
Moonlight Mystique Releases New Stills of Bai Lu and Ao Rui Peng Amidst Talk that iQiyi is Speeding Post-Production to Air the Drama Later this Year — 9 Comments

  1. I feel the opposite too. This reminds me of Zhao Lusi’s The Last Immortal, which Tencent rushed to get out within a year as well. And it was awful. Coincidentally, both dramas belong to the same series along with Xu Kai’s Ancient Love Poetry.

  2. They did the same thing to The Last Immortal and look what happened. Now that Netflix picked up TLI, they edited the CGI and it looks better on Netflix. It is so stupid of them to do this.

  3. It’s because it’s Bailu. Whether it is a yah or nay, her dramas are usually up there on their ratings platform. They did recently announce her as the ambassador for Iqiyi international. This drama is a pass for me though.

  4. Considering the amount of dramas Chinese produced per year and so many are still in the queue or has been shelved, there hasn’t even been one big hit drama in the past year. Prehaps, they should consider producing good quality dramas.

  5. Well if they stick to comedy and didn’t try to turn it into a tragedy like every BaiLu drama it may be a hit, let be honest even if Bailu dramas get criticized and get bad rating they still get a lot of views and attention

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