
Yoo Yeon Seok and Lee Chung Ah Continue Their Great Collaboration for Eddie Bauer Sportswear in March 2021 1st Look Pictorial — 5 Comments

  1. I really liked him in Hospital playlist…but why did i have to watch that infamous video of a past interview with MCW on I don’t know if i should let it go since maybe his thoughts on women changed or just simply not watch him anymore

    • He was so aggressive during that interview with MCW. How could he say that to her in front of everyone I mean in public? So rude. Jerk. Poor MCW.

      Btw, if someone wears a see through dress on a first date, she’s either a pro or simply want to sleep with him. He could have said that they should put on nice cloths and leave out MCW’s status.

  2. Kate Middleton wore a see-through dress and that’s how she got the next king of the commonwealth. Of course this is not something to say in an interview with supposedly conservative Koreans, but all guys and most gals like sexy. In Korean culture it is not publicized and causes alot of repressed sexual desires and deviants. So let the guy speak his mind at least you know what he likes.

    • There’s nothing wrong with liking women who dress sexy, what is wrong is shaming a woman for not dressing sexy on a date or thinking that they dress sexy mainly to impress a men… As he’s free to like what he likes, she’s free to dress how she likes.

  3. l adore him and if you watch all his interviews and shows you can tell he is a great warm guy.What he said in this interview for his costar was not right.Im surprised that back then netizens did not react to that and I am thinking maybe for the Korean culture saying this is acceptable.Regardless that though it was a mistake of him but I will not stay on this when the guy after that incident very clearly showed me especially with his Good Friends project what a good person he is.

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