Categories: Recaps

Protect the Boss Episode 6 Recap

Protect the Boss rewards those with faith in their dramas, who ask not for immediate gratification or instantaneous exposition. This is a drama where the viewer isn’t straining to figure out what is going to happen, yet remains curious about situations that are clearly presented but not so easy to immediately ascertain it entire purpose. I really appreciate that.

It’s been a long time since I’ve watched a rom-com not rely on any gags or typical plot crutches, instead really driving the plot through meaningful character interactions. While neither set of OTPs make me dying to see them finally get together, because this drama doesn’t thrive on grandiose passion, it instead makes me savor their every moment and linger in their every look.

Episode 6 recap:

Kiss #1 – between Na Yoon and Moo Won – ends when Na Yoon regains her senses and pushes Moo Won away. Na Yoon says she won’t make the same mistake again. She won’t go to Moo Won, at least not right now. Moo Won’s eyes are red-rimmed as he listens to this.

Kiss #2 – between Eun Seol and Ji Heon – ends naturally as Ji Heon pulls away. They look at each other in silence, until a ringing phone startles both of them.

Eun Seol immediately jumps up and strikes a “I’m gonna beat your ass” pose, while Ji Heon gets on his knees and rubs his hands together, apologizing profusely to Eun Seol that he did wrong.

Both of them awkwardly sit down on the sofa. Eun Seol says she’s someone who will forgive if the other person is genuinely repentant, so she will forgive Ji Heon today. He accepts her forgiveness. Ji Heon touches his heart and ask Eun Seol to touch his wrist and hear how fast his heart is beating. He tells her that his heart is beating fast not because of his phobia, but because of No Eun Seol.

He grabs her hand and touches her wrist, pleased to confirm that Eun Seol’s heart is beating faster than normal as well. She gets pissed and twists his arm back, asking how a normal human being who just got kissed wouldn’t have that sort of reaction. She’s angry and shocked, so her heart is beating faster. Ji Heon asks her to just be honest with herself, but she refuses to consider that.

Eun Seol warns him that kissing someone without their permission is like what the pervert did to her on the bus. Ji Heon accepts half of that analogy, but reveals that he normally hates kissing. In fact, he’s lived as clean a life as a monk. So for him to do what he just did, it’s only being the other person is No Eun Seol. Ji Heon smiles and says that’s all. So don’t lump him in with perverts. She says fine.

Ji Heon rubs his arm and tells Eun Seol it still hurts. The Chairman walks up to Ji Heon’s room and hears through the door Ji Heon warning Eun Seol not to get physical with him anymore. His dad loves to beat him up, but doesn’t allow anyone else to touch Ji Heon. The Chairman rushes inside and asks if Eun Seol just beat up Ji Heon right now.

Ji Heon says he didn’t get hit today, Eun Seol just scolded him so Ji Heon was exaggerating. Eun Seol confirms the only time she hit Ji Heon was when he wanted to give up the presentation. The Chairman says fine with that beating, and berates Ji Heon for being such a loser that he gets beaten up by his secretary.

Ji Heon says he gets beaten at home which is why he gets beaten when he goes outside. Eun Seol jumps between them to defuse the situation. The Chairman suddenly asks Eun Seol to perhaps not scold Ji Heon. His Ji Heon is a human being after all. Ji Heon says he’s perfectly fine with being scolded.

Ji Heon walks Eun Seol out, both of them carrying stacks of books. Eun Seol agrees to drive the car home since it’s so late. Ji Heon knocks on the window, telling Eun Seol not to drive so fast late at night, or drive too slow. He watches her car pull away with a smile. Which is when he feels a dangerous presence approach.

It’s Grandma, who grabs Ji Heon by the ear and drags him inside. Grandma asks why he would take her car, and give it to someone who doesn’t even want to drive that car. Ji Heon says he took the smallest car. Grandma says that it’s her favorite car – she likes the color red and it’s small so she doesn’t feel embarrassed to drive it out at her age. She thought long and hard before settling on that car.

Ji Heon tries to placate Grandma but she’s not having it. She confirms that the missing shoe incident was also courtesy of Ji Heon. She can’t believe what the world has come to – her shoes, her car, all taken from her by her grandson to give to a woman. She demands to know if Ji Heon likes his secretary.

Ji Heon asks his Grandma how she figured that out! Grandma reminds him that he’s her grandson, of course she knows. Too bad he’s the heir to the DN Group, so his marriage is not for him to decide, it’s for the entire DN Group to decide. As for Eun Seol, she’s a healthy and spirited young woman, so Ji Heon shouldn’t go bother her because he can’t be with her. That’s not right to Eun Seol.

Ji Heon says no, he wants to bother her. In fact, he wants to spend his entire life bothering only No Eun Seol. Oh god, I love this boy and how deathly open he is about his feelings. He tells Grandma that’s what he wants.

Grandma finds her son watching dramas in the living room, chiding him for watching so late. He says he worked so hard all day, this is his reward. Grandma asks about Ji Heon’s marital prospects, and the Chairman mentions he saw Na Yoon today. Even though he doesn’t much like it, no one can match up to Na Yoon’s background.

Grandma says Ji Heon doesn’t like Na Yoon. The Chairman doesn’t believe that – other than Na Yoon, Ji Heon doesn’t know any other girls. He’s just holding a grudge against Na Yoon for the time being is all. Grandma says her son is sure dense, while the Chairman claims that he’s the most perceptive person in the world. HAHAHAHA.

Grandma asks how the successor training is coming. The Chairman replies that it’s best to quickly have Ji Heon marry Na Yoon, because her mother owns a huge chunk of DN Group stock, and he knows Seok Hee (Moo Won’s mom) is trying to woo her support as well. Grandma asks what if Ji Heon married an ordinary girl from a normal family? The Chairman says that’s ludicrous, but wonders if his mom knows something. Grandma tells him to get some sleep.

Moo Won drives and thinks back to his conversation with Na Yoon in the car. Na Yoon wants Ji Heon because she wants to have a choice, and she wants a man who likes her without any strings attached. She knows Ji Heon is that kind of person (without any ulterior motives), which is why she wants him.

She is very grateful for Moo Won’s feelings, but it’s not enough. Moo Won tells her to go to Ji Heon, to do her best then. Na Yoon tells him not to talk like this is the end between then. If it doesn’t work out with Ji Heon, she knows Moo Won will still take her back, because she has what he needs. I see Na Yoon saying this not to be bitchy or superior about it, but very sad and matter-of-fact.

Moo Won tells her to try then. She’ll fail as quickly as he has failed. Then they’ll see if he will take her back. Na Yoon pouts that he appears to be setting the stage for her grand failure. Moo Won drives while still deep in thought.

Eun Seol is at work thinking about the symptoms of Ji Heon’s phobia – he’s afraid of huge public places or when there are a lot of people around. But it’s not something that will flare up every time, but he does feel fear and want to escape. Eun Seol asks Ji Heon if something traumatic happened to him in the past. He doesn’t answer, but teases that if Eun Seol accepted his heart, it’ll cause a big impact to his psyche for sure.

Eun Seol stops thinking about it, reminding herself that her goal is to become a full time employee and increase her salary. But Eun Seol can’t help up think about the kiss earlier. Moo Won finds her diligently reading at the office and repeating her mantra. He knocks to get her attention, asking if she’ll have a late night snack with him because he doesn’t want to go home and doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

They go have some ramyun. Eun Seol happily says ramyun tastes the best after drinking. Moo Won asks if she wants to drink, but quickly amends it to say he doesn’t want to drink. After last night, it was too embarrassing for him. Eun Seol laughs and says he was quite cute actually. Moo Won thinks this is the first time someone called him cute, usually it’s “oh, so handsome!”

Eun Seol suddenly notices that Moo Won’s makeup is…..but doesn’t finish her sentence. Moo Won thinks it’s something Ji Heon told her. He explains that BB cream is good for public events and what not. Eun Seol asks if he wears BB cream, and Moo Won says….that he doesn’t wear any.

What Eun Seol was really trying to point out was the kiss smudge still around his cheek. When Moo Won tries to explain, she says it doesn’t matter, it’s his own personal life. She’s got a complicated personal life lately as well. They sit and eat their ramyun.

Ji Heon lies in bed and thinks back to when he was a child and was lost at a park, where people stream past him as he cries. Ji Heon starts to have a panic attack in his room. He looks at his Eun Seol cut out and calms down again. He calls her to ask if she got home, driving not too fast or not too slow. She says yes, and he tells her to at least send him a text letting him know.

Suddenly he hears background noise, and then Moo Won’s voice. He starts screaming about where she is and why she’s with Moo Won. He takes the phone from her and tells Ji Heon that he has two meals with Eun Seol after Ji Heon interrupted them last time. This is their second meal, but he welcomes Ji Heon to come interrupt, which will net him four meals with Eun Seol. Ji Heon is pissed but tells him to go ahead and eat, warning Moo Won this is the last meal he gets with Eun Seol.

Moo Won hangs up the phone, asking Eun Seol whether she’s close with Ji Heon? They walk outside and Moo Won explains that today it wasn’t his mom that upset him. He asks why Eun Seol isn’t asking to kick that person’s butt on his behalf? Eun Seol laughs that she almost offered to beat up Moo Won’s mom last time.

Moo Won says that he got his heart broken today. He wishes Eun Seol can beat up that person for him, as a comfort to him. Eun Seol asks who would dare break Moo Won’s heart, asking if he wants her to beat up Ice-cream Girl?

Moo Won is surprised she knew it was Na Yoon. Eun Seol says she may not know a lot, but surprisingly she knows thing she shouldn’t know about. Eun Seol asks if this time she should purposely kick a can right into Na Yoon’s face? Moo Won says yes, go ahead and do it. Eun Seol asks if he’s serious, and he says yes. They both laugh.

Moo Won comes home to a nagging mom, who wants to know if he was with Na Yoon. His mom looks like she wants to discuss something so Moo Won preemptively tells her that Eun Seol is the spy he installed next to Ji Heon. So he doesn’t have any personal relationship with her, and nor does Ji Heon. Moo Won tells his mom to let Na Yoon’s mom know this.

Moo Won’s mom thinks back to earlier, when she got an update from the director, who reveals that during the resignation letter incident with Eun Seol, both Cha cousins stood up on her behalf. The director’s sixth sense tells him that Eun Seol is someone of interest to both guys. Back to this present, Moo Won’s mom pretends that she totally bought Moo Won’s excuse. Moo Won’s mom tells him that something exciting will happen soon that will cause the company stock to plummet, so Moo Won needs to get money ready to scoop up more shares.

Eun Seol arrives to pick up a very disgruntled Ji Heon the next morning, who confesses he had a horrible sleepless night. Because of Eun Seol, yesterday he wanted to go to sleep with a flutter of happiness in his heart. Who knew that instead, Eun Seol would dump a pile of poo on his head by hanging out with Moo Won. Eun Seol sighs.

The Chairman walks through the office lobby and runs into Ji Heon and Eun Seol. He compliments Ji Heon on arriving at work on time, but Ji Heon is totally mopey and silent. Eun Seol answers for him and promises to work hard. Ji Heon runs ahead of everyone and gets into the elevator alone, leaving his dad and Eun Seol out of that elevator. Eun Seol makes the excuse that Ji Heon is stressed.

Eun Seol gives Ji Heon his schedule for the day and explains his training involves language lessons. Ji Heon decides to show off his English, explaining he mastered it already and can’t believe Eun Seol wants him to study languages now. “English? What? Ah ha! You gotta be kidding me!”

Eun Seol asks him to repeat what he just said. Ji Heon says Eun Seol’s specialty is betraying her boss by constantly meeting with Cha Moo Won, he’s embarrassed that she went to college for six years and this is all she learned. Eun Seol says she understood most of what he said, and explains she didn’t go to college for six years, she had to stop midway because she couldn’t afford the tuition.

Ji Heon feels bad about what he said and is about to apologize, but Eun Seol just tells him to be prepared this weekend for what she has planned. As Eun Seol walks out, she mutters that Ji Heon’s English pronunciation is the same as her, i.e. they both speak Engrish. Eun Seol walks out and hears Moo Won’s secretary on the phone speaking perfect English. She asks for a favor.

Ji Heon runs into Moo Won and warns the latter not to bother Eun Seol again. Moo Won says no. Ji Heon says Eun Seol is special to him. Moo Won asks if Eun Seol feels the same way as well? Ji Heon says she will soon, because he plans to transform himself into super cool Ji Heon, whether at work or as a man. Moo Won scoffs and says not bloody likely.

During a meeting, Ji Heon starts nodding off in the middle (since he didn’t sleep last night). Moo Won and the Chairman both notice, with the latter trying to speak louder to wake Ji Heon up surreptitiously. Ha, love him as a daddy.

The boys walk out of the meeting, running into Eun Seol who asks how the meeting went. Moo Won says fine for him, but Ji Heon didn’t hear a thing because he fell asleep. Eun Seol worriedly asks what happened and Ji Heon blames her since she caused his sleepless night. The Chairman comes out and yells at Eun Seol to hurry up and go clean. Eun Seol repeats her mantra.

Eun Seol signs up to work as a volunteer at a public speaking workshop, where she listens to the lessons being taught on how to overcome fear. Moo Won meets with his secretary at work, who reveals that Eun Seol asked if the company has lessons for employees to learn a foreign language.

The Chairman is told about some internal issues within the company, and he vows to clean everything up before handing the company over to Ji Heon. His secretary says this will also be a blow to Cha Moo Won as well.

Moo Won’s mom meet with Na Yoon’s mom and reveals that the pervert who Ji Heon beat up actually works at one of Na Yoon’s mom’s companies. She wants the incident made public to embarrass Ji Heon. Moo Won’s mom says Ji Heon won’t marry Na Yoon no matter what, so Na Yoon’s mom has to side with her Moo Won.

Eun Seol is setting up for a management meeting and the Chairman asks if Ji Heon is presenting via video conference again. She says yes, and tells the Chairman that Ji Heon is not prepared to present in person yet. Moo Won starts presenting first, and his project is about internal employee training and increasing talent within the company, which is the exact same presentation Ji Heon has prepared. Ji Heon starts his presentation and says he agrees with what Moo Won just presented. Ji Heon’s ideas for the theme park is getting good feedback, and Moo Won’s mom compliments him.

Later the Chairman asks what’s gotten into her, and she says she’s just complimenting because Ji Heon did well. She asks if he will have his 25th anniversary party at her hotel, and wants to make it a big lavish shindig. The Chairman thanks her for her offer.

Na Yoon’s mom tells Na Yoon that Moo Won’s mom is planning to reveal the Ji Heon violence incident at his dad’s 25th anniversary party. Na Yoon doesn’t want this to happen. Her mom tells her that Ji Heon has another woman already. Na Yoon says she’s already made it clear to Moo Won. Her mom tells her to emulate Hollywood celebs and just date around and enjoy herself instead of being so hung up on Ji Heon. Na Yoon doesn’t care, she just wants her mom to stop Moo Won’s mom from revealing the incident.

Eun Seol thanks Ji Heon, for thinking up that proposal so that she can learn English, but too bad it coincided with Moo Won’s presentation. Ji Heon says Moo Won stole his idea. Suddenly Na Yoon calls and Ji Heon tells Eun Seol not to misunderstand, but Eun Seol makes him answer the phone. They meet and Na Yoon explains she’s here to do Ji Heon a favor so he needs to stop treating her so poorly.

Ji Heon reminds Na Yoon that she was the one who left him. She concedes that, but reminds him how passive he’s always been towards her when they grew up. She’s always the one making the first move. He agrees, which is why he’s making a concerted effort now to change and be more forward. Na Yoon asks if he’s discussing “that woman” with her right now?

Ji Heon apologizes, but he’s not going back to her. Na Yoon says Eun Seol is not interested in Ji Heon, she met face-to-face with her and Eun Seol confirmed that. Ji Heon laughs that his Eun Seol is pretty cool. If it was him, he’d immediately reveal that he met with Na Yoon. Ji Heon hopes this is the last time they have this discussion. He doesn’t want to keep hurting her.

Na Yoon says Eun Seol isn’t good enough for Ji Heon, to which he says that other than having more money and a better education, he’s not much of a catch either. Na Yoon asks if he wants to date Eun Seol, and Ji Heon happily nods and says that is what he plans on doing. Na Yoon walks out and calls Eun Seol.

Na Yoon demands to know why Eun Seol reneged on her promise not to meet with Ji Heon outside of work. Eun Seol apologizes but says she has a valid reason, one which she can’t share. Na Yoon says she has a right to know. Eun Seol apologizes but she can’t explain any further. Na Yoon tries to slap Eun Seol who easily grabs her hand.

Na Yoon says she’s been taking self-defense and twists Eun Seol’s arm behind her back. Eun Seol easily turns it around and bends Na Yoon’s arm backwards. Eun Seol tells Na Yoon to deal with it directly with Ji Heon and stop getting her involved. Moo Won comes out and sees this. Eun Seol releases Na Yoon and walks away.

Na Yoon asks why Moo Won didn’t help and just watch her being abused. Moo Won tells her to be like him, and walk away with her head held high after being rejected. Na Yoon can’t believe Ji Heon would do this to her, since she came to help him. She was planning to stop the media, but now she’ll let it get revealed, so that Ji Heon will come back to her. Moo Won asks “the media?”

Ji Heon finds Eun Seol and asks if she’s jealous he met with Na Yoon. Eun Seol says she doesn’t get jealous, but demands Ji Heon stop that woman from summoning her. Ji Heon starts chirping out loud that he likes No Eun Seol. She tries to make him be quiet, but he grabs her shoulder and says he won’t make the same mistake twice. This time he will be proactive, and keep telling her how he feels.

They keep walking, and Ji Heon continues his charm attack. He says objectively speaking he’s not sure, but subjectively speaking Eun Seol sure is pretty. She gets goosebumps from his words and warns him to cut it out. Turns out the director overhead this. And Moo Won sees him, and asks the director if he’s planning to report this to his mom now.

Moo Won sits in his office and thinks back to what Na Yoon said – to reveal Ji Heon’s two violence incidents, which will mean Ji Heon’s reputation will get shredded for the foreseeable future. Moo Won calls Eun Seol over and offers to transfer her to a better job in the company. She declines, wanting to see her first job to its rightful conclusion.

Eun Seol asks if she can keep this offer, and if one day she needs to accept it, can she still do it? Moo Won says that was what he was going to offer. She thanks him for being such a supportive boss. Moo Won asks her if next time she’ll still go out and play with him, like they did before. She smiles and says of course.

Grandma talks with the dog, apologizing for accusing him of being the shoe thief. She asks the dog if perhaps she ought to come clean and reveal she’s really Ji Heon’s grandmother. Grandma stands up and the heat makes her wobble. Eun Seol arrives and forcibly puts Grandma on her back and piggybacks her into the house.

Eun Seol puts Grandma on the sofe while the maid gets some water. Ji Heon comes running down asking if granny is okay. Eun Seol chides him for making the family help work outside in such hot weather at her old age. Ji Heon plays along while Grandma makes faces at him to not reveal her true identity.

Suddenly the Chairman walks out and asks his mom what’s going on. Grandma covers her face with her hands and Eun Seol asks if this person is really his mother? The Chairman makes the introduction – Eun Seol’s secretary – his mom. Grandma sits up reluctantly while Eun Seol apologizes, though she thinks Grandma was also in the wrong. The Chairman asks if his mom did something wrong to Eun Seol? Ji Heon calls Eun Seol away while Grandma gets pissed at her son.

The Chairman orders an internal audit investigation to begin in an effort to clean up the company. Moo Won’s mom is preparing for the story to go live and make it as sensationalized as possible. Moo Won overhears this, especially the part about making sure the secretary’s involvement is mentioned.

Eun Seol drags Ji Heon out jogging. He complains that jogging makes him feel like he’s having an attack. Eun Seol shows him that her heart is as beating as fast as his after the jog, and she has no phobia. So people’s hearts naturally beat fast when doing certain activities. Suddenly she realizes his heart beat went up, and he says it’s because they are having skinship right now (touching each other’s wrist). Eun Seol quickly releases him and keeps jogging.

Eun Seol makes Ji Heon put on sunglasses and start singing and performing loudly at the park. People start to congregate to watch him sing and dance, while she peeks at him from behind a tree. Then she hands him the presentation which he failed to give and tells him to read it in public now. Folks start to disperse and Ji Heon has an attack and says he can’t continue. She tells him that he did well.

Moo Won sits and thinks about the upcoming scandal and how it will involve Eun Seol. The Chairman’s secretary rushes to deliver to him the upcoming news with Ji Heon’s violence incident.

Ji Heon drives Eun Seol home and says he was really touched today. And he wants to work harder. Eun Seol tells him to remember that subjectively she’s not pretty or cute or any of that. Ji Heon says objectively or subjectively, she’s a pretty special girl.

Moo Won watches Ji Heon drive off and then he goes to speak with Eun Seol. Moo Won says he’s not as wonderful as Eun Seol thinks, which is when suddenly the phone rings. Eun Seol is excited and says she’s headed over there right now. She goes to the police station where we discover that Myung Ran has found the same pervert in action again and dragged him to the cops.

The police want to reward Myung Ran for catching three perps for them now. Moo Won sits in the police station and waits for her. Eun Seol introduces them, and Myung Ran asks if he is Moo Won God?

The Chairman meets with Moo Won’s mom and asks her to cancel the news. She asks him to cancel his anniversary celebration. They both agree. The Chairman ends up giving his anniversary speech to a gymnasium filled with bored kids as part of his community service that day. Later he puts on a costume and performs on stage for the kids afterwards. I can’t get enough of the Chairman’s community service antics.

The news reports that the Chairman cancelled his anniversary celebration and ended up spending the day doing community service. This garners him great press. Grandma also applauds what he did, but the Chairman honestly confesses this was because of Seok Hee. Ji Heon pops up and tells his dad to just make it up by having an even more lavish 30th anniversary celebration.The Chairman yells at Ji Heon for being the cause of this yet again.

Moo Won chides his mom for orchestrating this incident. He reveals that Eun Seol has confirmed that the pervert really was groping women, so if the news came out, it would only make his mom look bad (and make it seem like Ji Heon was heroic for hitting that pervert). His mom asks why Moo Won is taking Eun Seol’s side, is it because she’s in his heart. Moo Won says that the only thing he knows for certain is that he feels shame, and he learned it from that woman.

Na Yoon and her mom read the newspaper and wonder why there is no news about Ji Heon beating the pervert up. Eun Seol gets a call and goes to meet Na Yoon’s mom.

Eun Seol asks why Na Yoon’s mom is treating her this way – she is neither Moo Won nor Ji Heon’s mom. Moo Won’s mom sits down with her, and Eun Seol tells her that she seriously does not want to get involved with a second generation chaebol son and be controlled by them.

Finally Eun Seol sits down with Grandma, and poor Eun Seol wonders if even Grandma wants to call her out to look down on her. Grandma asks what’s gotten into her, because Grandma called Eun Seol out to apologize for misleading her in the past. Eun Seol sighs and reveals to Grandma that both Na Yoon’s mom and Moo Won’s mom separately called her out to meet not 20 and 40 minutes ago.

Grandma goes home and wonders why Seok Hee wants to meet Eun Seol? Then she realizes it’s because of Moo Won! Grandma goes “oh no, not both grandsons at the same time!” Oh yes, Grandma, your grandsons are going to to battle for love now.

Eun Seol calls Moo Won out to meet with her. Ji Heon asks the other secretaries where Eun Seol went? He asks if Moo Won is in, and is told Moo Won left after getting a call from Eun Seol. Ji Heon starts running around searching for where they could be meeting.

Eun Seol reveals that both moms seem to be under a mistaken assumption. Moo Won asks Eun Seol “what if it’s not a mistaken assumption?” Ji Heon finds them right then and looks at them from outside the window. Moo Won says Eun Seol thinks of him as Moo Won God, right? What if he wants her to lower him down to a human state.

He wants to simply be a man, a man who can get closer to Eun Seol. Her eyes widen as she absorbs the enormity of what he just said. Ji Heon looks at them with hurt in his eyes.

Thoughts of Mine:

Moo Won, Moo Won, Moo Won, as of right now, you just leapfrogged over every single character in the drama in that last scene alone in making me insanely curious as to what the hell is going on in your head and in your heart. While Ji Heon is a one-track mind and one-woman heart, Moo Won appears to genuinely having feelings of different degrees for two woman. I love this development, having Moo Won pursue Eun Seol because he wants to, not for any ulterior purpose.

No, I don’t think at all him liking Eun Seol is to compete with Ji Heon or to get back at Na Yoon. I think Moo Won is an insanely complicated person, and someone who likely confuses himself with the extent of his own issues. Which is why Na Yoon doesn’t want him (for now), sensibly finding Ji Heon a safer bet.

In Chinese, we would call Moo Won a person who has very dark depths (城府很深). Sometimes it has a negative connotation, but mostly means this person is very calculating. I see Moo Won as having that capacity, and almost trying to fight against it now. Because of Eun Seol. She is changing him, just like she is changing Ji Heon. Both Cha boys are finding their deeply rooted personalities fundamentally shifting because of her presence in their lives.

How amazing is this cousin fight for Eun Seol going to be? I don’t know how deeply Moo Won will fall for Eun Seol before conceding her to Ji Heon, but his pursuit of Eun Seol appears predicated on him going with how he feels for once in his life. No, I don’t think he’s pursuing Eun Seol to get her out of Ji Heon’s life so that Na Yoon can win Ji Heon.

This complicated four square doesn’t have a single easy answer at all. None of the four behave in ways that I have ever seen in a K-drama, going instead on being completely forthright with each other. I’m just bowled over by how amazing this drama has turned out to be. Now that Moo Won’s thrown his hat in the Eun Seol ring (for now), I can’t wait to see how even more complicated Eun Seol’s life is going to get.


View Comments

  • YAY!!! I think i'm going to be late again to office coz I want to read ur recap, oh...whatever, I don't care, thanks Ms. Koala!!! Luv ya!

  • Yeah!! How fun is this situation! Love that both boys are falling for the girl with such a sweet heart!

  • Ah Thanks for the re-cap! ^O^
    I think Moowon is a very complicated person indeed.
    I think he does like Nayoon, but Eunseol is slowly, but surely getting to him. Probably the main reason why he first liked Nayoon in the first place was because of the cousin rivalry. Now that Eunseol popped up into his life, he starts to question everything.
    Aaaah I love dissecting Moowon's character, it's so fun ;)
    I hope Eunseol's character becomes a revelation in the drama world for more kickass female leading ladies ;) I'm tired of damsel in distress'.

  • i love both guys...huhuhu.. but i know in the end eun sol will end up with ji heon for sure. Poor Moo woo. I hope he's not hurting too much

  • I called moo won a 4d man!but he’s not least he just want to earn something with his own effort..curious of what happend in the past before na yong leaves..this drama enjoyable and no wonder they become no.1 in the rating.That last look,the sad look on ji hyeon,hmm wonder what will he do,go balastic and confront them,go moping and being brat,go moping and determind to get eun sol even more?oh damn no preview for next week.

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