
Newlyweds Rain and Kim Tae Hee Make Public Debut at Airport Heading to Bali Honeymoon — 13 Comments

  1. Congratulations and good luck to the lovely couple. They are so loving and look so good together. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness and all the good things in life. They deserve all the best wishes in the world , they are such a low key couple and never flaunt their fame and fortune1

  2. What a lovely couple. The height different makes them so cute together. Love this low key couple. Wish them all the happiness.

  3. Don really a fan but seeing them together make me like them as a pair. Talking about ‘looks good together’. Lol. Btw congrate to the couple.

  4. the three main leads of Diamond Lover found their soulmate and with the same traits; thea ge,the happiness, so in luv looks and the cuteness

  5. They are the definition of what adorable and in love is. So freakin CUTE together. Every newly wed couple usually radiates sunshine but they really look so warm and in love it makes me both jealous and extremely happy for them. Have an amazing and long blissful life, you two! We’re all rooting for you both!!

  6. Seeing their happy faces – may their happy faces continue to rein in their lives as a couple together forever!
    And I wish that their fans will be forever be understanding towards them and be supportive.
    I wish the media would be kind to them and all actors !

  7. I know Kim Tae Hee likes to be low key but I wish they deck out their wedding a bit more. Wedding is only once in a lifetime. Her second dress was super plain. I really wonder if they rushed it bc she might be pregnant?

    But they look so happy so that’s all it matters. After all, it’s the marriage part that matters.

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