
Who Are You Releases Spoilery Stills for the Upcoming Final Episodes — 14 Comments

  1. From all the hair styles Kim Jae Wook has tried, WAY suits him the BEST! He looks so dreamy handsome. I also hope he doesn’t take a long break. His next acting project should be someobe who smiles for ’cause he has a killer smile.

    • It did, but it’s still a body swap drama in the sense that his soul goes into his older self boy, so in the drama another character played him. Both dramas had a teenage boy’s soul in an older man’s body, whether it was the same person or another person.

    • THAT one was weird.. 13 was too young (or was it older?) I watched just to compare the two since I was watching Big as well, but he was more like a kid, so yeah, very weird for me to even understand the ‘OTP’

      For me this drama is purely a reason, or rather an excuse, to watch KJW.

  2. Ok… I will prepare myself for LHJ finally going to his eternal sleep……but I sure as hell am NOT, I repeat NOT going to like it…not…….. little……bit!!!

    At least KJW picked a very memorable character…..good job! So what’s next KJW …….dont keep us waiting too long….we need you back on the screen as soon as possible…and yes, what a wonderful smile, need to see more of it 🙂

    Great job Kim Jae Wook!!!!

  3. I know this is off topic but I wondered if you knew how thundie was doing? It has been a long whie since she posted an update. Best wishes and prayers or her.

    • Thank you for asking about her, Faith. I do keep in touch with Thundie and can tell you she is fine. As for updates on her life, I can’t share with the public but I’m sure she will love knowing that readers are still thinking of her. I love her dearly as a friend and as a drama muse. It’s been one of the saddest things not having her around to watch and discuss dramas with.

      • Thank you so much for the update. Please let her know that many of us are thinking of her and love her. Thundie was my first introduction to Korean dramas.

      • And I loved reading her thoughts and recaps. She is also how I found your site. I love how you deconstruct a drama and share your thoughts with us. You have become my airy habit. Thank you for the smiles and laughter.

      • Thank you, Faith! I appreciate your sweet thoughts about my writing and your concern for Thundie. I’ve already told her, not that it should surprise her, that she is so beloved. 😀

  4. Just one question ! So both were in a coma the past six years ok ! Wjy does he become a gost hivering arounf her and she doesn’t ! I dont understand ! Is it that he wanted to br a gost ?!
    And thanks fauth for asking abt thundie ive been missing her too ! Even if she was not my intro forkorean drama but she I one of my refuges !

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