
Kim Hye Soo Gets Mad Praise From Western and Korean Critics in Newly Premiered Netflix Legal Drama Juvenile Justice — 16 Comments

  1. This is not the kind of drama that will get the same viewership as the survival or monster genres, but I’m glad Netflix still made it. I’ve watched through Episode 5 and it’s pretty good.

  2. This is a very good drama; excellant acting all round and one that touched on a topic which rarely gets covered in detail in dramas.

    I definitely knew I was going to watch this given Kim Hye Soo was a lead; in the end I binged all 10 episodes 🙂

    As the commentator above said, it might not get the viewship that some other Netflix based K-dramas got, but I hope it gets the recognition it deserves!

    Some tweets I saw mentioned it was in the top 10 – though I cannot verify this.

    It’s not an easy watch, but each case teaches us something. I sincerely hope there is a season 2.

  3. I watched all 10 episodes this weekend and it was so great. I loved it, great storyline with strong characters and excellent acting. The subject is new and refreshing too. I highly recommend it!

  4. It’s a bit dramatic at times but overall was very enjoyable to watch. The judges are all genuinely good people just stuck in their own ways of doing things do to their own experiences and prejudices.

  5. Its a great drama with excellent acting all round. Kim Hye Soo is excellent.
    Loved watching the 10 episodes. Story lines meaningful
    Overall, a great kdrama recommended for serious viewing.

  6. I had to pace myself because I know I will want to watch the whole thing in one sitting. Finish it in 3 days. When the trailers dropped, I just know I will watch it and there is no regret when it comes to Kim Hyesoo and Kim Muyeol. This drama makes me want to know more about the juvie system tbh. They tackle a bit on how poor the juvenile system infrastructure is and that is something that I dont think I’ve seen before. I wish they promote it a bit more, I dont think I’ve seen any more promotion than the official trailers tbh.

  7. This legal drama series I am giving a 9/10. I have watched all 10 episodes and it is very engrossing – – storyline, acting etc. I loved it.

  8. Very good drama..educating..make us learn the still got hole in legal hye soo is always flying doubt in acting

  9. This was difficult for me to watch because of the subject matter. However, it was so compelling that I am rewatching it from the beginning. Very good acting & direction. Cinematography needs to lighten up a bit. TY I hope there are more well-done dramas.

  10. Just 2 episodes in and well, as expected of KHS. I bet my top 2 fave kdrama Signal, will trend in Netflix in the coming days.

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