
Black Pink Members are the K-ent Girls of Summer 2018 at Sprite CF Event — 11 Comments

  1. Green is clearly a colour that suits these girls, but those shorts are so shredded, it looks ridiculous.

    They’re still very pretty girls, especially the blond one in the tank top and the girl in the white shorts, those two caught my eye first.

  2. They are pretty and their outfits are cute but they look very skinny IMO. Its sad that impressionable young women look at them and think “body goals” becsuse knowing how the kpop industry generally operates, its highly unlikely they didn’t basically starve themselves with very unhealthy and even dangerous diets as dictated by their management.

    I’m not trying to attack these young ladies (I know they have worked incredibly hard for many years and the status quo is certainly not their fault) but after learning how the idol industry tends to operate, i just can’t see beyond the incredibly slick and calculated glitz that is characteristic of many idol groups. On top of that, they tend to have many members who start out as kids, tweens and debut as teens or young adults so for me, it feels even more exploitative than other k-entertainment sectors. I understand if others don’t see this the same way though, humans are generally very visual and these idol managements know that.

    • your words are so true, but unfortunately what looks pleasing to the eyes requires hard work (eg exercise, diet). Being slim does not imply starvation but often mistaken as such. These girls look healthy and I hope they are happy as shown in the photos…

    • Lisa, Rose and Jennie are naturally skinny. I don’t think they gain weight easily but Jennie has a strict workout regime as well. Jisoo isn’t naturally skinny but like Jennie has a very strict workout regime. This much is normal for kpop.

    • I agree. Ever since dbsk split I’ve never quite been able to fangirl like I used to, because you know how tired and overworked these idols are, and how much pressure they are under to look and act a certain way. They are scrutinised for being too fat or too thin, too aggressive or too bland, criticsed for not being pretty enough but then having surgery and being criticized for that. It goes on. And it’s annoying how K-pop industry and even the dramas to certain extent try and fit everyone into the same mould – girls, under 50kg, thin and tall and pale, guys, tall and muscular. There’s no room to be different or embrace your natural shape and features. It must be exhausting always trying to squish yourself into the right box, if it doesn’t come naturally.

  3. Love Jenny (cos she lived in NZ) and Blackpink is my fav K pop girls group and they’re so stylie full of swag and they’re not even trying. ?

  4. I remember reading about so called critics mentioned about top 3 girl groups in Korea and BP wasnt even included in it. But after a month those critics claimed it, BP made a comeback with D4 and broke twice’s TT as the most pak holder for girl group.

    We never know the future. I hope BP can stay humble despite their popularity. Just like their senior, Bigbang for 12 years and still counting.

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