
KBS Switches Schedules Moving Moonlight Drawn by Clouds After Uncontrollably Fond on Wed-Thurs — 21 Comments

  1. I thought it was because KBS already had ‘Jealousy incarnated (or whatever it’s called)’ slated for September, after UF, and now that the drama is going to SBS they have to move their schedules. At least that’s what one of their press releases said.

    • oh yaa it’s because of Jealousy Incarnate. The female lead was going diva from what I heard and kbs was not able to comply with her request.

      • Her reps already denied that. The production was in talks with SBS too because KBS wasn’t committing to a time slot, and no such demands were made of SBS.

        Looks like they KBS to pin the fault of their own indecision on Gong Hyo Jin, good luck getting her to ever work with KBS again.

  2. I hope park seo joon and go ara okay,
    can’t imagine if they live shoot this drama and they got injured like this, it’s good that they pre-produced it.

    but I think it because jealousy incarnate, I remember a new slot is prepared for it before

  3. This feel like it was due to the whole Jealousy Incarnated drama that they claim ownership to and plan release after Uncontrollably Fond but the drama went to SBS

  4. I’m surprised KBS picked up the young adult saguek. The last young adult dramas Sassy, Go Go and Moorim School seem to have gotten low ratings. After having such a hit with DOTS, I would have thought they would have aired more of that genre.

    • It’s a very popular web novel which was recently published into five books. It also has that Sungkyunkwan Scandal x Moonlight Embracing the Sun vibe to it. It’s a far better gamble than Moorim School or Sassy Go Go combined. Plus, it attracted a very popular teen actress (Yoo Jung) who they’ve been courting since last year’s Sassy Go Go and the year’s hottest young actor (Bo Gum). I would be intrigued by its potential too.

  5. Miss Koala, if Moonlight is moved to Wed-Thurs time slot, have you any idea what dramas will be in the same time slot? Thank you.
    I’m hoping KBS will do Moonlight good; casting and writing.

    • yeah I think she got the wrong translation, there is not a single article that says MDBC has been moved to Wed-Thurs. As far as I know KBS is still being a clingy ex-boyfriend for Jealousy Incarnate to come back to its slot after UF.

  6. The Kim Woo Bin/Suzy drama does not seem to have a revolutionary plot so I think it will have decent ratings, not great, but ok due to the actors’ fame, and I think the same will happen with Hwarang. The 2 actors for Hwarang are good but the public gets tired of long dramas easily, so I’m imagining it to become like Six flying dragons, maybe not not reach 20%, but 15% for sure. The drama that makes me curios ratings wise is the Park bo gum one. He is indeed popular, but so was Hyeri after Reply and yet her new drama crashed and burned already, so this one could be a huge project for Bo Gum or a complete flop.

  7. Never been a fan of KBS but can’t deny they make a few hit dramas! Gong Hyo Jin has no problem; it is all KBS’s fault and lack of ethics to scapegoat a person to close off their scandal. I’m a bit embarrassed by KBS representatives.

    • I think the production company is at the fault. Kbs from the first already announce that drama will air after uf. But suddenly the production company also make negotiation with sbs. N make a big loss to kbs becoz of the schedule that ij will air after uf. Yes from the news there is no change in schedule just the kbs dept head said that this two dramas MDbC n UF are their most anticipating drama from the later this year after dots.

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