leo Lou, Gong Jun, and Cheng Yi, to just name a few.
I personally like a few C actors among many other than XZ including Dylan Wang, Zhang Linghe, Arthur Chen, Deng Lun (sadly he’s censored now), Hu Ge, and perhaps Wu Lei. I’ll check their dramas and may or may not watch, depending how I like the first few eps. But for my own fave, I’m biased and definitely will watch each ep of all his dramas regardless of quality. That’s the difference.
Legit question! That’s what I observed on some other forums, even including Western SM that always disapproves of any form of suppression of free expressions. For example, some youtubers and Reddit Cdrama. Some actors are obviously less favored than certain celebs on those site. Fans of those actors who’re constantly dinged or dissed either just stayed quiet or perhaps don’t visit those sites again, a different form of censure and ostracizing. For example, Yang Yang on Reddit. You only read overwhelmingly negative threads about YY on Reddit and rarely any defense from his fans. LOL. He’s one of liuliangs with a large fanbase in C-ent regardless of his acting accomplishment. But his fans are literally silenced on Reddit. That’s how twisted and pathetic a public forum supposedly a communication channel for ALL the Cdrama fans in general has turned into certain celebs’ fan clubs all thanks to dominating speeches favoring particular actors over others. I noted Reddit’s moderators deleted comments a lot cos I saw a lot of deleted comments. Similar for some Youtubers who would delete comments criticizing their faves’ performances even I consider those criticism were not baseless. I don’t think this should have happened in a free society valuing rights of free speech.
Koala’s Playground respects free expressions regardless of if opinions are on the same page with Koala or not. I respect her for her tolerance. At least, I know she doesn’t like my fave but allows me to rave about him to the galaxy as much as I want to. LOL
Ah the 3×0.1 queen back at it again or will it be the 800 millions queen. He is so dumb to get involved in her disasters but his choice. I have the popcorn ready.
You think its a disaster because LX’s not doing what his fans want? Are you one of those crazy fans who think you can control his career too? Get a life, jeez. Its decided, eat all the popcorn you want, its not going to change anything. LMAO.
I agree with neen! Just a reminder! You won’t have a say to change any casting decisions of any dramas by name calling. You really have a fetish to call ppl dumb or stupid while it’s a most moronic act to expose your poor education by cussing ppl. Surely you can go ahead have popcorn ready with your foul mouth. LMAO
I am not a fan of either one of them, sorry to burst your bubble.
But he has actual performance on his side unlike her, the fake queen. Like I said it is his choice and all it will do is give me some free comedy. I am not complaining do yes, thank you, I will enjoy my popcorn as they destroy each other because I have no horse in this race. The filming hasn’t even started and it is a slaughter house lmao
Wait…you aren’t a fan, yet you have the right to say YZ is untalented? How can you determine this if you aren’t either a anti fan or fan of YZ? LOL Surely, if you aren’t either one, you would have never seen any of her work. So your comment is irrelevant. You’re just looking for drama and just a follower of people who complain about YZ. If she was so fake, I doubt she’d be hired by big producers for so many projects. I get your on LX’s side, probably because you secretly like him more but I disagree and he’ll probably disagree too, as a performer, he knows YZ is an excellent actress/colleague. He’s made this known quite loud on many occasions.
Of course I have that right, do you think she is some sacred cow or something that is beyond criticism? Wth
She is well known in China as the triple 0.1 queen because that is her actual performance. When her dramas broadcast on television and she can’t water and leech, her dramas are the biggest flops. Literally.
Her now famous 0.08 ratings performance is the biggest flop ever on that station. Her other two both only got 0.1.
The reason she is still filming is the same as all the other talentless hacks in cent – major financial backing.
Those are facts not some stan dream where she is queen of cent. And I know it’s a shock but anyone can actually comment.
Basically, you don’t watch her dramas to see how she performs, instead you rely on the statistics that are released about YZ and her dramas. So, no, you have no right to criticize her. Would you like it if someone never even looked at your work and still talk shit about it? LOL You’re literally judging a book by its cover. How is that fair?
Seeing you speak now make me to finally believe that you are just ignorant and hateful 😂😂, a variety show which didn’t air on tv was given 0.08 by antis and then the next day after it aired, the right ratings were given, you just believe fake news or rather, you choose to believe them. You’re just an anti and a hater. Guess what, your hate isn’t going to stop YZ from making her dramas and her money. It’s not good for your health to be such an hater
Wow…I can see you are Yang Zi’s troll… what a sad way to live your life.
Lol, fandom…
In kpop, in c entertainment, in soccer… those fandom wont stop until they hurt each other..
Glad to see these two comeback with a new drama. Hope it’ll be good.
I hated Gogo Squid. I guess I am the only one that thought the chemistry was cringy and forced. Li Xian looks awkward in period drama! Wish they casted someone else more suitable!