
New Official Stills of Yoon Eun Hye and Park Shi Hoo in Upcoming Movie After Love — 39 Comments

  1. The Princess’ Man is one of my alltime favorite shows (well, before the incident at least. Couldn’t bring myself to re-watch and validate the verdict yet). But I will have a hard time watching anything with him in it again, too. :/

  2. Guilty or not, he is incredibly stupid for getting involved intimately with a complete stranger that has potentially destroyed his career in Sth Korea. It is not like he was short of admirers of opportunities for respectful relationships with decent women!

  3. YEH has made many a leading man’s perfect love interest so I’m rooting for them. PSS was an example of what an actor should not do, but I wonder how many have not been caught because of the power behind them and it makes me sad. I’m sure not everyone in kdramaland is as pure as their publicists would lead us to believe and dissipating scandals seems to be a specialty in S. Korea where even dating leads to scandal. Go figure!

    • You are absolutely right, of course. Others just had more luck, were willing to pay someone off or simply didn’t do the deed. He’s the one that got caught and learned the hard way how an audience reacts to such slimy behavior.

    • Well she is still in her earlier days.

      She is still in bloom.

      So she has a long way to cover in order to reach any …downgrade.

    • Lmao. Her acting didn’t downgrade. She improved a lot in her acting…. it’s just that she had not so good dramas…….

  4. I dunno why but seeing this makes me , um, sad? *Sigh

    I wish I could turn back time..when it was still the Goong .. or Coffee Prince.. or *cough cough ..Lie To Me days?

    I miss YEH but .. it’s just that..oh I just miss YEH…

      • I see that you have this expectation that Yoon Eun Hye will always remain on top? Thank youuu. It’s just that people have a very high expectation on her. People always expect that she’ll always hit it big that’s why I understand people asking about her career. but you can’t always expect her to do everything successfully right? I believe she will have another glory soon… lol as long as she doesn’t retire as an actress.

    • Not sure about that…until now he always says that he didn’t do anything wrong that should be shame off.

      I pity YEH a lot…i will skip this one and will be waiting for her next projects…

  5. i like PSH and i don’t think that he should be condemned forever. please give him a chance. i also like YEH so that i look forward to watching them as a couple on screen for this movie.

  6. I hope the movie will do good at the box office.Yeh is a good person I think but why her career is not the same on her earlier days,maybe bec.she’s not like other korean star they always did a drama or movie every year not like her once in every 2 yrs. People forget her,your loyal fans is missing you Yoon Eun Hye.

  7. PSS’s career in Korea still not being good after since the scandal. But Yoo Eun Hye’s image also not really that good since she was dragged with Lee Byung Hyun. Whether it’s true or not, public believe she had scandal with Lee Byung Hyun. I think both doesn’t has any choice at this moment. If the rumour about her and Byung Hyun didn’t correct, how unfair this is for her.

    • The Lee Byung Hun thing doesn’t affect YOon Eun Hye’s image since it really wasn’t a scandal and it was proven that a lazy reporter was lurking at some site like DC, saw the YEH anti post and the reporter just took that post and made it seem like an X-file which they actually got paid for to make it seem that it was some big secret that got accidentally leaked out.

      It was the same BS X-file report who reported that Jo In Sung and Gong Yoo were a secret gay couple.

      • Jo In Sung and Goo Yoo?….haha even if it’s not true, I just got an intriguing visual.

      • WHAT??? Never heard of any of those two “scandals”…I mean I’ve heard of the rumour about JIS’s break up after IOIL but never of the rest you’re referring to…Please elaborate!! The curiosity is eating me up here, lol!!!

  8. Just watch for the drama. Not personal issue. Every star has its own time. I guess YEH will be back stronger. I believe in that.

  9. Give the guy a break….geezes….we have a cheating husband with his wife pregnant; plus a physical abuse boyfriend….both TOP Kdrama actors.
    I think Park Shi Hoo has done his time.

    On a positive note, I love both PSH & YEH, so their movie should do well! Can’t wait to see it 🙂

  10. Whatever he maybe in real life, he’s not a bad actor. Seeing him in character makes me feel like I maybe able to watch him regardless, even though I was doubtful before.

  11. isnt he the guy who rape a woman when she was drunk? why is YEH doing a movie with a guy like this. she need to come back to drama land.

  12. She looks lovely on those stills! I hope all her fans who are inactive right now because she has been very inactive too (she’s rarely out 🙁 ) will come back once she becomes active again..

  13. Im not a fan of the guy…but all i know isa that the girl was 21 and so mature and not stupid …i will watch him and i hope him a vey good career

  14. She is one of the best actresses S. Korea has to offer, in my opinion. She is multi-talented and has an artistic streak, that seems endless. Actually, she has excellent comedic timing too. I won’t be watching this drama, but will wish her all the best. I can’t support PSH, and yes woman of all ages are raped, not just 21 year olds. There isn’t one of us here, that hasn’t cringed about a stupid mistake, which we made and wish we hadn’t.

    Who knows this may be a success for YEH, let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed for good luck.

  15. Let’s put PSH aside for a moment. About YEH, I think we could all agree about her stunning beauty and many talents. However, what I adore her more is I believe she is a kind-heart and good person in real life. Just Google and search around and you see how many charity works she has been involved with. Other celebrities look for publicity stunt and photo opportunity, but Yoon Eun Hye has a pretty consistent track record that proves otherwise. YEH actually has been working with orphanages since her teenage years. Then the Madagascar Road for Hope trip, working with ELBON to help the visually impaired children, the “Pink Wings Campaign”, the “Never Alone Campaign” for UNICEF to help African children, water wells for Cambodian people, “Hope Angel” fundraising campaign, … and the list goes on. She did all of that in her twenties So, in my humble opinion, how could we boycott or punish a decent person for the mistake of someone else? We should just focus on the positive and celebrate her, and watch her work to support her.
    As far as PSH, I’m not in position to judge him since I don’t know for sure what happened. If he is in deed guilty, I hope he will be punished someday. However, if he is not, did we boycott/punish YEH for nothing?
    Kind regards.

    • Your comment was the most mature I have read so far. She is the reason I started watching K Drama’s to begin with. Because she was nothing like any actress from the USA, I felt like I had discovered a whole new type of actress. She was beautiful without being perfect, had an amazing personality and spot on comedic timing. I really like Korean actresses and feel they are better than American actresses for the most part, so it makes me sad that my favorite actress of all isn’t doing much work because of something so ridiculous. I would love to see her in a new romantic comedy and if Korea doesn’t want her, we would love to have her in the USA!

  16. I am more than ready to see YEH make a comeback in Korea. She is multi-talented and is a good role model for young women. I don’t have to agree with her acting decisions, that is her own business. Wouldn’t it be nice to see her do well. I wish her all the best in this coming New Year.

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