
Entire Main Cast of Netflix Drama The Glory Posts Handwritten Thank You Message to Fans — 11 Comments

  1. I noted you’ve got more comments about C-ent news than K-ent news recently. Is this an indication that Cdrama has garnered more interest/attention than Kdrama from drama viewers?

    I personally still think Kdrama production has an edge over Cdrama in terms of creativity and artistry in general. My experience watching Kdrama is more satisfying in general. I think Cdrama would fair better with fewer eps for each series. I rarely sat through the end of a Cdrama series without fast forwarding and skipping scenes, eps, or just quitting at the midway. The scriptwriting of C drama oftentimes recycled storylines, repetitive and redundant. Draggy plots with more episodes than necessary do not help either.

    Even I’m familiar with Chinese language but have to rely on subtitles for Kdrama, I have been enjoying Kdrama way more than Cdrama. I hope Kdrama isn’t losing popularity to Cdrama.

    • If you’re talking about K-dramas in general beyond this site, I don’t think they’re losing popularity to C-dramas. But one can tell there’s a decline in the amount of quality K-dramas being released recently, of course with the exception of The Glory Part 2. Even K-drama stan accounts on Twitter have admitted that it’s as if they’re going through a dry and boring phase right now lmao. But in this site, lesser comments on K-drama posts could mean several factors and I think one reason is that as of now, Koala has nothing to write about the Korean celebs that often garner 20+ comments. Anyway, the Baeksang nominees list is coming out this Friday so surely there will be more people who will visit and comment in this site.

  2. Honestly same. I’m second generation Chinese myself and I have noticed that Cdrama has become more popular and rather than feeling proud I’m actually slightly worried because I noticed a trend of people just getting into Chinese dramas and not realizing how much propaganda is baked into them I understand every drama likes to portray their country is good and stuff so every country is guilty of that but I don’t think they do it to the degree of Cdramas. China itself has admitted it wants the same level of soft power as South Korea and that’s dangerous because whether or not you hate or love South Korea at the end of the day it is still a democracy while China is not. And I see these people falling in love with C drama and accusing others that raise legitimate issues regarding China as sinophobic when they have some legitimate concerns most of the time.

    • Forgot to add but I guess there’s silver lining in this is that The Glory itself was pretty popular in China😂

      • Politicizing entertainment is another serious concern with the C-ent. Almost all the popular actors had been cast for certain drama that was produced so obviously for propaganda purposes. Could they have refused to take those projects? I don’t think so. I don’t think they had other options than showing their allegiance to the country by kinda being mouthpieces for the state propaganda. Nobody would dare risk their career and even life to do so.

  3. Forgot to add but I guess the silver lining in this is that The Glory itself was pretty popular in China when it aired😂

  4. As far as Kdramas go, I’m still waiting for something as good as Hometown Cha Cha Cha or Something in the Rain. And I only have Netflix and Viki Rakuten. So because Kdramas are showing fantasies and other genre I don’t watch, I started watching cdramas and have found some pretty good ones.

    • Whaaa sorry to disagree with you. I size off halfway watching Hometown Cha Cha Cha & Something in the Rain. Both series are boring though I do like Son Ye Jin alot

  5. Chikoo – Yeh Ishq Nachaye is an Indian Hindi-language drama that
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