
Cunning Single Lady Adds Seo Kang Joon, Kim Gyu Ri, and Infinite’s L to the Cast — 12 Comments

  1. I actually would like to see all of these actors (even L from Infinite because of my lingering love for him in Shut Up Flower Boy Band–I think that is why he keeps getting cast in stuff by the way). However, the story set up makes me want to cringe. I am supposed to like the leading lady because . . .she is a gold digging hussy? I can so see Lee Min Jung and Joo Sang Wook sizzling up the screen, but there is going to have to be some other hook for me to want to watch this heroine win.

    • Chances are they might make this a “coming of age” type of story with the heroine learning to love each other through whats in the inside.

      Seo Kang Joon did a good job in After school: luck or not! He was so cute and funny! Highly recommended thought the ending was a bit strange…

      • i watched that show unsubbed and thought it was perfectly hilarious. the ending did leave me wanting more tho. but yes i agree, seo kang joon is adorbs in there along with the rest of the cast.

  2. oh man infinite’s L was so cringe-worthy in Master’s Sun it was so uncomfortable to watch.
    Anyways, he’s not lead or second lead so it’s not gonna keep me from watching pilot. Although.. its a pity a character with such potential has fallen into his hands and not given to an unknown with potential to break out.

    I love park ji bin, as is with majority of k-child actors. Can’t wait till they’re all old enough to star in their own main leads — we get to see them grow up before our eyes.
    Im also sort of slack-jawed when I remember park ji bin’s body on that puppy face:

  3. IA about seo kang joon’s presence… looks aside, i enjoy watching him act. he did quite good considering it was his debut year.

  4. Seo Kang Joon!
    Heee, love him in After School Bok Bul Bok. Actually, I love all characters in that drama. So charmingly weird.

    And Seo Kang Joon have a beautiful eyes like Go Ara, its like light brown with grey?

  5. Won’t watch this. I don’t like any actor in this and I’m so done with idols. INFINITE’s L? Just no. Seo Kang Joon? Come on you guys, I know he’s super fine, but you can definitely feel the “idol acting”. He’s just a newcomer so you kinda enjoy the fresh feeling, you’ll be hating on him next year just like L muhahahaha

  6. wow with all the L hate. i have to agree that he is on my list of cringe worthy idol actors along with yoona, suzy, minho, taecyeon etc. etc. but seriously i think people judge idol actors too harshly.

    idols get the most hate because they are branded with the title “idol” or “singer”. most idol actors go this route because they dont have rich parents who paid for acting lessons or a prestigious performing art school but they work their butts off as well or even harder.

    while i agree that some people arent born to act, with hard work and the right training you can become a top star. just look at shin se kyung, kim tae hee and song seung hyun. those three are some of the worse actors i’ve seen and yet they play leading roles and are well known.

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