
Xianxia C-drama Shui Long Yin with Luo Yun Xi Release New Posters for Lunar New Year — 10 Comments

  1. Help! I am having problems refreshing the home page! I can’t seem to get new articles on the home page. I only got to this page by clicking ockoala.

    • Same problem. This is now the third time this has happened Since two weeks ago. Reach new content through sidebar listing recent posts.

  2. Not a huge fan of the styling based on these pictures. A bit too over the top, especially for the male characters. But I will at least check out a few episodes anyway for Alen Fang Yilun and Sabrina Chen Yao 😊

  3. Heartbreaking news, still don’t believe it but Barbie Hsu passed away . My first and fave actress in tawainese drama land 20 years ago. It can’t be true ! Meteor garden was my first asian drama . No words can discribe what i’m feeling now …hope that’s fake news .

    • Me too… @cahill… I am thinking so much about life today…I just had a mammogram today. I hope all is well for me. My first mammogram and it hurts like hell.
      Lets us all enjoy the positives in live, spend quality time with loved ones and make each day fruitful. Life used to look so long in my teens…now life looks short.

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