
Park Shin Hye Beautiful From Both Profiles for Elle Korea Jewelry Spread — 34 Comments

  1. She is seriously so gorgeous. I’ve watched her since her Stairway to Heaven days. She’s grown up so beautifully and has established a good name for herself. I feel like a proud mama! ?

  2. My absolute favorite Korean actress! She has grown up to be an exceptionally beautiful woman and she also seems to have a good head on her ???

  3. Thanks for sharing beautiful pics of PSH! Love her since her childhood days and have watched every single TV Series and movies of hers! She has grown more regal! I especially love that she has not gone ‘under the knife’ for a K-Entertainer, one of the ‘few’ real beauty indeed! Can’t wait to see her in her new movie and hopefully another great action series in line!

      • I agree. Definitely not referring to OP but it seems like there are some people (fans) who can’t accept her maturation. For example, I’ve seen some people saying that they loved her in YAB or Heartstrings and her chubbier body and baby fat cheeks in them and they loved the teen roles she played but they don’t like the fact that she is growing into a woman and taking more different roles. Especially when Doctors came, I saw comments like that. Imagine this, she worked hard for this role, taking up martial arts classes and slimming down to look like an independent career woman (as opposed to having baby fat and girl next door appearance) and the first thing some fans say is that they used to like her before but not anymore.. Oh well, she can’t please everyone!

  4. She is cute but I have never been blown away by her or Min’s acting. Although, I think she is better than he is. She works hard, from what I have read, and I wish her well. She is not like YEH, I mean when I think of talented women, she doesn’t jump first in line….She needs to work with mature actors who she has great chemistry with because she seems to shine in these roles.

    • Huh? PSH has great chemistry with all her leading men. That’s why she has so many different shippers? What are you talking about? I’m sure all the young fans don’t really know who YEH is.

      • @Abc, younger fans do know who YEH is even if she hasn’t comeback in dramas for years. Coffee Prince and Goong are popular among new drama viewers too you know. And I actually think she has much, much better chemistry with older senior actors. A good example is her latest drama with Kim Rae Won, I’ve never seen her have better chemistry with anyone of her male leads. I don’t closely follow PSH because I never was into her dramas aside from a few gems she has been in, and people can think whatever about Doctors, but I as someone in the medical field rooted for Doctors and maybe liked Dots too for the same reason. That’s why I think they had the best chemistry of 2016 dramas with Song-Song couple of course and I’m not even a shipper. I don’t know how people even see any chemistry between Jung Yong Hwa and her or Lee Min Ho and her lols but that’s just my opinion. Maybe I’m myself more into mature men and I kinda project myself on female leads when I watch their dramas, who knows.. different strokes for different folks I guess!

      • Really? I’ve read many comments on who is YEH? So it shows how long ago since she acted. Also, why do people always associate YEH with PSH? There are two other actresses out there who look more like YEH – Suzy and Jeong So min and are taking on varied roles also. PSH has made a name for herself. If people like to say YEH is the standard to be compared to then why not compare like for like. YEH was not a child actress. If anything MGY is the should be the ‘standard’

      • @Abc, it’s because YEH fans are desperate and want to stay relevant and guess who is the most relevant young drama actress at the moment? 🙂
        I noticed YEH fans are just petty and always compare with PSH when there is nothing to compare even. They don’t even remotely look the same, although they both look Korean..

      • @Abc, they always compare PSH with YEH, because ever since YEH disappeared on the spotlight or hiatus, no one had really replace her position as this one very charming actress creating crazy chemistry with her leading men and making hits. If you notice on most of PSH’s project, even if she makes big hits, its always the leading actors who were mostly anticipated and they carry the weight of chemistry then comes out really more popular after the project is done. That’s what’s hapoening in K ent now, there are more young popular leading men than young actresses. About Suzy, I dont want to comment, you be the judge, she’s as good as a pretty painting on moving camera, PSH is miles better than her.
        But I guess, there’s really no need to replace anyone, they could create their own pedestal, different phenomenal hits per generation; its just that Goong or Princess Hours is really very popular around the World, a romcom for teenage & youth, and maybe people expect to see another YEH actress in the making.

        @prettyautumn, for your idiotic comment, same above, fyi.

    • Hmmm she needs good roles and good projects to shine, just like any actors. She doesn’t need anyone to shine. And she might not be super talented gut she is smart and hard working and can fulfill her roles. I think it’s better since many talented actors can go no where…

    • There is this different standard for PSH it seems, maybe because of her popularity. Of course any actor and actress acts better when they have better material and production team and time to work with.
      I find it peculiar whenever I read comments on her, I always see comments like this: ’’she isn’t super talented but decent enough..’’ or ’’talented isn’t the first phrase to describe her but she is okay..’’ or ’’[insert unrelated actresses’ name] is definitely better and she is only okay..’’. I wonder why only she gets comments like that? Can’t people appreciate her as she is? Who did ever even tell anyone that she is ’’Oscar worthy’’? Has she even won major acting awards or Daesangs to warrant these kinds of comments?
      I think she needs versatility in her filmography and different types of characters but other than that, she is a good actress. But people don’t give her enough credit for that. Her body of her work has closely followed the genre and acting/drama trends of different eras and of course she has gotten better year by year. I think PSH had good chemistry with almost all the actors and actresses she has worked with, but I think that reflects to how relatable, likable and easily approachable/down to earth type her personal aura is.

      • Good comment??The people who question PSH’s ‘talent’ probably have a certain ‘standard’ they are comparing with. However, I don’t think that is necessary. A good actress can produce good projects at any age. I hope PSH can act till she is above forty just like Kim Hee Sun and Kim Sun-ah, who are slaying their roles in ‘Women of Dignity’.

  5. Is she still dating Lee Jong Suk? (or its just a rumour?) Because his bts with Han Hyo Joo is really something. He certainly loves his noona..

    I like the more mature Park Shin Hye than her earlier days.

    • Lol. I’ve seen you commenting on every PSH article about her and LJS. In fact, in their Dispatch rumor article, you demanded them to ’’just admit’’ because to you they were ”obviously” together.
      You already know very well all the facts as her fans have nicely explained to you. Dispatch tried, SALT ent denied after confirming with PSH while she was on her Europe trip and LJS didn’t say anything else but they’re friends. They have shown their friendship publicly after that in the firm of coffee trucks. If you are a shipper, then you’re more inclined to believe that they are together and quite frankly, it’s up to you to believe or not, even though they have both denied.
      Dispatch isn’t a facts magazine. Even if they are right sometimes, that doesn’t mean they’re right all the time. PSH and LJS confidently denied even when DP threatened to post up more pictures, which means they knew that DP wouldn’t have any ’’incriminating’’ photos of them or they reached to an agreement with each other.
      I’m not sure if what’s your intention when you comment all the time exactly on PSH articles, but if it’s to try fans, then I suggest you find better things to do. Believe it or not, PSH fans want to respect her and her friends privacy and they want to read her articles in peace without constant reminder of unrelated things.

      • *in the fOrm of coffee trucks lol
        anyway would you be so kind and civilized not to comment about her dating life in her articles? Fans want to read PSH articles in peace and it’s getting boring with comments about her dating lol

  6. She was a very cute and bubbly young girl who has grown up to be gorgeous, beautiful inside and out. I can’t get over the idea that she has donated to charity her fan meetings and I heard merchandise proceeds all this time, since 2012! I got her #S PHOTOBOOK because of this reason. Seeing her all natural ….cooking, doing chores, planting etc. on 3MAD made me see her as more beautiful than all the pictorials combined.
    No idea if she is dating , but she did send her friend support food truck… who knows! The guy who will eventually marry her will be a lucky one. Haha, JiSung only had high praises for her as ideal partner in life…..he should know, he married one.

  7. I was waiting for the ‘dating’ comment to appear. Every time an article of her appears here there is this comment. What reply do you want from fans? PSH isn’t getting married this year and that’s all I know but I am more interested in her future drama this year or beginning of next year than ‘dating’.

    Btw, she looks gorgeous in the new ELLE HK magazine too, which will be out next month.

    • Lol that Kimster is such a stubborn person. That person started commenting about her dating ever since that Dispatch article. And always on PSH articles that have nothing to do with her dating. Not even that Choi Tae Joon rumor could stop Kimster commenting about LJS lmao

  8. Off of topic, sad day for a person who likes Linkin Park as me . But the younger ones dont’ probably know this band !!!

  9. Beautiful Shin Hye , a woman of classy and dignity. She is the boss of her life with God by her side, nobody else. Look stunning in all her pictorials from head to toe. Looking forward to her upcoming movie ” Heart Blackened “( title was changed from Silent Witness), with the veteran Choi Mon Sik. Wish you all the love and blessings in the world. We only live once. Enjoy with mom restrictions. You the best to me, always.

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