
C-fans More Excited for Period Drama Calming Waves After Hearing Male Lead Wang Xing Yue is Currently Dubbing His Own Dialogue — 21 Comments

  1. I really respect that he can dub his own work and that his natural voice is such a good fit for his acting and that he would take the time to dub his own work.

    Some cdrama actors and actresses may be good at body language/facial expression acting, but need some to a lot of help from the dubbing to really carry the character.

    I know some of it is because of different accents, but some of their natural voices just don’t work for their characters.

    • I agree…I will not say natural voice is great for all artiste. As I hear more nad more own voice dubbing artistes..I find myself missing good voice actors instead. The good ones can really flash out the characters better. Some of these artiste’s own voice are a distraction.

    • To be honest, I think having voice that suits the character is requirement of good actor. If this is in south korea, having dubbing wouldn’t cut it, since they can actually learn accent and make their voice deeper or lighter if needed. But considering chinese drama industry, only movie actors would go to such lengths sadly

  2. WXY is one actor with very unique aura. His presence in the Double speaks volumes of charisma. I look forward to his new dramas as ML again.

  3. He got a very nice voice timber. I even think he can be a very good singer with a lil bit of technical training cause his voice color sounds soooo nice whenever he sings !

  4. WXY does exude older soul feel. He comes across as mature yet natural in his works. Having a good voice that matches his aura, is a major bonus.

  5. Lol literally nobody is talking about this drama in China, never mind being excited about this.

    Yu Zheng desperately trying to hype something is hilarious.

    • Wow, you speak for the billion plus people in China? I’m impressed! But seriously, literally no one cares about your comment. He has many, many, many fans all over. And we are hyped.

  6. His voice is sexy and mature but Dubbing other actors is a bit of exaggeration, dubbing also requires big talent and acting skills to match the lines with the character’s emotions and his acting skills are still a big mehh.

    • C’mon. The guy is only 22 years old (he’s turning 23 very soon)! There are actors much older than him who can’t do any of the things he can do at his age earning more money and being more famous than this guy. WXY have youth on his side so he have a very long lifetime to become better every day if he wish to become better. We all know people over 25 are already considered old and outdated with both feet in the coffin so being 22 (soon 23) is a huge advantage. He got 3 more years before he loses his youth.

  7. Wow he definitely has a promising future if he plays his cards right. Perfect Match is coming and looks like it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. I wonder if Calming Waves will air before Shadow Detective gets released. I think his agency should’ve have released Shadow Detective right after The Double to keep his hype going. Hopefully his agency sees his potential and chooses his projects well so he can cement his status in the industry as a strong actor instead of just another traffic star. He’s only 22. He has loads of time to build his career. With his voice, I can definitely see him getting pulled to do voice acting for future major animated releases too.

  8. It is incredible he is so young. He doesn’t necessarily look older but he has a aura and gravitas when he acts that some actors twice his age can’t manage. Good he will be doing his own voice acting too. I will always find it odd that so many C-actors act with somebody else’s voice.

  9. Not only is he very good looking but what’s important is he can act ! I cannot forget his role in Double, this will remain one of my favorite drama

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