
Kim Tae Hee and Jung Woo Sung Reunite For LG Dios Campaign — 17 Comments

  1. Unless said fridge comes with my own Jung Woo Sung inside of it, I’m going with the fridge that is the most awesome in looks and utility.

    *giggles* I LOVE you! ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. Well we could always just cut and paste them together to make one photo. 😛
    But what i don’t understand is why in korea you would use celebs to sell frigs? I understand makeup, cameras and coffee, but why frigs? Are they going to make my food last longer? Cause for the other things i can see them using it but really are they going to throw the frig out cause they are promoting one?

  3. This again proves that Kim Tae Hee IS the CF Queen. She can bring everything on in her CFs, but not in her dramas. Sad case.

  4. “Unless said fridge comes with my own Jung Woo Sung inside of it…”

    HAHA! Love it!! XD I’d probably buy one too if I get to have Jung Woo. And I’d buy everything my celebrity crushes would endorse if it comes with them. XD

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