Fox Spirit Matchmaker the Zhu Ye Chapter Releases New Stills Celebrating Birthdays of Leads Liu Shi Shi and Zhang Yun Long

It’s cute that the leads for the upcoming Fox Spirit Matchmaker second installment the Zhu Ye chapter have birthdays just a week apart. Zhang Yun Long is on March 2nd and Liu Shi Shi on March 10th so the production used each’s birthday to release new posters of their characters in the drama. He is Wang Quan Hong Ye and she is Dong Fang Wei Zhu, and their characters share the same last names as a lead in the other two chapters, he with the male lead in the third installment and she with the male lead in the first one. The Zhu Ye chapter is the one that looks the most wuxia-esque rather than xianxia and in a good way. I also love the calming blue and green palate so so much.

I call this Koala’s fan service for this trilogy. She will remind me every now and then about this long over due drama… I hope they get air dates soon.
O wow din noe LSS’s borthday is on d 10th. ZYL has the height and the looks but I cant recall a particular highlight drama from him that I like. Im all for more wuxia thn xianxia. Hope this gets released soon.
Didn’t realize that both their birthday are in March! Nice! BTW, love LSS’s flowery outfit.
What a beauty!