Jaejoong and Yunho Attend the Same Military Performance Event and Send YoonJae Fans into a Tizzy
Now I’m wondering if the media has tons of secret YoonJae shippers, how else to explain why K-ent overly covered the week end military performance event where former DBSK group mates Yunho and Jaejoong were in joint attendance. Yunho was the MC while Jaejoong performed, so they weren’t even interacting or on the same stage at any given time, but that hasn’t stopped diehard YoonJae fans from launching into fits of glee after six long years of the boys forced separation thanks to the epic JYJ split with SM Entertainment.
Right now Yoochun is also doing his military service, and later this year Changmin will be enlisting. It would be a feat of ROK scheduling to try and get as many original DBSK members together for whatever “performance” requirements are forthcoming during their service period. It’s called a public service, right? It’s great seeing Yunho decked out in his military formalwear, while Jaejoong looks ridiculously handsome still thanks to whomever let him grow his hair out long. The media pictures from this event are hilarious, with tons of snaps trying to get the two boys in the same shot, which also tracks Yunho staring at Jaejoong as he walks past. So much LOL.
I think the backstage pictures have much more feels though…cuz Yunho greeted Jaejoong’s sister and Jaejoong chatted with Yunho’s father…=)
They did interact though
jaejoong talked to yunho, and his dad
and yunho talked to jaejoongs sis and his niece.
they also spent some time together backstage
you can look up the pics
jaejong and his buffy body… i think the competition increase now as he gains fanboys from army, as fangirl is not enough ;p
Jaejoong is looking better than ever, can say the same of Yunho.
Whoa …. What happened to Yunho’s face? Can barely recognize him at all..
I saw tons of similar picture and it made me happy and wistful… I miss the old DBSK days..
so happy for this reunion..it is nice to know they are still friends…the backstage pictures and interactions proved.. that…fans are in yunjae heaven after 6 years of uncertainty..
Nice, it’s always good to see this kind of news. Ty Ms Koala
I won’t be surprised if it is made into a drama. Hmm… what title would be perfect? The Reunion? Stop Them from Reunited If You Dare? Missing You? Yoonjae: the Untold Story?
Was browsing the photos online. Jae Joong does look incredibly HANDSOME even in army!!! So happy they interacted too:) i believe they did contact each other without SM/public knowing..
thanks koala sis! missed JJ! he’s looking good. 🙂
I hope Yunho stays away from Jae, if he can help it. I liked the team of Yunho and Changmin so much, and admired the hard work it took, being successful on their own, after the split. Yunho is a strong talented dancer who also has a decent enough voice, while Changmin has a strong beautiful voice with decent enough dance skills. This has made a dynamic duo. Both were able to show and hon their skills, after the group split.
These people can sure spin a good story about themselves, they know what buttons to push with their fans. These two seem to have a semblance of self-control, while being in the limelight all the time. Hope they stay away from people who can bring them down.
as professionals, being on the same stage does not mean they have to be friends. Jaejoong is a very good singer and he is getting better on his acting skills. Yunho dances well, can sing, but… acting-wise… hmmmm…. Anyhow, I don’t see why one has to stay away from the other on a job…
I believe Yunho is in a different type of military unit than Jae. Isn’t Jae in the same type of service as his brother JYJ, Yoonchun? I believe the military police get to have their hair longer? Yunho looks like he is trimming down.