
Chen Qiao En Shoots Down Absurd C-ent Rumors that She Hooked Up Young Actor Wu Lei — 6 Comments

  1. What a disgusting rumor. I would have been pissed if I were her, I don’t know what the laws are like in China but where I’m from, this would be a crime.

    Also, they look like an aunt and (her favorite) nephew hanging out and on top of that he looks like he’s 12 years old!! Ugh…people can be so ridiculous.

  2. Technically wish she had sued. Paedophile accusations is so bad that if you’re rumoured to be having sex with a minor- she should have sued.

    • The Chinese industry isn’t as quick to sue since there are thousands of these sites floating around and suing will only get them bad press. Better to say it your weibo and let the matter die naturally then give it life via a court case.

      One of the actors I like had a rumour of him circulating not too long ago about being gay and partaking in gay orgies. Lol.

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