
First Poster and Preview for Zhao Li Ying and Xin Zhi Lei Movie The Unseen Sister Adapted From Novel that is Also the Basis for Zhao Lu Si’s Next Drama Love’s Ambition — 10 Comments

  1. Koala you wrote Zhao lusi twice 🤣🤣 This movie feels a bit low budget, looks interesting though.i’ve read the director is new so this has a great risk of flopping, chinese cinema is so hard these days. From the reuters of LA and this movie trailer i can see which one is the serious one. I think ZLS fans got it wrong the drama is probably made to get more brand deals not for mainstream awards. A great move tbh, ZLS will cement her reign as CF queen of her generation.

  2. Pingback:First Poster and Preview for Zhao Lu Si and Xin Zhi Lei Movie The Unseen Sister Adapted From Novel that is Also the Basis for Zhao Lu Si's Next Drama Love's Ambition | Parlour News Korea

  3. Your title has typo Zhao Lu Si instead of Zhao Li Ying for the movie.

    Interesting about the adaptation because Lu Si’s Love Ambition didn’t sound dark at all. Typical CEO type romance, except older.

  4. I read somewhere that the drama version will be significantly different and really the only similarities are character names and background. It won’t be as heavy. Not sure how true it is until it is released though.

  5. I have been following Koala a long time, not sure how is the publishing process but notice no proof reading occurs and caps at the heading makes it so hard to distinguish titles from the rest. Not sure if Koala can do anything for us readers.

  6. I like Xin Zhi Lei she has some resemblance to Song Hye Gyo, underrated, under-utilized IMO. But then there are so many in C-Ent. It’s really based on luck not even on visuals on who get the spotlight.

  7. Zhao Li Ying blows Zhao Lusi out of the water so if ZLS fans want to play the compare game, they will lose.

    Plus the word is that the drama is significantly lighter and different. Which makes sense, considering their acting abilities.

    • Nobody is comparing Liying & Lusi here, koala is merely mentioning the differing ADAPTATIONS of the same source novel. Medium is also different. So please don’t try to ignite any unnecessary fanwar here.

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