
K-netizens Unanimously Criticize K-ent Reporter for Hit Piece on Lee Do Hyun for Lacking Sincerity in Not Giving Interview After The Glory — 25 Comments

  1. But it’s weird that they use the supporting characters to promote this drama. On Netflix KContent, SHK and LDH didn’t promote it.

    • SHK has content in Netflix interview though, the one with the director , Lee Do Hyun, the writer and Lim Ji Yeon after season 1.

      I think I also saw another interview with Song Hye Kyo with beauty brand after season 1.
      What I see from Netflix is season 1 promoted by the main cast, and the supporting cast for season 2.

    • Agree with knetzien……he still is the weakest cast member in the glory for me. I can’t seem to know if it his character or acting

      • Such a persuasive argument there Dani, you sure told Key.

        Rabid stans are hilarious

      • I found his character poorly written and he gave it his everything but it was the writing for me. Some actors don’t like the exit interview. No big shock there. He is an excellent actor

      • You can keep your ‘weakest cast member’ to yourself. If you can’t understand ‘if it his character or acting’ which doesn’t make sense??? Then good for him, he did his job well. Touch grass

      • I love his acting in the glory! He just shows most expression through his eyes rather than obvious over the top facial expressions.

    • I thought all actors are obligated to promote their shows? Why is her not obligated? If he not the male leading actor?

  2. Definitely comes off as a hit piece. I think there are some actors who are not good at interviewing and not good at defending themselves against trick questions and end up with foot-in-mouth despite being good people and despite good intentions. It’s better for those actors to just stay away from interviews so that they don’t end up putting their work and their fellow actors in a bad position of having to defend them.

    If he’s one of those actors, then the reporter is just trying to egg him on to say something slightly controversial and then zone in on that.

  3. Agree with knetzien……he still is the weakest cast member in the glory for me. I can’t seem to know if it his character or acting

  4. Why would anyone want to work with him if he doesn’t give any interview? What about his fans or the project’s fans?

    I don’t care about that riporter, but as an actor he should think about others need.

  5. Imagine if LDH gets voted by reporters into the Most Rude Stars on the press circuit in 2023 because of this and then people on this site start agreeing in the comments like they did for the other post regarding MDS.

  6. I have no idea who this guy is, I was intrigued by the story itself.

    Netizens are wrong – being an actor means that you have a duty of communication with the press because this is part of the promotion of your work. It goes for everyone and even the biggest Hollywood stars are going to do the same thing. They can maybe lessen the load a little bit but when they have a movie out, you will see them do a whole promotion circuit, even those who we would categorise as actually elderly.

    I understand he is more of younger, newish actor (if I am wrong, sorry) so he has no excuses for this. In fact, don’t be surprised if the production companies start paying attention and skipping over him. Only the big, super talented people can choose, somewhat.

    • Apparently you missed a lot of his career if you are writing him off as a newbie. He has won awards, been in big series but you want to dismiss him as petulant. Maybe he has a negative history with this reporter. Or maybe he had prior commitments. He has done good work in many good series and will continue to get work.

    • Wrong again for his 18 Again role he talked plenty and shared personal story of his developmentally disabled brother. Oh and look he was quite effusive about his costar SHK in a Cosmopolitan article. Talked about his first day on Hotel de Luna to Soompi. Talked to the media about his Youth of May character. Oh he he talked about Sweet Home. Despite you saying he will no longer get cast because of one hit piece. Do go on and analyze it for us

  7. He might have personal reasons or a busy schedule. If i am not wrong he is going to the military soon. So he might have another project in the pipeline to be completed and other commitments both professionally and personally.
    Kim Jung Hyun was forced to take up projects after projects and give press IVs when he was having mental health issues and the debacle that happened after that is still haunting that guy. He is a good actor but is more famous for his press video.

  8. Why are reporters becoming so salty and sensitive as if they know what the public wants. They don’t care to destroy careers just for click baits ENOUGH!

  9. The actor has his official Twitter handle and has been massively promoting the drama right since news broke out. People who are salty can stay salty. Also the whole of ‘The Glory’ team got together to promote the drama and gave in depth breakdown of their roles during season 1. So no point in dragging him unnecessarily.

  10. I love his acting in the glory! He just shows most expression through his eyes rather than obvious over the top facial expressions.

  11. I think he’s a good actor. And I loved his character. He’s a very sweet, sensitive guy who was deeply hurt and traumatized by seeing his father murdered and then hearing the crazy talk by the murderer. He sees the FL as super strong before because she can fight back. So he adores her. She doesn’t want to be close to anyone, even a guy as open as he is. He really puts his love of her out there for her to accept, even when she keeps ignoring it. When she returns to him after three months, he’s overjoyed. And when she puts her arms around him, he’s joyous. This hug and kiss isn’t even sexual. It signals that they accept each other as partners, affection included. She’s the strong one in this relationship. He’s willing to follow her plan for revenge. I find him adorable!

  12. This whole debacle around his character is reminding me of Yeo Jin goo in Hotel Del luna. Jin goon is a very good actor but his character in that drama was mostly met with negative responses and many preferred Fl’s chemistry with Dohyun’s character as well. Many even thought he looked too young for that part which is also happening with Lee do Hyun in this drama. Many prefer FL’s chemistry with the villain’s husband.

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