
Heirs/The Inheritors Episode 3 Recap — 42 Comments

  1. I actually skipped reading all the OTP scenes because I find them so boring! I think it’s the first drama in awhile that I couldn’t care less about the OTP and find the secondary characters more interesting (except for Bo Na). Hyo-shin, at first I thought he might be gay, but I guess he’s just under a lot of stress.

  2. I didn’t enjoy watching live last night maybe the streaming was lagging too much. Waiting for your recap to see if you like it. Doesn’t seem so. I’ll feel sorry for Minho and Shinhye if the rating keeps dropping. Especially Minho said thst he’s put his most hard work into this project. Could it be the story seems recycled? Or the writer is being overrated?
    The actress plays the wife is so plastic that her lips look disturbing. What was she thinking?
    I find another character to like Rachel. How I wish ES’s character to be bitching some times. Or rather having Shinhye playing the bitch one time just to see a different side of her. Having been playing the leads doesn’t mean you can’t play the second lead right? We see western actors do that all the time. Doesn’t make them any less popular.
    I’m curious to see who would get more notice after the drama ends.

  3. I am so bored but haven’t given up yet. Once they are all back in Korea I think the drama will pick up. In the meanwhile I am enjoying Secret. So much juicier and spicier than Heirs.

    • I’m bored too, but I have high hopes for when they return to Korea. There could be good chemistry between Won and Young Do, hate fueled bickering and thwarted friendship and all that.

  4. I agree that the LA sequence is too long especially since it feels like a prologue, also all the staring is a bit over the top but I really do love that “human connection” that transpires between the OTP. It’s very low-key and reminds me a bit of Flower Boy Next Door but it is also very compelling. So far it works for me and I can’t wait to see how their relationship will evolve. Thanks for the fast recap! I was totally refreshing this site in hopes of reading that before getting some sleep XD

    • Yes, I loved how they started off as kindred spirits….so the prolonged staring long takes the PD is going for to pimp LMH is a pity. Poor LMH……I have a feeling he hates it to. The PD needs a ruthless editor.

  5. Thanks for the fast recap.
    Right now I don’t really care for the OTP, instead I have two fears:

    1. Hyo-shin seems to be sick: two scenes, two hints of hidden illness (vomit + medicine) => I want once a happy ending for Kang Ha-Neul

    2. at the moment Chan Young has more screentime as expected compared to the braod cast => don’t give me honey (Kang Min-Hyuk) now to take it back later and put me on withdrawal

    … please, drama, be nice.

  6. I actually like this drama probably because I hated BOF to death (Dunno why so many people even liked it). Its like a breath of fresh air. No conflicts, no sacrifices and no emotions at stake for now. I like dramas like this once in a while. They are nice.

  7. I’m wondering if I should watch ep 3 again with subs now that I have read the recap. Hmmmm such a hard choice.

    Atleast looking forward to ep 4.

  8. Just what is this drama? It bores me to death, the actors have 0 chemistry, the dialogue is puerile and amateurish, it’s just one of the worst dramas this year, and that’s saying something. Why assemble such a huge cast if you don’t even know what to do with half of them…? Sometimes I wonder if it would’ve been better if Tan were living a middle class life while still being a chaebol, maybe his *~sensitive existence~* would be less shallow (because as of now, it’s risible tbh).

    These (hopefully) 4 USA episodes should’ve been edited into 1 to create some rythm. I’ll keep watching until they get to that uber-rich korean school, just to see whether it continues like this or miraculously gets better. Oh, the woes of the rich~~~~~~~~

    • hahahaha. I feel you. I actually liked episode 2 but episode 3 is just Blehhhh. they don’t know how to narrate a multiple character drama. I don’t feel anything for most of the characters and almost all are just irritating since they are just introduced as snobbish uber rich brats and nothing more. Their ‘problems’ are so not compelling. I still Like MinHyuks character and Lee Minho but other than that everyone else can just be wall paper and edited out.
      I hope they cut the american scene to ep1 to 2. Same as you I am waiting for the scene when they will be back in Korea high school.

      I can understand why people are more into SECRET (rating wise), in that show the people are more solid. And they give you blow by blow moments that makes you glued to the screen. this one makes me scream when the moms and dad’s are in the screen, and even the seconds leads makes me want to skip and move to Lee MinHo again.

      anyway will still watch this till the end since I love MinHo and Kim EUnsook!

  9. I don’t know why but these episode feels lacking for me. I still a connection between the OTP, the OTP is the only main things that compels me to watch these show and maybe minhyuk and Kim Tan’s brothers.
    I feel like the drama is showing a lot of useless things, maybe due to the multiple characters that needs to be introduced and fleshed out. But I answer me 1997 had many cast and they showcased everyone to the maximum, and I ended up knowing and loving each one of them and that show was like 30-40 for the first 13 episode and the last 2 episodes are the only ones that went out for an hour.
    Until episode 3 we are still in the introduction phase which for a Kim Eun Sook drama that’s kinda slow. Secret Garden, Lovers in prague, lovers in paris hooked me at episode 1. these one hooked me at episode 2 then made me feel wary of it in episode. That is just weird for me.
    I still love the show, I am compelled with the characters especially Lee MinHo’s Kim Tan but isn’t 1-2 episode of showing he is an exile mistress son enough. And I think its time to understand why other than being exiled by his older brother, he is also hated by most of his set of uber rich friends.

    I hope they cut multiple scenes: birth mom scenes were unnecessary. Same with Kim Woobin scenes with dad, I don’t get why they need to show it, like having a bastard for a father is the only reason he became a bastard. the lollipop scene as much as how adorable it is doesn’t do anything for me in any narrative for the story. The sleeping scene was totally unnecessary even though I squealed at the chemistry between ShinHye and MinHo. Same with the broken car. I mean what’s the point? what did it do to the story.
    I want to move things along, to feel something, to be in the ship of falling for the characters, but so far I just know them about 25%, and its frustrating.

    Anyway I hope that with episode being back in korean would speed things along since they will all be in one place.

  10. I thought the writer is trying to “force” the viewers to like the OTP, but something is off.

    Even with all their screentime together, I feel ZERO chemistry between PSH and LMH…What is it?
    Even if PSH is a block, LMH…. bring it on dude!!! You can do it!!!!

    You guys should Watch the 2nd episode of “Marry him if you dare”, and most people are already having 2nd lead syndrome and are already shipping YEH with YongHwa… yet they’ve barely spend enough time together… and YongHwa is hardly a great actor( although he’s doing an outstanding job so far in MHIYD)… I’m telling ya…YEH can have chemistry even with a tree…she’s that good.

    Anyway the LA portions are akward for me to watch because I just don’t “feel” anything.
    I hope the whole drama moves back to Korea soon.

    All in all, I’m really not impressed with this drama, writing, directing and editing wise; and IMO, it having a huge impact on the flow of the story overall and on some of the acting.

    I find PSH boring but I like LMH, although I don’t think he’s at his best yet in this drama.
    I also like KWB; even with less screentime, the guy leaves an impact; the duel with his dad was very telling on why he bullies other kids: amazing actor he is.

    And my baby Chan Young!!!!!! So cute and so good: He is doing an amazing job!!!!

    So let’s hope for better subsequent episodes.

    • I agree with you, and hopefully the next episode end in LA and start in Korea, and I also agree of the secondlead syndrome in MHIYD not the best episode but the chemistry between them was awesome. We will have to see if Heirs can give something close of that to us (but that is wishful thinking). Hopefully Min Hyuk will get more screen time I just love him! He is doing an awesome job in his character. He is just tooooo cute!

  11. Have to disagree, I don’t think there is much chemistry between Kim Ji Won and Lee min Ho at all. It’s a pity, because I think Rachel is a character that could be played with much more depth since she is also in her own way, a lonely, cast-aside person, but Kim Ji Won is portraying her as the stereotypical rich bitch. You see glimpses of the interesting character that Rachel could have been when she meets Kim Won, but sadly, most of that is lost in other scenes.

  12. Omg…I thought im the only one that thinks so.ething is missing from kimtan..LMH should give more great performance. All the secondary and supporting role are above par.
    Chan Young is the best character so far. I am surprised kang min hyuk is a natural talented actor. He can sustained in acting industry if he keep perform like this.
    Even he can cover up Krystal’s lack of acting skills and make chanyoung-BoNa couple looks cute.

    • Oh come on. He’s cute and all but what acting does it need to play his role seriously? I’m not hating him or anything but to give him much credit I feel unfair for others

  13. I am actually surprised to read so many negative comments on this episode and series. I watched episode 3 twice, and I loved it both times. I love the slower pace, and the overall feeling of this drama so far. As Koala mentioned, the melancholy feeling just pulls me in, and I am so happy that Tan and Eun Sang don’t start out their relationship bickering as 99% of other kdrama OTPs do.

    I don’t mind that the other characters don’t get as much screentime, because honestly, Lee Min Ho is knocking this out of the park and Park Shin Hye is the most natural I’ve seen her in a drama yet. (no deer-in headlights looks) They are so cute together, and I am totally invested in their friendship and eventual relationship. I can’t wait for Eun Sang to start falling in love with Tan <3

    I actually wouldn't mind if they had stayed in LA longer because it really helped to set this drama apart from others in the same genre. I don't see a connection to Boys before Flowers as of yet, which I was initially concerned about, and it has definitely shown itself to be a different type of drama. I didn't think the American actors were quite as painful as commenters made them out to be, and LMH's Engrish was honestly endearing and I loved hearing it.

    I really hope they continue with this pace and overall feeling of the drama, and don't fall back on the usual conflicts to fill up the remaining 16 episodes. I hope others can keep an open mind if they decide to continue watching – I myself am totally loving it!!

    Last comment – loved the scene of Tan and ES walking along the dusty road at sunset – WOW! Kudos to the production team.

  14. I like the slower pace and the “us against the world” setup for the OTP. IMO, it is refreshing to have a break from the usual histrionics of a paint-by-numbers romcom. Although, I’m sure at some point MOM WON’T APPROVE!!! of the ‘poor girl’… or I should say *legal wife* won’t approve (given this wacky family). But, all in all, I’m enjoying the story as it unfolds and watching each character navigate the world and their own relationship minefields. THANKS for recapping, Koala!

  15. Everyone seems to love MHIYD and the chemistry among the leads. I have to say I do like MHIYD and yes the chemistry is there and YEH is a great actress but watching her in MHIYD is like watching LTM all over again..the bickering parts feel like been there done I like it but not loving it…whereas heirs give me a different vibe. It feels fresh for me to see eun sang’s character..she is very relatable and her relationship with Kim tan is not only romance but deeper than that. Feels like Jdorama a lil bit..TBH, this drama starts to grow on me..I like this episode and cant wait for the next one!

    • I can watch YEH in 100 different dramas even if she play the same character. LOL. What i like about MHIYD is i don’t have to fast forward the story because i sooo love every characters in it even the grandmother and the oppa. But in Heirs even idols r in it, i just can’t tolerate some character coz it was so boring to watch them.

    • That’s it… You described it right! It does have a feel of a jdorama. It reminds me of orange days… It has the same feel to it… Guy has a girlfriend or in this case fiancée… Guy is in limbo currently in his life… Then he meets this girl who has a struggle yet somehow does not let it get to her but fights for what she wants… Guy is drawn to girl… Girl senses it but knows guy is already attached… Hayyyy… I love orange days it was my very first drama that started it all and made me want to check out krdrama too… And it was also in school… I am really liking this drama a whole lot! And it is really a pity that some people don’t like it.. But well to each his own…

  16. With this episode Heirs has finally got me hooked, lined, and sunk. I find all these charters (well all the main ones-KWB, LMH, PSH, CJH- and a few of the minor-KHN-)interesting and want to learn more about them. Honestly the OTP is secondary on my radar. Right now I need more scenes/info on all these f-ed up relationships and dysfunctional friendships/family. Mainly I want to know about Tan/Won, Tan/Young-do, Young-do/his father, Tan/his mommies, Eun-hee/her mom, mom/tan’s mom and the inner workings of Rachel whom if done right can be a HBIC a la Blair Waldrof. Also when oh when will Im Joo Eun bless the show with her presences and I can finally see my OTP of the drama (IJE/CJH) interact. He really needs to not be cold with her, show another side that will make me want Tan to continue wanting his love.

  17. I always thought that PSH & LMH look good together when they were the face for Etude House in 2009. So, I was expecting some oozing chemistry between them in Heirs since they are the OTP. But sadly, I feel nothing between Kim Tan and Eun Sang characters. All I see is friend zone but LMH did his best to create some chemistry with Eun Sang. No doubt PSH is a great actress whether it’s a crying scene or comedy but her acting seems quite bland here. Or maybe Eun Sang is just a boring character.

    Also I find that Krystal’s & Park Hyung Sik character redundant in the drama since they basically did nothing in these 3 episodes.

    Overall, I feel that this drama is easy to watch & understand but lacking in the oomph sense.I do hope the future episodes improve in terms of story line and mainly the editing & transition.

  18. I’m intrigued by your comment that Kim Ji Won has more chemistry than LMH – I really haven’t seen that at all. I was despairing of her character ever seeming remotely human and 3-dimensional until her scenes with Choi Jin Hyk, and when they were onscreen together my wife remarked “they should get together”. I agreed, because they seem to bring out warmth in each other while both are automatons around anyone else.

  19. Hi there Koala! I’m looking for some private message button here in your page but I couldn’t find one so I’ll just message you here via comment box….. I’m dead curious and I really want to know why didn’t you make recaps for I Can Hear Your Voice….. It’s one great drama and so far it’s one of the best for me and from the viewer’s feedbacks…… It also topped Korea’s ratings for consecutive weeks…… I’m just wondering if it didn’t have any appeal on you that’s why you didn’t make any recap…..

  20. I donno why but I really enjoyed the drama …
    I can feel Tan’s loneliness and longing to have ES there with him ..
    The chemistry is there too though of course at this stage it shouldn’t be explosive … it’s just nice … they’re curious about each other .. wanting to spend time together … and I can totally feel it.
    ES is obviously having hard time parting too but realising her back-ground, she understood to treat all this as dream …
    I can’t wait till they all in Korea – next eps can’t come any quicker …
    Although in saying that LMH can’t really pass as an 18 yr old … he’s much too mature for this but I put that aside .. LoL …
    PSY looks really pretty here in her simple clothes … so jealous of her healthy hair … I’m so glad to see she got some meat – not one of those really skinny actress … healthy body!!

  21. I don’t find any chemistry between the two lead but I can’t help and find them cute together. Somehow, I can understand why Tan would want Eun Sang to stay with him. He finds someone he is comfortable with him and who is able to make him forget his sadness. I like it and it can go both way too seeing how Eun Sang looks at him too.

    Anyway, so far, I like all the characters. They are interesting in their own ways but I want the summer break to be over like really really fast because I want to see the interactions between high schoolers ASAP. A la Gossip Girl because I sure hope we will have a lot of cat fights or whatever.
    Aside for Krystal’s acting, I’m liking Bo Na. She is really whiny and jealous with Chan Young but I really adore them together. Something with opposite attracts ? But more than that, I like the fact there is no real difference between their social classes. They just love each other and it’s adorable. I even was giggling when Bo Na met Chan Young’s father. Something to do with his smile when he talks to her. They just seem so comfortable like father in law and daughter in law. It’s adorable. Plus, it seems the father has some histories with Rachel’s mother. Hum, more dramas to come. Imagine Rachel and Chan Young step siblings after she said “he is from a lower social class, I don’t speak to him”.

    As everyone else I guess, I wish we will see the other characters a little bit more. The main couple isn’t that boring but so many cliché scenes. It’s cute but with such a huge cast, you can’t just focus on them. It’s unfair.

    Oh and I’m lovin’ Won and Tan’s relationship. Yeah, the older brother is cold but seeing how Tan is fanboying (?) over him is cute. Especially the “He is the person I like the most in the world”. Sibling love is always awesome. I’m sure Won doesn’t really understand why his little brother loves him so much but I sure want to see by the end of the drama, a nice ending between these two.

    For me, episode 3 was better than the previous episode. Better because I didn’t skip nor paused the episode so I guess it’s a good thing ? LOL.
    Thanks for recap ^^ Good work !

  22. Never liked LMH before but I am definitely swoon in this. He is hot and adorable in the same time I could only wail to show how crazy for him I am.
    I’m okay with PSH, but not a fans either. I don’t know about her acting. But, his chemistry with LMH is.. hm.. nonexistent?
    In some scene, i felt like watching LMH slowly falling in love with his dreamy eyes. Then when I looked at PSH, it was like she’s looking at him in confusion. which made them pretty ridiculous if it’s not awkward.
    (LMH: I’m falling. *eyes*
    PSH: Are you a magical being?)

    And about Krystal and Minhyuk,can we have their relationship portrayed with him and the phone instead of Krsytal? The SNS-Phone scene maybe the most decent scene of them. and it was adorable (because we didn’t get to see Krsytal. If only her voice was also gone…)

    And once more. Favorite scene! “Then why didn’t you do it? I was in danger all the time while you were watching.” That was.. *WAILING*
    I don’t even know what to say, I just LOVE that scene. SO. MUCH.

  23. This writer needs to change this shows direction FAST. I loved AGD, and I loved Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin in SG–but I could not stand the mother and the i’m rich you’re poor ca and mouse back and forth shit. And now this damn wanna be gossip girl crap with the Korean twist is annoying me to pieces. I cant watch this drama because of all the stupid MAKJANG–im rich you’re poor crap– that might happen. It has the AGD tone, but looks like SG development. Gimme something fun and drama free. Well Makjang free. I hate ranting, but c’mon KES, I was just starting to like you.

  24. Thanks for your words.
    I have been meaning to come back and post on this ep.
    Mostly because I read your intro, then watched the show, and then read your closing.

    Strangely, I had almost the exact same reaction.
    What came through for me in 3 was poor Tan’s utter loneliness, and for what?

    I am mad at Won. (The dad/emperor/king I don’t want to spend a second thinking about. He is worthless.) But the Hyung who Tan worshipped? What the hell is wrong with you, pal? How smart does he think Tan is? Tan seems to be a goofy warm patient boy who just wants to be loved.

    Who dumps a 15/16 year old kid ALONE in country on the other side of the world? At least royalty got retainers/eunuchs to live with and/or be corrupted by.
    Sure, sure, you need to banish him from your kingdom in case he gets an army together and insurrects, but still. Alone? No nearby adult to keep tabs on him? Mom NEVER visited? Not even to shop? They’re all jerks.

  25. I finally got the see ep.3 and geez what a snorefest! It’s as if the writer has a 16 episode story in mind, but the director was told it needs to be stretched to 20 episodes so he decided to fill the time gap with prolonged stares. OMG! How many stares can you fit into one episode?!

    It isn’t that LMH’s acting is lazy. It’s that he’s got nothing to work with when he keeps being told, “make prolonged, yet meaningful stares” at every other scene. That would sap energy out of anyone.

    I really hope the pace picks up a bit or I may have to start watching this in editing mode and just skip to the dialogs.

  26. Does anyone know the song that was played near the end of this episode where Kim Tan is waiting for Eun Sang to call him back?


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