
Collective Noona Flail as Army Confirms Yoo Seung Ho’s Discharge for December 4th — 15 Comments

  1. Oh Ms.Koala!!! What good news!!! I feel like jumping and prancing around even though its late night.

    I hope YSH chooses to do a drama like LJk did. My eyes were thirsting for our boy-who-has-turned-into-a-man to be back on the screen!!

  2. Ooooh thank you for the awesome news! My dayhas been totally depressing with classes all day and only exams to look forward to but this just made my day infinitely better!


    How to stop my beating heart from popping out of my chest, I don’t yet know how. Best news ever!

  4. It felt like last month he just finished the drama IMY and left for army. And now he’s coming back. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us, especially because this is another stage in his acting career. I cant wait to see what this legit adult male will show us in his next project.

  5. I hope he doesn’t pull a Hyun Bin!!!

    I’m dying to see him in a drama again! Please let him pick a good one! *fingers crossed*

    He has such a bright future ahead of him!

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