C-actor Wang Yibo Criticised by C-netizens for Exhibiting Resting Bitch Face Attending Chanel Show in LA

I’m going to have to accept the explanation of Wang Yibo fans that their stan is just having a bad day anything he’s photographed at events absolutely looking like he’d rather be anywhere but there. The explanation ranges from he was up filming all night before to he’s having a tough time recently to he was snapped at the wrong moment. If pictures speak a thousand words then Wang Yibo this week in LA for the Chanel show was peak Wang Yibo visuals, and I do wonder if he’s actually “acting” the part for these CF events in that looking constipated and not happy to be there is actually an image. It could be, I see models scowling all the time but rarely actors/actresses since there is an approachability factor that needs to be watered from time to time. Whatever it is, I sure hope he has more reasons to smile in the future.

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I am not a fan of wang yi bo, but I think ppl ought to give a break to the artistes who have to put on smiling face 24 hours….won’t the face ache from making all kinds of expressions? I recalled how Kim Yoo Jung was hospitalised due to heavy criticism on her during a press event… sighh
HOw can someone look so bored rollerblading? lol He needs to smile more.
If he smiles too much, he will be criticized anyway lol.
Hahaha I agree with you Daju
Mood, to be honest 😂
Anybody remember or know of Hong Kong actor Raymond Lam’s chok? Lol – I think Wang Yibo is just keeping and sustaining his image and probably hia team thinks his most flattering angle/capture is stone cold moodiness than a smile.
If he smiles all the silicone in his face will be damaged
He indeed has plastic surgery but it’s not on high scale. It has nothing to do with smiling though.
He doesn’t have much to smile about if you take a look at his official weibo account about this. Something is missing.
Not to mention Chanel ignored him even though toilets spent their time begging under all posts on different socials to please, please acknowledge their bobo.
Can’t they give a break to these celebrities?
Lol, he seemed like he didnt want to be there. He didnt seem to enjoy the show. Lol. But he sat besides GD?? Is he a BA for chanel?
He really gave a ‘idc’ expression based on those pics. Lol
If chanel wasnt his cup of tea, why bother to attend?
Let the dude breathe
Yes well as someone who has a resting bitch face herself, without being an actual batch, I say five this guy a break.
Dang as a person with a resting bitch/tired face, I guess i won’t be able to survive in the entertainment industry.
Tbf I think one of the few (if not only) brand gigs he wanted was taken shortly after he signed on due to political-social controversy in China: Nike. Also, I get the feeling he really doesn’t care for these events, but he has to go to get paid. But if he’s going to get paid, shouldn’t he try a bit harder? He sure turned up the charm and smiles in Legend of Fei (acting criticisms aside). It looks like he only enjoyed dancing, doing athletic stunts in DDU, and joking with his castmate BTS of The Untamed.
Hahaha Koala strikes again with her negative post about Wang Yibo. I am wondering what has Yibo done that offended her so much, that makes koala always write only negative post on Yibo. Lol. Can be seen so crystal clear that Koala hates Wang Yibo.
As a blogger, she can check easily, just check CHANEL instagram & website, vid on their Chanel Cruise, yes Yibo is in their vid and is smiling in their vid there, also smiling while he is skating with zhouxun, having good time.
And now, his rest face also being attacked/critized??? Lol. Not every person has rest face that looks like he/she has a good mood. At least not me lol, many said my rest face looks like I am so angry, while actually I am just seriously thinking/watching. But now, just bc of Yibo is a celeb he also has to put a facade, always smiling??? Nope, that is certainly not Wang Yibo that I know. He is what he is, one of many celebs that is genuine. He is not fake, or pretend guy. He always does what his heart says, not caters to fans/gp.
What a quality of article Koala has here. Lol. Pity, used to come here for kdrama news/review, but seems now this site has become a gossip, tabloid like site.
Indeed, I used to read Ms Koala reviews or news. It used to be very enjoyable, but she seems to resent Wang Yibo so much that every articles about Yibo is never the positive one. Yibo is just being Yibo, not pretentious. A very hardworking young artist, at least ppl with a clear mind can see that.
I’m not very interested in Wang Yibo, but I’ve never liked articles to be biased. Koala talks about how he didn’t smile, but I saw videos and images of him in which he did during the event. It’s ironic, Koala only drags the subjects that are convenient for her. Reminds me of AvenueX.
I mean… I’m not the biggest fan but this is such an uninteresting and meaningless topic. Do we really have nothing better to talk about?
You can open your own blog and write your own stuff or simply skip things that don’t interest you here. I know this is something very very difficult to figure out so there, I was magnanimous.
So to live in houses, we must first know how to build them. If we are not actors, can’t we talk about bad acting? That’s your logic, isn’t it?
Your comment makes no sense.
Yes, very magnanimous as a XZ fan.
By the same logic, since the comment section is open, people are free to comment on whether they think this post is stupid. I know this is something very difficult to figure out there, so I’m being magnanimous too.
Yeah, I know it’s tough getting beaten by your own logic. So stop it, it’s embarrassing.
Is she a XZ’s fan? She’s always defensive/offensive. I don’t know what has always triggered her.
I don’t like WYB’s acting. I can never be a fan of him given that I used to be an avid Kpop fan and still watch some Kpop groups from time to time nowadays. His C fans are crazy about his dancing. Not me! I’ve seen enough better dancers in Kpop than he is.
Nonetheless, he looks fine in these pics here. He just always looks like that in any pics. lol
The jacket looks like the grandma jacket Park Seo Joon wore. Luckily Wang Yi Bo has enough fashion sense to exclude the brooch and wear it in black.
I saw him enjoying himself these are just jealous idiots he makes more money for Chanel than all the other celebrities put together so they can crawl back into the hole they came from, i dont see why a millionaire has to please you . whats so great about america if u the turn corner u see homeless people,or could be shot
I saw him enjoying himself these are just jealous idiots he makes more money for Chanel than all the other celebrities put together so they can crawl back into the hole they came from, i don’t see why a millionaire has to please you . whats so great about america if u the turn corner u see homeless people,or could be shot