
Aaron Yan Filming New TW-drama with Tia Li as Puff Guo Returns to Korea to Join Heechul for We Got Married — 18 Comments

  1. Really crossing my fingers this drama OTP works! Tia should stick to singing coz I think her talents lie there but I dare say she’s much better than that girl that got cast as Jia Yu in Just You that I can do nothing but cringe and yell at my screen at every moment she’s in it with her utterly horrible acting if you can even call it that.

  2. kim heechul lookin’ hot/cute. love superjunior. i he@rd suju c@lled “kings of hallyu wave”, right? Are snsd & suju same level of popularity?
    love them both 🙂
    we got married…intresting show; and haven’t w@tched taiw@n dramas for long time.

  3. I’m really sad that Aaron and Puff won’t be acting together in this drama..guess I’ll just have to cross fingers that they’ll be reunited in a drama again soon bc their chemistry is off the charts both on and off screen!

    Hopefully Aaron has chemistry with Tia or else this drama could be very painful to watch.

  4. I really miss the Puff and Aaron days too but I’m not exactly against Tia.
    She is a hard working actress just like Puff and though Puff has a good connection with Aaron’s fun side I feel like Tia could pull at Aaron’s professional side.
    I was really surprised by Tia’s acting in Summer’s Desire, all she had was simple lines and play a simple role but she gave Peter Ho’s baby memories so much more with her acting.
    Regardless, a new couple means more to look forward too. ( And new songs! my focus also when a drama comes underway!)

  5. what happened to Aaron? he looks so haggard and dry (for a lack of better word). during his FRH days he can compete with Wu Chun in terms of looks, now he can compete with Jam Hsiao, no offense meant.

  6. I loved so much Aaron and Puff. But its ok to see him in a new drama and hopefully Tia Li will make a good lead actress here. I wish we could see one with Mike He and Rainie Yang!! These two where just awesome together!!!!

  7. Aku lebih suka puff berpasangan dengan aaron yan, bahkan aku berharap mereka benar-benar pacaran . merka sangat cocok sekali, aku selalu menunggu drama yang di bintangi mereka berdua berikutnya. Atau mungkin akan ada “just you 2” ??
    Wooww aku sangat senang sekali.
    Aaron yan puff guoo ayo kalian harus jadi pasangan di kehidupan nyata!!!!!

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