
Man of Honor Episode 3 Recap — 32 Comments

  1. oh my gosh!!! i so agree with you here:

    “What I love about the OTP in this drama is how normal and sane they both are, and they way they talk to each other is so candid and sincere. While it made me happy to see Young Kwang interested in Jae In so early in the game, that stupid fauxcest misunderstanding has to arise for him to put her in the “not available” category. I’m already craving more and more cute moments between them, so this is just going to drive me insane with want.”

    at first i looked at the title and saw “Man of Honor” and thought hmmm, it sounds boring but it’s actually good because of PMY and CJM pairing…made me forgot about lee min ho and PMY lol

  2. Thanks for the recap. I’m enjoying this drama also. More than I thought I would actually. There’s something very charming about it, whether it’s the magical-homeless-fairy-godfather element or the cuteness that is our OTP, it just strikes a chord with me. I love YK and JI separately, but together, I adore them x2!

  3. Ehm.

    Yeong Gwang is terribly intense and cute. Okay..add that to my Wed/ Thur addiction.Oh no how did I got from a rom com person to following this and OB+ATK.

    Where are the light and fluffy dramas?
    Thank you very much for the recap.Love your screencaps. Oh my the looks the OTP are giving each other.Squeal 🙂 some more.

  4. thanks for the recap ockoala, me too after reading your recap makes me crave for more episode of MOH.. and craving for PMY and CJM ship..

  5. thanks for the recap!! Im curious bout the letter!! hehe
    i saw some similar scenes in CS. nyaha train station. soo Ki Hoon. Im glad that PMY is not too exaggerated on her acting in this episode, compared to ep 2. I hope it will stay like this. I was able to stand her. And will re-watch ep 3 over and over again!! 😛

    • If I use an acronym in any of my posts, the definition will be in the glossary section under the page links at the top of the page.

  6. Okay you sold me. I am not a particular fan of fauxcest but I love the whole “wanting but can’t have) thing. I like lots of longing looks. Yipee!

    But really, another drama?!? Someone kill me.

  7. Thanks so much sis! Tho i understand the reason why YK’s dad can’t reveal yet about Jae In, I just hate the way she was treated at YK’s home. Oh the regret YK’s mom will feel when she knows who Jae In is and how her husband wronged her. Cant’ wait for that day.

    On a side note, i think this drama would just have been perfect with the 16-ep considering how the pacing is unfolding things now. If this goes to continue, i believe we will have some dragging plot devices mid-drama, which i really hope would not come.

  8. Good Evening Captain ! 😀

    Thank you for this latest episode recap. I too am getting more excited for the upcoming episodes thanks to your very entertaining recaps. I can’t wait for Jae In’s true identity to be revealed and In Woo’s dad to be caught and punished for his evildoings. Thanks again! 😀

  9. Gamsahapmida………….. your recap is more detailed than the first one I read. It seems another hindrance for Jae In, finding the truth about her family will happen in Episode 4. sigh

  10. Pls amend the title of the drama.
    The official name is now Glory Jane Instead.
    Not Man of Honor or Glorious Jane.

    Thanks for your Ep3 recap!
    It is very detailed and well-written.

    • I happen to prefer Man of Honor to Glory Jane, even if Glory Jane is the official English title. (I think most English titles are stupid, but that’s beside the point.) Besides, it’s Koala’s blog and she can do what she likes on it. 😛

    • Hi thhui18

      I’m not going to change it, for various reasons. First is that I can call this recap Sir-Munch-A-Lot Episode 3 Recap if I want. And write gibberish all over it. But I won’t do that. 😉

      Secondly, the name Glory Jane is stupid on multiple levels. It just sounds stupid and randomly patriotic. It reminds me of that stupid Demi Moore movie G.I. Jane. And it offends the word nazi in me.

      Glory is the meaning of Young Kwang’s name, whereas Jane is simply the pronounciation of Jae In’s name. WTF! Either go Glory Man (man definition the definition of Jae In’s name) or Youngkwang Jane (the pronounciation of both their names).

      My point it, either phonetic or definition based. Mixing the two is a horrific naming device. So Glory Jane annoys me and I am not using it.

      Also, many dramas have multiple tities. Mary Stayed Out All Night’s official English title is Marry Me, Mary! yet most sites continue to use MSOAN regardless. It’s not a big deal.

      Same with The Woman Who Still Wants to Get Married, which had the official English title as Still Marry Me, but everyone calls it the long-ass title anyways.

      • Agree with you, Koala, and am adding
        that my life will remain incomplete until I can read:
        Sir-Munch-A-Lot Episode 3 Recap especially if you write gibberish all over it.

  11. Thank you so much ockoala unni! Finally! Was so busy the whole day! This is a very nice treat for me! I haven’t even watched the 2nd ep. Really couldn’t believe myself. This is so nice. I love the last part of this episode. Hand-grabbing this early on!



    That aside, PMY’s really bringing it, isn’t she? I didn’t have a horribly high opinion of her prior to this (I didn’t dislike her, but she’s never wowed me), but the scene where she’s eating dinner with her “family”.. That was beautiful.

    • This is the first PMY character and role I am in love with. The table scene was exquisite on her part. When she took a bite of food, she officially won my heart.

  13. Such a great honor can read Man of Honor Korean drama recap for understand this story. I just watch Raw plus read your recap made feel bonus and understand the story more. Thanks.

  14. What an excellent drama… Im loving In Woo so far, i prefer my kdrama characters with a lot of issues and stuff going on around… and with a creepy father♥♥♥♥! hehehe

  15. im just done w ep. 3, Young Kwang’s mom & Jae-in makes a formidable pair…

    thanks to how this drama’s written so far, i finally like CJM – i endured CS for my fav ahjussi & MGY, even Seo Woo, sadly he doesn’t even ping my radar..

    here his character’s so alive, animated, like a normal person (as normal as person in k-dramaland can be).

    on fauxest – i hope the next few ep will reveal the truth, YK would know for sure that JI is not related to her, she’s THE Yoon Jae-in. i’m kinda torn with IW – poor boy w crazy father, umm his hair is bothering me somewhat

  16. Thanks for the recap!
    Still catching up so I am missing the fresh discussions…
    I did love the mother/Jae-in ass-kicking! Liked how these two tuf and stubborn turned into formidable opponents with a flip of an announcement of illegitimate birth. This will be the couple to watch during the series. A “wojance” if you will — fighting and uniting against a common enemy, then fighting each other again. (WBDS, for example).
    The passion and courage they show makes me happy happy happy!

    I have never been able to understand the dynamics of fauxcest victims. So much is unspoken…Using “kiss” as my action verb… YK meets Jae-in. He contemplates her as a kissing partner….She sorta likes him…YK finds out Jae-in is his sister…I would think the thought of kissing her gets driven quickly out of his head, and just as quickly out of his body, no? Like, eeeeeeeeewwww! Am I supposed to think that he is still attracted? Is that how brains work?

    Anyway, the crying gets to be a little much, but I understand how those seconds on screen add up to minutes on screen and less plot/dialog they have to create, so I will tolerate.

    I like like like! So far, I haven’t had to wait for subs. Starting today, I do.

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