
All Best Actor and Best Actress Nominees Decline to Attend Grand Bell Awards Ceremony — 18 Comments

  1. I really loved how all the best actors/actresses nominees declined attending the ceremony, seriously what was the Grand Bell awards committee’s thinking coming up with the idea of giving the award to the attending actor but not to the real winner if he doesn’t show up?!!! it’s like an award for the actor’s attendance not for their hard work!!!

  2. I understand the boycott perfectly. Everyone has always known that the awards were a mixture of cronyism and popularity contest, never a true award for great acting (really, some of the awards given out in the last few years have been laughable) but the polite fiction of “awards ceremony” was maintained by all. The awards committee, in effect, “broke character” by implementing a rule that clearly stated this was all about popularity and numbers – show your face or no new dustcatcher for your mantlepiece, buddy – so naturally the acting community was angry and annoyed. Only the newbies, too afraid of pissing off anyone, bent over for this latest indignity. And they can rescind the rule all they want, but the damage has been done…once an actor breaks character, it’s really, really hard to go back to that state where you really believe the story.

  3. I’m glad they’re boycotting. Good for them! My question is this, why is LMH considered a best new actor? He’s been around for awhile now.

    • Gangnam Blues was his first leading role in a movie because his been busy on dramas since 09 but had 2 movies before 09 but was not the lead but after this year next year when his movie premiers he will contend for the best actor award. Movieland and dramaland are completely different. But his dramas has helped him land big budget movies for the long run in the future

    • I never follow his works but I think its his first movie? So he is considered new actor in movie field. Just like an actor can get best new actor each three years because its happen in different networks.

  4. I actully don’t understand all this boycot thing? these who didn’t attend weren’t going to beat Jun Ji Hyun who is pregnant and about to give birth so she can’t attend no matter what and no actor was going to beat Hwang Jung-min from ode to my father for the best actor award attend or don’t attend because that guy and Ji Jun Hyun was clearly favorites to win this and the same goes for the Blue dragon Awards. there is no competition against these 2 right now. which puts all this controvers to sleep once and for all

    Best Actor: Hwang Jung-min (Ode to My Father)
    Best Actress: Jun Ji-hyun (Assassination)
    Best New Actor: Lee Min-ho (Gangnam 1970)
    Best New Actress: You-Young Lee (Late Spring)
    Best Supporting Actor: Oh Dal-Su (Ode to My Father)
    Best Supporting Actress: Kim Hae-sook (The Throne)

    • I don’t think they are going because they know they aren’t going to win. I think maybe it’s for some past issues they’ve encountered or future issues they may encountered that they want the awards ceremony to mean something rather than a head count of who attends, wins. Winning an award should be worthy but not because you showed up and you were the ‘next big thing’ on the list. There’s a bigger purpose on this and I’m glad they reacted.

      Got to start somewhere…

  5. Most of the time the actors don’t go unless they get an award. I really don’t think it makes a difference. Plus Korean awards are a joke. I can’t think of any legit ceremonies that give out popularity awards.

  6. I am proud of all the actors/actresses who had decided not to attend and united, they stand. But now it makes me question about all the previous winners who had won…like are they really the winners or was it because the actor could not attend?

    Anyway, I respect the actors who decided to stand together!! FIGHTING!!!!

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