
My Lovely Girl Episode 2 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. You are right that it’s such a classic storyline that with no expectation it was actually enjoyable. L is so bad that it is actually fun to watch him. My only gripe is that Rain pretty much has only 1 expression.

  2. l agree. l am crazy fan of Rain, but why his face not buying the current scene mood and emotion. Is it that’s the director’s storyline?

  3. A lot better second episode. Still a bit toned-down and somber with Rain seemingly still holding back, but this episode was definitely far more interactive for him. So far, this is my least liked character that he has played throughout the years, as it just seems too safe and restrained, but, as his character’s trajectory towards falling in love unfolds, hopefully he can show more dimension other than sulking and an occassional wistful stares and smiles.

    Krystal on the other hand continues to get my stamp of approval. I’ve been reading the comparisons between her Candy Sena versus Heir’s Eunsang’s and while I didn’t feel that before as Sena is seemingly just too cool to be bogged down, I can finally see that she’s on the same mold too, though hopefully not end up as an ornament in the background as Eunsang did. And I’m actually confident that it won’t, especially when her character has a set trajectory of accomplishing something as opposed to Eunsang merely wanting to, um, finish high school? She on the other hand wants to be a songwriter, coz dammit, she’s the umpteenth musical genius in dramaland. And you know what? I’m cool with that.

    Indeed, this show is vanilla as it can get, but truth be told, vanilla is my favorite ice cream flavor. This one can remain to be predictable, but as long as each one plays their part well, and the story doesn’t implode with sudden makjang shenanigans (although inevitably it will, I can sense it now) or merely limit it to sane tolerable levels at least, then this show will deliver. After all, it’s a tried and tested formula, and sometimes, it’s just making it work that matters.

  4. Thanks for the recap. Little things I like and little things take me out of the moment.
    But the big things – Rain is a big thing – I like.

    I believe she can write cool songs. I believe she has lived enough toughness to understand life and be lyrical about it. I don’t believe anyone has ever taken as long as she did to spread that half teaspoon of jam on her bread.

    I believe an ahjumma would give Rain free octopus. I don’t believe he looked good in that pirate skull sweater. I mean I saw it with my eyes and he looked good, but I don’t believe it.

    I think I will keep watching.

    • Hi, jomo!I was creeped out by the dead sister walking down the dark alley part. Is he going to keep seeing her? Please, God, no. It chilled me to the bones, that scene. And what happens when he falls for the sister of his dead girlfriend? See, I watched ‘A Love to Kill’ where Rain’s character fell for his brother’s girlfriend, and I got the impression from that show that it is a social taboo in S. Korea to fall for your sibling’s lover, even if the said sibling has already died. So is this going to be a problem later on?

  5. I normally think you are quite spot on when it comes to dramas but damn…have you lost your touch lately? this drama is a hott mess. The storyline is sooo overly used and abused & the cast is ridiculous. I hope you are not getting paid to watch this c**p! 🙂 and on top of that you are not reviewing my spring day or iron man lol something is fishy here……..

      • @ tamir: this is my own personal opinion so there is no such thing has hate but a simple observation. This drama is a joke & real actors actresses have to give up their chances so that “wannabe idols” can play practice acting. The only pl who will watch this crap is stans liek your self & pl who are payed to watch it LOL

      • it’s okay to reveal your thoughts, but I think there’s a better way to show it with a good manners. you being like this will actually draw a non-good attention with you labeled as a haters. you said yourself you are not a haters so please act that way.

    • To my chagrin, MSD and IM also isn’t being recapped by other major blogging sites like DB. Surely, there is a concerted effort between bloggers to secretly promote MLG and blacklist the other competition!

      • This isn’t a commercial drama site. So, I think it is fair that it is really up to Koala what she wants to review. Everyone has their own taste and preference on what they like, so does Koala. MSD is pretty good but it does not mean it is everyone’s cup of tea too. So chill out..

    • LOL, I wish someone would pay me to write positively about a particular drama. Alas such shilling offers have never crossed my path. I simply like MLG, was bored with MSD, and wanted to draw and quarter the entire fictional world of IM. Not sure how my feelings towards the latter two dramas would be worth writing a particular post about.

      • and yet you are not bored of the overused storyline and cringeworthy acting bits with the likes of K and L? please come back soon & be more selective. This feels more like promotion than reviewing. I can see you try very hard to like this drama with your carefully chosen words around the cringe acting. I miss the old you. I will end it here before the stans starts to cry buckets & call be a hater lol

  6. Aww.. Ms.koala definitely is fond of krystal. Good for you krystal. 😉 After following all ur articles abt MLG as of now. I am getting a feeling that u r rather promoting it than giving an unbiased opinion. I always liked ur “whoever may be ur favourite,i dont care i will say what i want” kinda attitude. But this definitely seems the bitterness(in this case ridiculousness) being coated with honey. I was in this for rain. I was so sure that the levels of acting between him n the others will be so magnified. But he also left me disappointed. didn’t like Krystal n L’s acting. Even the second lead lady is not doing a good job. Loved only the dog.(who cannot,he is the best).
    I am officially dropping it here. Will stick to TvN dramas.

  7. watched episode 2 and i think i like it already
    i also think i am the only one who will be looking forward to L
    being the “soon to be tamed second lead”
    he and Krystal have great chemistry
    rain, well, their progress is acceptable
    like you, i have the feeling of wanting to know what happens next.
    i might just really follow this

  8. what a delightful afternoon watching this. I had a song in mind while watching this,
    “I will wait for you by Bobby Darin”.
    I need to revisit “love rain”

    Bi and Jang Keun Suk <3 <3 <3

  9. the story line may old and tested. a rehash of a decade or so drama.

    the actors may not be as great as expected. others may have toned down. others may have been delivering the same expression over and over. i don’d really mind.

    as long as they deliver enjoyable series that keeps me glued to the end. gets me excited to see the next episode. sway my emotion to empathize with the leads and hate to death the enemies. i am fine with it.

    i love the feel of rain and krystal. rain as the caring yet snobbish bf of krystal’s older sister. love the “bum” disposition of rain and the feisty stand of krystal. just hope that the excitement and cheesiness of the couple last until the last episode.

  10. I also found this show very easy to watch but have one issue with it that was perhaps addressed but not translated (or I missed it) on DramaFever: The dog was a puppy when Hyun Wook got him with So Eun, So Eun has been dead for 3 years, the dog is now old so Hyun Wook must have been with So Eun for up to 7 years, yet never met Se Na who was so very close to So Eun? Even at the funeral? I get that for the series to work Hyun Wook and Se Na have to be strangers, but a line about how Se Na spent X number of years out of the country or something would help me suspend my disbelief.

  11. Koala! I also like this drama. I think I just missed this kind of usual romantic Korean drama!
    But could you give Blade Man a try? Please 🙂 It’s so suprisingly good! At least it would be a nice thing for your readers to know why you have chosen a drama over another one.

  12. This is a lovely, endearing drama that has nudged me towards liking Rain. I never, ever thought I would find myself watching it but I caught 5 minutes of the re-run over the weekend and there was something that caught my interest. It’s a sweet drama that I can enjoy watching with a certain degree of detachment. Heh.

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