
Black & White Episode 5 Recap — 11 Comments

  1. Now that is the OTP I have been waiting for! Ever since she flipped him over the car. Then he ties her up? (she bites) And then she shoots him? LOL! Also he packs her out of the subway on his back? Shipping these two like nobodies business. Whats not to love?

  2. At this point, I could really care less which guy ends up with which girl. I just want Pi Zi and Ying Xiong to continue giving me awesome bromance moments to my fangirly heart’s content. Seriously, the chemistry between their characters is insanely awesome.

    Narratively this episode was awesome. One thing I think B&W does really well is set up a fairly realistic progression of events, so that (like you said about kdramas) we’re not seeing everything coming from a mile away because of foreshadowing. But at the same time, neither are things dropped on us out of thin air – some of the clues are there, but they’re slipped into the flow of the characters’ interactions, so when something happens, you’re like, “Oh, that’s what that was about!” That’s my favorite kind of storytelling.

  3. started watching this because of your recaps and i have to say i’m seriously loving it ๐Ÿ™‚ love the chemistry, love the hints about Pi Zi backstory (i just hope it makes sense in the end), love the bromance
    thank you for the recaps and introducing me to this drama ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’ve watch B&W three times, and I’m watching it again after reading your recaps:) Dammmnnn, I’ll never get bored of the OTP and the bromance between Pi Zi and Ying Xiong. To me, B&W is one of the best Taiwanese drama I’ve watched ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Alright. I am hooked. How else would it be with these awesome recaps of yours, Mrs Koala?

    Having a few theories of my own according to hints here and there plus your “Thoughts of mine” and looking so much forward for moar. So far, the visitors of the playground having already seen B&W are quite well-behaved because they haven’t spoiled [much], and I wish this respectful attitude to last, so as for us “newbies” to enjoy it to tidbits. Thanks.

  6. So it’s OTP musical chairs now? With the way the bromance is going, we only need both female leads to hook up and we’ll be able to link all sides of the love ‘square’. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. What a great episode!!!!! I really love the intelligent “hints” on a drama; specially when these hints help us to understand a character… Not everything is Black or White… We live on a gray-scale level: Pi Zi and Ying Xiong are going to discover this fact. I love this show!!!! Thank you, Mrs Koala…

  8. another awesome recap! thank you, ockoala! the revelation about pi zi’s dark past totally blew me away when i first watched it. also, the kiss scene at the end :DD
    for those of us in the playground who live in the stateside, a chinese broadcasting station, NTDTV, is airing B&W right now!!! from 6 to 7pm every weekday (no english subs, though, sorry!). below is the link to their broadcasting schedule in the U.S. (they are on both cable and free-to-air):
    you can now re-live the awesomeness of B&W right in the comfort of your TV set!

  9. I did a Google search for recaps not expecting to find anything at all, given that much time has passed. Thanks for your hard work in recapping! The drama may be over but it lives on forever ๐Ÿ™‚

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