Written and Video Preview for Episode 17 of Miss Rose
Miss Rose is one of those dramas that I like so much because it stars one of my favorite actors. Without Roy Qiu, the drama itself probably wouldn’t hook me to check it out, and even after checking it out I doubt I’ll keep watching. I think the drama rests on Roy’s charm even if there are now tons of things I love about it, such as the low key bromance, Si Yi’s hilarious family, and the delicately formed but emotionally strong OTP. The ratings for MR peaked a few episodes back and have since dropped below 4 again, which is where I think it’ll stay for the rest of its run. All of Sunday night is down in the dumps and the other dramas up against MR can’t even crack 1 so clearly the audience there craves something its not getting. I look back and, with the exception of Office Girls, all my fave TW-dramas typically have low-ish ratings. I’m savoring MR for not falling into the trap of making conflicts more serious then it really is. What its done instead is to keep the pressure on from Vivian and President Jiang, but both are smart enough to change their tactics.
I’m likely in the minority but I find fortuneteller Lily hilarious and agree with everything she says (aside from her wonky fortunetelling). Si Yi is the reason Cheng Kuan broke up with Vivian, and since meeting Si Yi his life has been a series of bad things happening. Si Yi needs to accept that and still have the strength to fight for her love and overcome the odds, because the road she’s walking with Cheng Kuan isn’t easy and I don’t want her to live in a bubble. What is pissing me off is still Vivian, because I loathe characters that are two-faced and pull underhanded tricks, which is what she’s resorted to. If only she can take a page from the Yi Chun playbook, but sadly for her there is no way she’s going to wise up now when she takes Cheng Kuan’s break up as a challenge for her to get him back rather than as a opportunity to self-reflect and move on. All this Vivian talk aside, episode 17 looks so swoony romantic I’m sure I’ll get cavities from the sweetness.
Written preview for episode 17:
Cheng Kuan decides to reassure his beloved’s worried heart and in front of a gathered audience they hold hands and make a love promise to each other. The romantic and happy moment becomes something distasteful in the eyes of a former lover. Vivian’s hands grab her steeling wheel and she lets out her roar of rage, unable to hold it in anymore.
Cake, candles, a big confession!?! On Sheng Jun’s birthday, he actually gets a confession of love from his goddess? Seeing the presents handmade by Xiao Ke, Sheng Jun can’t help himself and he leans towards her… The feeling of happiness surrounds the in love Si Yi, and standing before a bridal store window, Cheng Kuan makes a promise to her.
The LED wand is beaten to the market by a competitor! Cheng Kuan and company rush to that press conference only to be derided by the competition. All of Guang Qiang is aligned together to find out who is the rat in their midst that leaked the information, only to discover that the culprit is Si Yi?!?
Preview for episode 17:
Si Yi: I hope he can really give Xiao Ke happiness.
Cheng Kuan: I, Gao Cheng Kuan, from now on, will give all my love to this woman beside me.
Vivian: Gao Cheng Kuan, this is too much!
Muaaaaccccccchhhhhhh thanks koala for your preview MR. My heart meltdown can wait for tomorrow night . seems like so swoony romantic. CK jia you
Roy is the reason for EVERYTHING good!
All the other actors are better with him.
(Although it is strange to have his “Aunt”from OG hitting on him in this show.)
I can feel the broad smile across my face in all his scenes.
Vivian’s just such a dick.
As far as how SY has affected CK, I like the contrast between HIM saying she is the best thing in his life, and the fortune teller saying SY has ruined it.
The only way to grow is to be uncomfortable and to overcome adversity. So, yes, SY is both the worst and best thing that has happened to GCK. My philosophy is this: It doesn’t matter what life brings – good or bad – it only matters how you react to it. It looks like CK understands this!!
Roy Chiu needs a hair cut. I miss his Qin Zi Qi hair.
Thanks for this little treat Ms, Koala.
Oh gosh, it seems like I can never get enough of MR. It is a bad addiction, deep into the heart and bones as I keep on craving for more and more; rewatch over and over again. Yet still not enough. I think even when it’s finished, it will take a few months for me to go into rehabs to get rid of this addiction. I happened to me last year in KR drama, “Lie to Me” too. Oh well I’m already on the, I might as well paddling to the shore.
As for SY and CK, some may think they are heading on a rough road. But there are also some who see it’s a real love which one or the other in the relationship has to sacrifice. Some see that SY brings bad luck to CK. However, some other sees CK finds true love. Wealth & love, one or the other, you can’t have both. As for CK, he choose love first and then with his talent and intelligent, he can build his fortune later on his own. Ahhh, I love this man.
Awwwww. It’s going to get goooodd.
I was wondering if you will give your first impressions or recap Summer Fever since it on air now? No one is subbing it at the moment andmany of us would love the recaps.:)
That second still is awesome on so many levels! It’s hilarious, adorable, and swoony. How can you not love Roy for that pose alone?
Also, I’m with you about Lily. Her observations are very keen (which probably makes her a more believable fortuneteller), but her predictions are crazy.
Roy just looks so darn fine in a suit.
I could watch him all day like. I think this series a lot cause I think the acting is pretty good. It’s not one of my favorites since I feel like sometimes it’s becomes forgettable but there are some parts that are just really sweet and mature, and I like that. For me, this series does lack some kind of spark, but that’s just because I have a certain taste for tw dramas. Or maybe it’s just because it’s moving kinda of slowly for me. At any rate, I still enjoy it and have no problems gushing over Roy’s character hehe 
I don’t know… the other Sunday competition has been less than stellar. In fact, I find SOP one with CQE to be really boring (for me) and the other one is meh. I guess it’s just not the right time for me and the other dramas.
I know that no one else is probably reading this, but I have to post something here. Yesterday, I had a day off (day-before Thanksgiving in th U.S.) and it was my birthday. I watched both episode 16 and episode 17 (am behind because of work), and it was definitely a birthday treat. I cannot even say how many times I rewound the ending of ep. 16. Finally, someone actually overhears something they should in a drama rather than something they shouldn’t. Finally, a drama hero who does not misunderstand a hug (my heart was breaking for you YC; I will make it all better). And the fountain? And the clear indication that CK is thinking of weddings with SY?!?! But of course, we have all the betrayal; Vivian and TL are good, paving the way for doubt. I am not looking forward to episode 18. This is a first for me. The angst is coming! The angst is coming!
thanks for the PV BUT!! where is the actual recap ???!?!?1
Shhh. *looks warily over her shoulder* I think Captain Koala has been sucked into the Yoo Seung Ho vortex. I don’t even click on any MY news for fear of losing myself as well (okay at least until the semester is over). Who will help her otherwise if some of us do not stay free?