
Miss Rose Episode 6 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. “Turns out Cheng Kuan’s dad was President Jiang’s long time driver…”

    Haha! I almost read it as President Jang’s long time driver. This is what happens when I read without my glasses on.

    Anyway, nice recap! Looking forward to more. XD

  2. Hi! Thanks for the recap! I haven’t watched TW dramas for a long time, but I’m really enjoying this one.

    I love Si Yi’s dad, LOL.

  3. thanks for the recap. Still want to know why Vivian is willing to be paired up the Roy in the first place, what does she get out of it. But can’t wait until the next episode when the guys meet.

  4. I don’t enjoy the fact that they keep doing that thing where Si Yi 受委屈 and Cheng Kuan steps in to help. I want her to stand up for herself sometimes. Or reverse and have SI Yi save Cheng Kuan.
    And Cheng Kuan’s mom is so annoying. I HATE that she keeps reminding him how indebted they are to Vivian and her dad and how they are so lowly that they should be happy Vivian & Dad even spare them a glance. Under that sort of pressure, no wonder Cheng Kuan is such a bitter melon all the time!

  5. Ms. K
    I started watching Miss Rose do your reviews 🙂 I’m happy to report
    “I Love It”!!
    But I couldn’t help the feeling that it reminded me of another story….. Ohhhh…… “Yo Soy Betty La Fea”!!!
    Beautiful Latin American Soap (Colombian) original
    Love that one too!! Again thank you for info. An avid Drama fan 😉

  6. You know. I just love Cheng Kuan’s friend. He does the smirking so well. Man, that throws a spanner in the spokes with the dad back story. It was so much better when he just wanted to marry into money.
    My favourite scenes this episodes were actually Si Yi with her family. I can’t wait for Sunday night.

  7. More! more ! more! of Si Yi ang Cheng Kuan…
    Nice Recap ^^ Thanks as always you’re the BEST!!!

    I must have that watch…I’m getting excited ’bout what the EX-bf will do…hmmm…>_< very interesting ep next week ^^!

  8. This may just be me because I am not a huge fan of the “I must marry this person even though I have no feelings for him/her” trope (unless the person himself isn’t aware that he has no feelings for the marriage partner…then that’s a journey of self-discovery, not self-imposed torture), but I still don’t understand why Cheng Kuan feels obligated to marry Vivian. Yeah, President Jiang was generous to him and his family, but I don’t see how the logical response to that generosity is “I must marry your bitchy daughter, who I abhor, come hell or high water.” How does that benefit anyone? Why would Vivian want to marry someone who loathes her? Why would the President, who seems like a relatively kind and reasonable person, want his daughter to marry someone who can’t even stand the sight of her? And in what universe is the reasonable reaction to getting a scholarship, “OH, now I am obligated to marry your daughter”?

    In City Hall, I could understand the lead’s internal struggle because he was driven purely by ambition before he met Sun-ah’s character. But what is Cheng Kuan driven by? Duty? Guilt? If that’s the case, though, why doesn’t he treat Vivian better? I dunno, this just seems like a really extreme and unnecessary case of half-hearted noble idiocy, which is by far my least favorite drama trope. Maybe I’m missing something?

    • I think that CK is terrified of letting down the chairman because of his mother’s (repeatedly reminded) gratitude.
      But that was before he had a dog in this fight. He never considered there was an option to the upcoming hell marriage.

      This part of the story reminds me more of the other tango K-drama with KSA, Scent of a Woman, then CH. Where LDW was forced into a loveless, loathing filled match because of business.

  9. Aaaahhh. I have been “dying” for your recap to discuss a few elements and spazz a lot. Unfortunately I am on vacation real far from any computer but thank goodness for my cell that allows me to write these few words. So first of all thanks Mrs Koala. Oh these feelings of accountability and the guilt! CK’s sense of longing for a dad and family! SY’s and CK’s “Is it okay?”! I wish I could develop muh more. 🙁
    I relate to SY’s dilemma with Vivian threat to change her duties as her supervisor – being a secretary myself I have had to deal with this situation although not because my GM had feelings for me.
    So looking forward to Sunday’s ep and anxious to see the ex come into the picture.

  10. I don’t think MR is doing a good job of giving us satisfying “whys”, but all the clues are there and I think it makes sense what is happening.

    1. Cheng Kuan – overachiever, cut throat businessman, by-the-books straitlaced kind of guy – we learn his backstory with dead daddy and President Jiang stepping in as a surrogate daddy of sorts. But PJ gave him just money and some mentorship, but was never a real dad with care and consideration. The way CK wistfully smiled at SY’s family was so sad, the way he told SY’s dad that any guy was lucky to be his son-in-law.

    CK isn’t marrying Vivian purely for money or to repay the debt. Before he met SY, he was a guy who didn’t care for romance or relationships and was driven by success and achievement. He is as ambitious as Jo Gook was in City Hall, but the drama isn’t making that as clear. He and Vivian have an open business relationship – he’ll get ultimate success and she’ll marry a man who is capable and brilliant. I don’t see noble idiocy in CK yet because he can still cry off, but he’s not there emotionally and mentally because he’s still figuring out his feelings for SY. Without SY, it’s not noble idiocy for him to marry Vivian, it’s a mutually advantageous business move for both sides, and one I could see CK choosing.

    2. Vivian – She’s spoiled but not stupid. CK is a great catch – smart, self-made man with unlimited potential to take her daddy’s business and make it even bigger. Why wouldn’t she marry him? She doesn’t seem like the maudlin type to want to marry for love. Now she wants to marry him even more to lock him in, and not lose him to SY.

    3. PJ – I think there might be yet another backstory about CK’s dad’s death. I’m having a hard time accepting PJ is that generous and would help out his driver’s family with such largesse. Maybe I’m too suspicious and he really is a bang up guy. But I think he wants Vivian to marry CK because he sees CK as his son/heir based on ability, hence he wants his daughter to be with this guy. I don’t think PJ sees how much Vivian and CK appear to loathe each other (yet).

    • These are all really good points. I hope that as the plot continues to develop and CK’s feelings for SY grow stronger, either the stakes are raised drastically as to why CK needs to remain in his relationship with Vivian, or that plotline is resolved and a different source of conflict emerges for the couple

      • Whoops, I accidentally submitted the comment before I was done.

        But yeah. I can understand on a narrative level that CK is as ambitious Jo Gook in City Hall, but (as you mentioned) since it isn’t being spelled out in the drama, I don’t buy it in a character level. What made City Hall so compelling for me was JG’s internal conflict between his ambition, symbolized by his (essentially) arranged marriage, vs. his heart, symbolized by his growing affection for Sun Ah’s character. That worked beautifully because the options really did seem mutually exclusive. JG was aiming for presidency, so he had to marry into power in order for that to happen. Whereas here, I don’t get the sense that CK is aiming SO high that he can’t be satisfied accepting a slightly lower position, or a position elsewhere, or even starting a company of his own (with SY!).

        Anyway, I’m actually totally onboard with where his character is at right now because his obligation to Vivian & the Chairman isn’t really impacting his behavior towards SY in any significant way. His angst seems commensurate with his obligation and that seems in proportion to his ambition as it is portrayed by the drama. I get the sense that the question of “love” didn’t really enter into the equation before he met SY. And now it’s there, and he’s like, “Huh. That’s weird. What do I do with this? It’s like, fluffy and shiny and happy and stuff. Maybe I should poke it with a stick!”

        However, I do think it will be very problematic for me once more angst comes into play. I don’t feel like the situation and the character development thus far have “earned” (dramatically speaking) the level of angst that I fear is coming for the OTP–especially if all of that angst stems (as I fear it will) from The Vivian Engagement (which sounds like it could be a very exciting caper/thriller a la the Bourne Identity or Oceans Eleven). However, we’re not that far into the drama yet (how many episodes is it supposed to be?) and maybe I’m shortchanging the writers in assuming that they won’t raise the stakes enough in future episodes for CK. We’ll see!

  11. “Mom jokes that a father is a daughter’s lover from a previous life, that is why father’s are so hard to please when it comes to son-in-laws.”

    Eeeew, that’s just so Freudian…

    • Haha, exactly what I was about to say! And while I do like his character in this drama, I can’t help but remember him as the super creepy, perverted step-uncle in Autumn’s Concerto… :/

    • Wait – What about that wives are ENEMIES from a past life?
      That made me LOL at how it feels like we are enemies from this life, too.

  12. TQ. Yes, i agree with ms. koala. Before SY, love & romance were never in CK’s book. Thus he went willingly with the arrangement with V. Now tat SY has stirred something deep in him, I don’t think CK is the type who will walk the path other people has lined for him. Now, I’m really interested to see how things will manifest now that the ex-bf is back.. 🙂

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