Hunan TV’s Big Summer C-drama Fireworks of My Heart with Yang Yang and Wang Chu Ran Starts High But Trending Lower with Supporting Male Lead Wei Da Xun Surprisingly Getting More Buzz

I guess it’s like all fireworks, start out booming and brilliant and petering out. Hunan TV C-drama Fireworks of My Heart (My Fireworks on Earth) with Yang Yang and Wang Chu Ran got plenty of promotion before it aired over a week ago unlike the airdropped other C-dramas like The Longest Promise and Legend of Anle and has the double dip of airing on terrestrial TV and streaming on Mango TV platform. TBH I couldn’t get pass episode 1 and noped out of there (just boring) but the premiere episodes got solid buzz and this one seemed like a sure hit. Alas it’s been on a trending down pattern so much so that the production trotted out the leads this week for a second promo media event. Another surprising turn is supporting male lead Wei Da Xun, so low on the cast list he didn’t even make the top layer billing, winning audience favor for his role and acting and actually getting videos posted of him by the production to capitalize on his buzz. The reasons for the drama not being as well received by viewers are – criticism of Yang Yang’s acting and the lack of chemistry between the leads, which is hilarious since rumors has Yang Yang and Wang Chu Ran falling in love filming this drama and dating in real life.

wei daxun is the only good thing coming from the drama. yy still lacking in acting department wait how many years he has been in the industry ? and yup the chemistry is literally none.
LOL as a rabid Liu Haoran fan a couple days on Weibo I was riding the Cannes and Balenciaga clout with pride…. unti I saw some hot searches like “Wei Daxun takes Liu Haorans spot” “Wei Daxun forever handsome” and I was like dammit, who is this guy?!! BUT HOLY SHIT HE’S SO ATTRACTIVE. I put Fireworks on hold because I was so bored but after seeing Wei Daxun’s pics, I’m in full force now.
Its so embarassing for Yang Yang to get outshined by a mere guest actor. He and his team must be so desperate that I see many futile attempts of him trying to mediaplay his CP with Wang Churan these few days. I remember initially when the drama aired, he refused to promote together with WCR and instead got Zhang Binbin to promote the drama with him at the Sina building. Now instead he is the one initiating intimate interactions with the actress on variety show appearances. But netizens are not buying it lmao.
Yang yang acting has been quite generic, he is good when the character suits his persona. Like xiaonai and yutu. But her emotional portrayal has been lacking.
It makes no sense that a drama with firefighters and emergency room doctors is so boring. I don’t think it’s just the actors, despite the seeming excitement built in these professions, I always felt like nothing much was happening and there were weird tonal shifts like the writers couldn’t make up their mind what genre on which to focus.
Yeah I saw hot posts around the 2nd ML with higher reading volumes than those about YY on Weibo all the time. Fans seem to be more interested in the 2nd ML than YY in this drama. That’s unfortunate for YY. I think he did a good job as an aerospace engineer in You’re Are My Glory. I’m not interested in any military or public service drama unless my favorite actor is cast, let alone indifferent to the FL. I’m not gonna watch this one.
so this is why he’s smiling less nowadays?
Yang Yang is practically the male version of Nazha, suited to just be a flower vase.