Bai Lu’s Scheming Queen Gets a Second Chance Do-over Opposite Zhang Ling He in Preview for C-drama Story of Kunning Palace Airing May 18th on iQiyi

The blood tears of disgruntled fans of Till the End of the Moon hasn’t yet dried and another Bai Lu drama is coming. iQiyi confirmed today the release of her revenge and do-over period C-drama Story of Kunning Palace with Zhang Ling He for May 18th, 2023 so next week. The juicier backstory is that the two leads reportedly are dating in real life so I may be more excited to see their onscreen chemistry on that gossip alone. This is another revenge plus reincarnation/re-do story and is female lead centric – Bai Lu plays a power hungry queen who commits suicide and wakes up before the events of her rise are set in motion so she vows to not go down the same path but fate has its own ideas. This isn’t a xianxia drama so expect a lot more plotting and court intrigue.

Preview for Story of Kunning Palace:
Pingback:Bai Lu's cunning queen gets a second chance opposite Zhang Ling He in the premiere of the C-drama Story of Kunning Palace, which airs May 18 on iQiyi. | KWriter
I thought c-drama not allowed to do those time travel, do-over piece? Or is this ok becos it didn’t try to mess with established history 🤔
It is not confirmed officially although there are rumors it’s set for may 18th….nothing has been officially stated by the dramas weibo account or iqiyi weibo accounts
No can do. Need a break from Bai Lu after Till the End of The Moon. Can’t take anymore blood spitting, same expressions over and over again, super dark pupils, no more.
I am moderately excited about this, I like both leads and I trust Bai Lu to create enough chemistry with all her co-stars (except when the director has them spit blood every 8 minutes). So I trust there will be chemistry with Zhang Linhge, whether they are dating irl or not. But if they are dating, let me just say, what a beautiful 💑
Definitely on my watchlist.
Bai Lu will totally love this kind of role. I can see from the teaser that she’s giving it her all and I would definitely love to watch her in this
the angst from the trailer seems yummy! Is it based on a novel?
I hope her character is consistent here.
I’m tired of female leads’ strategies and plans in novels being reduced in adaptations or attributed to male leads.
Yes, let’s hope the script doesn’t expect her to go from cunning to naive and clumsy. It’s annoying to see a female character capable of becoming a nuisance.
I am not sure this is going to be broadcast because Where Dreams Begin is starting on the 21st of May on cctv and Web and I am not sure it is smart to go against it.
This cunning scheming type characters fit bai lu imo. It looks beautiful and intriguing,seems like a good fix for my tteotm withdrawal syndrome.