
Casting Confirmed For the Saving General Yang with Vic Zhou as 4th Brother and Wu Zun as 6th Brother — 19 Comments

  1. When i first heard about the movie and the star studded cast i couldn’t believe what i was reading. I swear the drama gods probably watched me fan girl over most of the actors in one drama/ movie or another and decided “hey lets blow her mind and have them all in the same movie.” Please let this be as awesome as it sounds.. and even if its not, hey at least we got to see my babies in warrior outfits, being majorly hot!

  2. Is Feng Xiao Feng the same as Feng Shao Feng, as in William Feng?
    If it is…he’s my new found (drama) love-interest!!!! I actually endured a good number of Gong episodes in the past week because of himmmm! He was charismatic. So yay!

  3. lol Vic Zhou (1981) who plays older than Raymond who is 79’er (I liked him in “the four”) who plays older than WuZhun (1978) oh lalala.
    I like Deng Chao as an actor but Louis koo ew !

  4. From the look of the Character types….hmm seems interesting I like the guy obsessed with martial arts….and San Lang character type cool!!!! 😉

    But I’m so into animation these days I’m waiting for Harry Potter and I am number four part two….still loving Bumble Bee in Transformers 3 that Camaro is romantic and funny!!!! I like funny men!!!!

    I wonder if Martial Arts Movie will evolve to animation…Hero of Jet Lee was Animated….the battle in the lake was cool….if only they could do it in many numbers….

  5. OMG!!! I can’t wait. I watched the drama version with Hu Ge and it was amazing! The plot was absolutely beautiful, but emotional to watch. It’s devastating to know that you have six brothers, but only one came back to succeed his father. I don’t know how they’re going to fit everything into one movie and still touch the audience.

  6. It seems that the role of Zai in Yang Movie is very tough and challenging,another breakthrough on Zai’s career,I think Dir. Zhu is right 2012 will be CHOU YU MIN’s year but for me Zai, every year is your year.God Bless You always,we’re here to support you all the way.

  7. I actually love the Chinese series that they did for the 7 yang brothers. Which Chinese actor Alec Su and Korean actress Chae Rim played in. I try looking for the DVD with English sub but they don’t have it . (T^T)

  8. oh dang! This movie is going to cost loads of $$$ for all 7 of the stars!! but I can’t wait!! Plenty of eye candy!!

  9. I hope this series is as good as the one Hu Ge, Liu Shi Shi, Peter Ho was. That was so bittersweet but so good so I couldn’t hate it for the ending.

  10. Oh! Koala I could also feel what your felt knowing our ZZ is 4th son. There!s really that drama god who really loved us. I can foresee how the Junkies at AF would cry with so much joy too. I love you Koala. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

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