
Lego Lee’s Back Injury Flares Up Requiring Filming Accommodations for His Role for In A Good Way — 12 Comments

  1. 🙁 Well as much as I’d like to see Lego (and Jay) ride shirtless..and play basketball…and ride his motorcycle I’d rather him be nice and healthy (with maybe a broody jealous shower scene? XD). Hopefully his pain lessens and he doesn’t have to get more surgery. I’m sure the rest of his castmates will support him filming wise and keep him from thinking about the pain by distracting Lego with their antics and jokes.

    • i second that compromise. if theres not going to be backhugging, motorcycle riding then i want another shirtless scene. make it happen writer.

      i also wonder what this means for the movie because i’m sure they’d want him to rest and recover before jumping into another huge time commitment. or worse if he ends up having to get surgery.

  2. I really hope they let him take care of his injury and not push him too hard. I have to say that I have to get my mind away from ideas of restful bed scenes with Lego. (mind. out. of. gutter. please.)

  3. was hoping for a motorcycle scene when JE finally holds on to LC..but Lego’s health is much more important.and plus if it gets worse we my not see LC and thet might have him killed no no..i guess they won’t have to give him too much scenes with extreme physical activities…JE-LC can hug, kiss and cuddle on the bed hahaha ok i need to stop lol

  4. So… I heard hot showers are good for back and muscle ailments.

    Maybe if Lego starts feeling pain while acting, he could just brood on set.

    Two birds, one stone.

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