
Song Hye Kyo is all Glorious Legs and Hair in New Bazaar Shoe CF Pictorial — 54 Comments

  1. Omg I want the blue striped and black dresses. So cute! I’m all for comfy shoes too with some heel. She always looks awesome in photo shoots but in real life she doesn’t really have any style. Either she dresses herself or her stylist needs to be fire. One of the top stars and she dresses like normal wife in every event.

  2. They always have weird camera angles to make her legs look longer. The camera guy is literally lying on the floor looking up at her.
    I wish they’d just embrace her petiteness and make it a strength instead of weakness. The French and Japanese are so good at celebrating petiteness. SHK is so beautiful and would make being petite cool.

  3. She is really pretty but I think her legs had been Photoshopped because she is really shirt and her legs are chubbier.

    • She has beautiful face but they definitely photoshopped her legs. Her legs are much thicker and short. Just look at her at the event where she wore yellow shirt and skirt. Can see from there that her legs are nothing like in this pictorials.

      • If you look at the photos her posting style and angle will make your legs look tall and slim thats the trick sis not everything is ps sometime angle and posting do much differece.

      • Go and deny all you want. Majority of magazines and pictorials did editing with some minor photoshopping and air-brushing. That’s why everything look picture perfect. Come on, they are selling products, pretty leggy model to entice people to buy.

      • @Alex yup every magz & pictorials ads of celebs have ps but what im trying to say is that angle and posing also helps i said not everything is ps. So chill sis

  4. From the first photo you can tell they photoshopped SHK head onto someone else’s body who is much taller. They need to give credit to that model.

    • can they do that (photoshopped her head to someone else’s body) in video too…I saw the same body in the making video. Teach me if you can do that please….I want to crop my head into someone else body too.

  5. It’s actually on of the few times that I realize she’s not on bangs. She looks beautiful either way. I actualy like her better with her hair like this.

  6. Are we gonna keep pretending that she and song joong ki are not going through something ?

    I mean it’s obvious as day !

    I understand a couple wanting to be private but the whole thing is becoming too awkward.

    There is truth in every rumor.

    • I just went on a trip to S korea this month and visited Sjk’s old house in daejon where fans can visit and neighbors say the ss couple often visit there together with sjk family to have barbeques.

    • Even when they dated SHK was tight lipped and seemed to be determined to keep her private life private at all cost, and SJK is the ultimate supporter of her decision and he will do everything to make sure his lady/wife happy and secure.

      Like Anne said below, only ppl who come in contact with them IRL know the affectionate nature of their relationship. It is so well known in their inner circle even in celeb world as a whole. Its just ppl respect them not to tell anything to the press, and press in SK know what to release or not to avoid being sued for privacy transgression.

      Ring or no ring, IG pic or no, they dont seem to care.

      Rumor mostly come from chinese fans who Idk why are so obssessed with them.

      • I agree those who are close to them know the real deal between them. Shk is definitely not that kind of person to get affected by rumors. And from what I have seen sjk is deeply in love with her. I think everything is fine between them it just some over obsessed fans who blow the thing out of proportion.

    • my korean friend said they are just fine…that’s why no one reporting about they having problem…it’s just outsider who make speculation based on shk’s acting romance with PBG, not wearing their ring and many silly assumptions..

  7. It’s always nice to see celebs in pictorials and I do like SHK with locks. The dresses and shoes are kinda plain Jane though.

  8. I felt that she’s too thin. Btw I just look at her face and forget about the shoes lol. Its hard to looking at her legs. ? her legs still look short tho, I dont think they using PS to make it longer.

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