
Douban Opening Ratings for Yang Zi’s Flourished Peony at 7.8 Towers Over Moonlight Mystique with Bai Lu at 5.9 — 27 Comments

  1. Flourished Peony has 2 part??? No wonder it says it has only 32eps on Mydramalist. I hate cliffhanger… Love You Forever further half was such a huge disappointment.

    • I’m disappointed too. I’ve paused watching it due to workload and I already don’t feel any urge to continue watching it, let alone waiting for part 2. I hate watching dramas with multiple seasons as well unless season 1 is a really outstanding drama or season 2 has a different storyline.

  2. There really are too many infuriating characters in the drama Peony that it is hard to watch sometimes. Also Bai Lu and her drama however seems to be doing well for international viewers despite it not faring as well in China compared to Peony. The drama that I can’t seem to get over is Dafeng, man the ending was so well done that if there is a second season for sure I hope it pans out well because the story was so well done. It felt like I was reading instead of watching a very good adventure story especially towards the end and that is very rare these days with Chinese dramas. Hopefully the spin off of Dafeng will be with it. Will wait to see.

  3. So happy for Peony, it’s well deserved. I really enjoy watching it.

    But hold on, it has 2nd season? Oh no. Will it take a year to air just like LYF s2? Sigh.

    • I have to agree. Ao Rui Peng is a mismatch with Bai Lu. I don’t think he has the aura for the role he’s playing. The chemistry is off between them. There’s only one year age gap between BL and ARP, but it seems that she’s miles older than him because she has such a mature vibe.

      I’m not surprised at the ratings of both dramas, but I expect Flourished Peony to fall in ratings eventually if there is a six months wait for a Part 2. Still recalling the disaster that was Lost You Forever 2. I really don’t approve of dramas being split into two parts with a long gap between airing times.

    • I heard she chose him specifically because he “looked” like Dylan Wang to see if they could pull off success like the fairy drama Dylan did. Guess that failed on them like looks is not all that matters substance does too. I’m sure he will improve over time but it is so typical for rookies like him to be thrusted to main lead so fast. He still needs improvement. Oh well

      • this seems like a farfetched rumor. does she actually have that much power to choose a male lead? if so, you’d think she’d have enough power to turn down these costume dramas that she has said she wanted to take a break from.

  4. I’m enjoying it so far but if it has 2 parts then it is too long. That’s why I like blossoms in adversity. Finished and done in 1 part and a very happy ending. But I really am enjoying flourished peony because it really does talk about business.

  5. That’s great for flourished peony, because I really enjoy it. I don’t mind S2 for something done well, but I hope they won’t end with a cliffhanger and a long wait.

  6. I’m part of the opposing trend in liking MM more lol. The costumes and sets are fabulous so far, and while the chemistry is weaker (due to poor ML characterization), it’s not non-existent. Just a little difficult to envision why they’re in love vs seeing them in love. However, the story’s entertaining, nevertheless. It’s like a tropey and familiar binge, but full of eye candy and when is she gonna power up. I like it more than Till the End of the Moon.

    I am a little disappointed how ARP is written and portrayed in here, not gonna lie. This will be the 2nd time his drama flopped, but I KNOW he can act. He just hasn’t had the right ‘fit’ IMO, to make a hit. His gravitas isn’t strong enough. Also, Bailu looks more mature than him in here, which is slightly distracting. I’m not a fan of Bailu, but she’s watchable. If it was acted by Liu Xue Yi – I think he has the gravitas to pull off a better ‘master.’

    • Liu Xue Yi is in such a awkward position…he can delivery to suitable roles but he is not getting good scripts.. I actually feel bad for him.

      • LXY was the OG ‘master’ in this 3 part saga. Totally unfair that they removed him, because he has the charisma and the clout from the original drama. I mean they changed the cast too for the 2nd part lol, so can’t say much about that, but they changed the cast from unknown to known actors and actresses. LXY was already known, though. And his ‘looks’ would complement Bailu instead of being disharmonious.

        As an aside, the beginning and ending theme song rocks! It’s been a while since hearing the trailer songs bring me goosebumps. Sa Ding Ding can still bring it. And Zhou Shen’s ending theme song isn’t bad either. The clothes are beautiful, the CGI is flashy without being TOO cheap and the music is gorgeous.

      • @Coralie, I am a huge Zhou Shen fan. I bought ticket to his very expensive London concert. So exciting.

  7. I’m more interested in the one she has with Joseph Zeng since Yu Zheng said that drama is better the Goblin or the Glory 😝 just kidding. I’m actually curious about her new one with Wang Xingyue with the Tang Dynasty mysteries.

    Definitely putting Flourished Peony on the backburner. I feel so catfished lately with these dramas that don’t publicly announce ahead of time that they are going to be multiple seasons. Guardians of Dafeng also needs a second season 😭

  8. Nope, I got to the episode 25 and that was it. No more finishing this drama, let alone watching season 2

    The casts were OK, the story first 10 episodes were OK, then they only repeated dragg to the mud of main lead female and never ending helps from main lead male

    Quite sad, actually

  9. I stopped following FP at ep 16 and don’t feel like picking up again. I was planning to but have no strong desire to proceed. For me, FP has been the only watchable drama of YZ for a long while since Go Go Squid. Nonetheless, a lot of YZ’s dramas including FP gave her too much screen time that somehow her ML faded into almost zero presence. It’s the same for Li Xian in FP. Therefore, it has become one-lady show that’s kinda boring since the story is already tropey and slow paced. Perhaps there is more dynamic picked up in the eps later on. Unfortunately I’m currently invested in other K dramas that take up all my free time. It’s a solid drama overall as far as I’d watched.

  10. Both are pretty much the same thing to me, no interesting story and chemistry are non existent,you keep watching without any expection and looking forward, Peony in my opinion get better rating cuz the leads don’t have toxic fans and anti fans who would rate it without even watching, ppl who like it will rate it goodand ppl who didn’t will prb not even bother to rate it.

  11. I personally think the 2 ‘Season 2’ dramas are announced later are due to popularity. If the first Season did badly, they may not be a Season 2… I may be wrong…

  12. Douban Rating is a big joke. Look at the popularity here (how many people watch it) :
    1. Moonlight Mystique – Bai Lu
    2. Drifting Awat – Zhao Jin Mai
    3. The Outcast : Showdown between Yin & Yang
    4. Guardian of Dafeng – Dylan Wang
    5. National Beauty – Yangzi
    The number show that Douban Rating is MANIPULATED…they want Yang Zi to win so badly. However, the number people watch the show is so, so clear
    And when i watch both. I drop National Beauty …boring

  13. If a drama get less than 6 on Douban, meaning MDL will rate it 10/10. MDL is a place where visual of the casts will win over writing, directing, acting.

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