Lee Jong Seok’s Solo Agency A-Man Project Merges into Song Joong Ki’s Agency History D&C and His Staff Moves Over

Woah, what a surprising turn of events. Today Lee Jong Seok who is repped by his own agency that he started in 2018 A-Man Project has been merged into Song Joong Ki‘s own established agency History D&C. Him and his staff will move over to History D&C but it’s unclear if A-Man Project will remain but managed under History D&C or be dissolved. Lee Jong Seok has made a few agency switches in the last few years, he left Wellmade Entertainment in 2016 and moved over to YG Entertainment but didn’t renew in 2018 when he formed A-Man Project. I guess there is room in one mountain for two tigers if he joined History D&C but I doubt we’ll see Lee Jong Seok and Song Joong Ki in a drama together but maybe a big budget movie down the line.
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Seems like a smart decision since his post military drama comeback is still not out yet.
Only time will tell if this is going to last or is merely a temporary setup before signing again with a new agency.
It’s strange to have two a-listers who are more or less in the same age group in one agency like this. I wonder if SJK has any share of History DNC or does he has any say on the agency’s importance decision? Coz since the beginning all the news say that History is ebtalished by Hwang Ki Yong and recently I saw some articles saying it’s established by SJK so I’m a bit confused.
Oppa fighting