Collective Noona Flail as Army Confirms Yoo Seung Ho’s Discharge for December 4th
Today is 1111 (November 11th) which is the relatively newly designated Singles Day in Mainland China, but for the noonas of the drama world it’s the day that the Korean military officially announced that Yoo Seung Ho‘s discharge date will be December 4th. I’ve known that he was coming out that day for a long time but it’s nice to have an official confirmation lest something happens and my baby gets held back. And which point all hell would break loose. Just sayin’, not threatening or anything.
Yoo Seung Ho’s agency also released a statement that he’ll be diving right back to his still red hot entertainment career immediately after discharge, with fan meetings tentatively scheduled for Seoul, Tokyo, and Shanghai. For his first acting gig, he’s still considering the K-movie Joseon Magician which has already cast Go Ara as the leading lady. I still want him to do a drama first because then I get to see him onscreen for two to three months straight. I’m waiting for you, Seung Ho-shhhhi!
This is the most excited I’ve been for an K-actor discharge since Lee Jun Ki got out of the army three years ago. Lee Jun Ki probably had the best post-military career of all the actors that enlisted around his time. Yoo Seung Ho will do well to check out how hyung picked acting projects as a guide post, but then again Yoo Seung Ho has already shown himself to be exceedingly savvy in acting choices even before he enlisted. Boy has an old soul and soon he’ll be back physically older as well and ready to graduate from ICOMYM and slay the ladies as a legit adult male.
Oh Ms.Koala!!! What good news!!! I feel like jumping and prancing around even though its late night.
I hope YSH chooses to do a drama like LJk did. My eyes were thirsting for our boy-who-has-turned-into-a-man to be back on the screen!!
Whatever he does is going to blow our socks off.
Ooooh thank you for the awesome news! My dayhas been totally depressing with classes all day and only exams to look forward to but this just made my day infinitely better!
I survived 2014 all because I knew there was YSH to look forward to when the end of the year arrived. *throws confetti!*
Flailing. I couldn’t withstand his YESH before he army, how can I survive now that he’s a real man?
We need to take sedatives to calm ourselves down when he comes back. Oy.
How to stop my beating heart from popping out of my chest, I don’t yet know how. Best news ever!
Less than a month, less than a month……
Jesus Christ, he was FOINE before he went into the army, I’m almost scared as to how hot he might be now.
UNREAL LEVELS OF HOT. We’re going to need moar buckets, a lot moar buckets~
Buckets….LOTS of buckets……
So Happy Can’t Wait Oppa Will Be So Cute
It felt like last month he just finished the drama IMY and left for army. And now he’s coming back. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us, especially because this is another stage in his acting career. I cant wait to see what this legit adult male will show us in his next project.
It’s a great news! I loved him in his dramas! But I prefer I take time to choose a good project than rush…
I hope he doesn’t pull a Hyun Bin!!!
I’m dying to see him in a drama again! Please let him pick a good one! *fingers crossed*
He has such a bright future ahead of him!