
Jeon Ji Hyun Slays in Latest Clothing Campaign Imbuing Simple Frocks with Goddess Allure — 24 Comments

  1. lol the chopped hair IS for a role, in the movie she’s doing with Ha Jung Woo. So you’ll get to see her with it when that movie releases!

  2. I love how a lot of people are calling her Queen/Goddess. I don’t even know the origin of that, but when I first saw the nickname, I thought “yep… that seems about right” and started calling her that too. XD

    • last I checked, Jun Ji Hyun was not famous for publicly dissing her exes and making money off it, or acting like a victim all the time.

    • Sorry. Who’s she and what is she famous for? And why is she on a JJH post?

      I am not being sarcastic. She’s this young American right?

  3. Coming back to dramaland is far from happening right now she did ywcfts after 15 yr absence on tv i doubt she will do another drama again after that, she is more focus on her movie career than her tv career. Jun ji hyun will always slay your faves if she wants to so if you had enough of her just don’t click anything related to her so simple.

  4. I miss her too badly,how come she’s everywhere when i haven’t seen her in any project since the stars, she’s not like any actress who have another project after another..i like her new hairstyle tho..

  5. Sadly, she’s probably not going to do another drama for a long time and sticking to her movie career. I can’t blame her. Better hours, better money, and more prestigious. I can’t wait for her movie ‘Assassination’ to come out this summer. Just thinking about all the glorious pictorials and interviews to promote the movie with her hawt oppas, Ha Jung Woo and Lee Jung Jae, makes me droolz.

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