
MBC Releases 3rd Awesome Teaser and More Stills for Miss Korea — 10 Comments

  1. I will definitely be checking this one out because I don’t mind lee Yeon hee – I watched paradise ranch or whatever that was called twice! – and Lsk, will watch for him for sure and the premise sounds like fun. I will check out the other one too just to see cause I love my living together hijinks as well. I don’t really care too much about posters. They don’t sway me one way or the other. But a teaser or trailer can. Anyhow, I am in for this one. I hope it has some comedy in it. I need some good laughs this holiday season! 🙂

  2. This one looks fantastic. I kinda love the retro-ness of the promos. Even the colours aren’t over the top, all the while looking elegant and fun. Hopefully this will be as good as I expect it to be – or I’d be so disappointed.

  3. I can’t bring myself to like this girl. I don’t know what it is. I don’t even dislike her either.

    It’s weird because I don’t have that feeling with other main SM actresses like Go Ara & Yoona.

    Will check this out though just for The Voice <3

    • I know what you mean ,she is beautiful but something about her is just cold and unrelatable. Go Ara and Yoona have that spark of likeability Lee Yeon Hee lacks.

  4. I love the unique concept, so the premiere is a definite must see. Plus, what girl wouldn’t want to watch a girls transformation into beauty queen? This will be a guilty pleasure even if the writing falters.

  5. If Tango is sex on a hardwood floor, then Mr Voice is sex in the flesh. I wonder how LYH can stay so composed when he’s that near. You’ll need a fire extinguisher with him just being in the same room, minding his own business, breathing….oh to be in the same room with him. I just need that one chance.

  6. Waiting for this too, Koala.

    But I’m not hoping for a personality change for LYH. It’s funnier if she stays like a gangster. Think of all the backstage drama and posturing between the other Miss Koreas!

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