
Fantastically Colorful New Stills from The Swordsman Showcase Chen Qiao En and Wallace Huo — 14 Comments

  1. I’ve never read the novel and I adore Yu Zheng’s campy irresistible fun, plus am a big Wallace fangirl. So it all screams ‘must have’ to me!

  2. When I was young and didn’t care too much about the story, I watched the ’84 series for Linghu Chong and Yue Ling Shan to be together. and when they weren’t, I couldn’t continue and it broke my heart how she died caring for that husband. ugh 🙁
    I need to watch that adaptation again for Jamie and Yung Fat.

  3. How the heck can Qiao En be Dong Fang Bu Bai? Frankly that’s the one thing that make me feel a little put out from the show. I’ve always seen Dong Fang Bu Bai as some evil, slightly insane megalomaniac, and now they give such as insanely prettily girl who looks more like Ren Lingling than Dong Fang Bu Bai… Unless they’re like, majorly changing the plot.

  4. OMG Qiao En look so pretty here! I wish she was the main girl. That one pic with her and Wallace look so good together.

  5. LOL I can’t believe they picked Chen Qiao En for this character. In fact I haven’t seen any adaptation that sticks with the original re Dong Fang Bu Bai, i.e. a character started off as a very manly ahjussi before transformation. Perhaps the impact of having Brigitte Lin as Dong Fang is toooooo big (and long lasting) …….

    • Yea, Brigitte Lin’s version pops into my head immediately whenever DFBB is mentioned. Chen Qiao En is pretty but DFBB she is not.

  6. You have took the words out of my mouth.CQE in the photos like like the ideal Ren Ying Ying.God YZ is miscasting big time. I don’t feel much for this adaption as much as the others. I feel like CQE is the only one dress correctly for this drama everyone else is too bold for my taste of wuxia.

  7. this looks good. XAJH is my favourite JY series, too bad CQE is dfbb, she doesn’t look … evil enough.

    i hope the acting chops are as good as the pretty faces and costumes. i wonder if they’re gonna make ryy more like the book version or the last cctv version… more OTP screening time would be good- need time to buy in for chemistry time.

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