C-movie Adaptation of The Journey of Flower with Chen Du Ling and Toby Lee Majorly Flops with Terrible Reviews

Being a mom I’ve done my share of telling the kids “like, maybe doing that is a baaaad idea, baby” and dealing with either agreement or insistence on going ahead. The decision to make a C-movie adaptation of The Journey of Flower from the original source novel nearly ten years after the hit C-drama adaptation just seems like a giant waste of money and time. The story isn’t even popular anymore and no one thought it needed another version since the OG is still beloved as a xianxia classic. Unfortunately The Journey of Flower movie version with Chen Du Ling and Toby Lee did get made and premiered this week to abysmally bad reviews and box office. Like, so bad the director had to apologize. And this despite Zhao Li Ying actually posting about it with her support and approval to her fans. Even she couldn’t make a pig fly haha. The movie is apparently terrible all around – bad casting, bad costumes, bad makeup, bad directing, bad chemistry, bad acting, you name it, it’s being complained about. Welp, hopefully next time someone wants to spend money on a bad idea it’s nipped in the bud.

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