Categories: K-dramas

Episode 10 of Record of Youth Records Highest Ratings Ever of 8.238% and Dips Toe into the Dark Side of Showbiz

The ratings took a giant leap up for the Park Bo Gum show Record of Youth and it makes sense as yesterday’s episode 9 and today’s episode 10 are two halves of showcasing Hye Joon’s breakthrough to superstardom. Episode 10 filled in the blanks from when Hye Joon got his sageuk drama to when he won Best Actor and did so in a way that turned Hye Joon into a star and gave Hae Hyo the emotional beats of a young man. Too bad Byun Woo Seok is mirroring Hae Hyo’s limitations as an actor otherwise this is such a meta role and the performance could be a breakthrough.

Unless Jung Ah suddenly has a transformation or is replaced by a different actress for the remaining 6 episodes then this is such a misstep for Park So Dam. Jung Ah is the relatable one and while her own story arc is comparatively boring to Hye Joon’s it’s the way Park So Dam plays Jung Ah that drops the tempo to snooze. She did have one good scene when she watched The King Returns with Hye Joon and fangirled over him. As for Hye Joon, with success comes the inevitable (drama karma) related pitfall and I for one am NOT looking forward to the script milking celebrity suicide to sensationally drag another star down.


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  • The witch hunting is so true to korean entertainment industry though. Though the guy must have left a suicide note hence the incriminating Hye Jun into the mess. I am still watching it off and on. The ratings is in fact as much as a miracle as PBG picking this as his last project before army. Its not well written, not well acted and so very cliche. Oh wells... different strokes for different folks I guess

    • All second lead always have the opportunity to steal the spotlight as Bogum did in Hello Monster. Its just that BWS acting is not outstanding enough for him to be able to do so. PSD acting is just right for me. And yes it is not everybody's cup of tea but RoY is delivering in rating in SKorea and the rest of the world via Netflix so it's safe to say that it's spot on the money

  • The only interesting thing about this show is bunch of cameos. Seeing Park Seo Jun was the biggest treat in last two episodes.

  • The editing is really weird... It's pretty confusing. I still have no idea if the bedroom scene took place or not. The award ceremony started at the end of episode 9 and ended in the middle of the episode 10...

  • Episode 9 is interesting but I find Episode 10 really boring...such contrast for me within two episodes. And I know why. I am watching this drama strictly for PBG, although I am not originally a fan of his. He is so enthralling in this drama - the styling, acting and camera angles. It's like watching a documentary showcasing his star power. The other people and stories are so forced, unreal and uninteresting. It's like to make this into a drama, they have to plant a loveline, some nasty people and side stories here and there. But they appear lightweight and pale in comparison to PBG. The imbalance is striking.

  • I love the acting of Park Bo Gum but the leading seems boring. There's no spark. I love the story, its incline in the mind and characters of the youth today. Whatever their passion wants give it to them until they will reach the peak that they want. Youth today is diffrent than before. 80's. Seems strong but they aren't. Still they need to respect advises of their parents and should be guided from above. Fighting PBG and PSJ

  • I feel I seem to disagree with the lot criticising Park SoDam ,it is only because her character is that of child who never got to be one, she is apprehensive of showcasing cute agyeo and attachment in the relationship to a degree and fears that it won't last, which I believe is true since the voiceover of both actors seems to use past tense and they are following a timeline.
    Nevertheless I do agree Hae Hyo's character has so much potential of taking the limelight but Byun WooSeok seems to not have the polished carft for same !

    • I agree, it’s not PSD fault. The drama itself is uninteresting except you want Hae Joon to be successful. But now that he’s successful, what’s next?

      PBG’s popularity and the profile cameos saved this drama. But sadly, the drama doesn’t have substance. Also, the PD should do better.

    • Like Koala wrote, this drama is the PBG show. They wouldn't (and didn't) risk casting anyone who might steal the limelight and outshine him. Duh.

    • Agree agree on PSD that's how she interprets the character and it is fine by me..they are both welcomed in some forums.

  • it's PSDs who is lacking. she should give "life" to her character. As an actress she should make her character interesting.

  • Wished they had casted a more experienced actor for Hae Hyo character. This guy had so many opportunities to shine in last two episodes, yet he was so bland, I didn’t feel a tinge of sadness for him.

    • Like most people are saying, this drama is the PBG show. Why would they risk casting anyone who might steal the show and outshine him?

    • Either 'Record of Youth' was maketh for PBG or PBG maketh '
      'Record of Youth' to achieve high rating.

      Agree with MistyEyes, Mon_isha n Lovedramas view on PSD character/role which was not showcase in the script well. If the script wanted you this way how could she acted otherwise. PSD did well.

      Like Lovedramas explain this drama was made to focus on PBG n he just hit the role so amazingly as he can act very well.

      Love his hair cut, his style of dressing was made him to look youthful to suit his role.

  • So I come into this drama after over a year break from dramas. The last drama I saw was WWWSK. I always thought PBG was overrated. I don’t know much about PsD and did not see parasite. Anyhow, I just wanted to watch it to see what all the talk was about with lack of chemistry and PBG show.

    I can agree, it really does focus on him and a strange disproportionate way. I do like him a lot in this drama but i think the way it’s written and filmed doesn’t breathe much life into the entire drama overall. Maybe that what slice of life dramas are like. But honestly, it’s just not written to showcase PSD’s role at all. She’s could be totally cute and have us rooting for her but I feel like the script doesn’t really call for that at all. It doesn’t really give her much to work with.

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