
Kang Ji Hwan Holds Fan Meeting in Japan — 22 Comments

  1. Good to see him back. As always, Ji Hwan is more of an actor than a celebrity and I like that he still keep in touch with his junior, Jang Geun Suk. Such a nice guy he is. Why YEH is no where in sighting???

  2. thanks Mrs. K for this news.

    Yeah, I also love that he can manage his time to go to JGS’s event.

    hahha…..yeah, he’s probably taller than everyone and even with the hat & sunglasses, he’s still recognizable.

  3. I haven’t heard news of Kang Ji Hwan after Lie to Me ended. Glad to know he’s enjoying himself.

    I swear, Jang Geun Suk knows everyone. He’s like the Hero Jaejoong of the drama world.

  4. The fanmeeting looks really fun! And I was so psyched when I saw pictures of him and Park Shin Hye at Jang Geun Seok’s Tokyo Dome show!!!

  5. Thanks for the update Ms K. Like you, I wanted to see FM video stills soon.
    And he had to wear Detective Cha jacket by DCkiss to see the Cri show….whats the point of being low key….
    Why JSK’s show is called CRI?

    • Cri-J is the name of Seok’s fanclub. Cri is short for “critical” in K-slang of English words, and Seok rather uses it completely incorrectly when he loves using cri to emphasize something positive. It’s now his little wink-wink with his fans.

      • Thanks Ms K for the explanation! Now I finally understand it~ hehe, he is so cute by using “critical” incorrectly ! 😉

  6. thank u madam K for all these goodies… i miss this cutie soooo much… oh my ji hwan…to me u are so beautiful…so yummy…. sooo….delicious…hmmmmm

  7. hey koala, I know this has nothing related to kang ji hwan, but i don’t know where else to post this. have you watched flower boy ramyun shop? you mentioned it a few months back, and since then no news. what did you make of it??

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