
Modern Romance C-drama Only for Love with Dylan Wang and Bai Lu Reportedly to Air End of October 2023 and New Bed Scene Stirs Up Buzz — 9 Comments

  1. Probably a scene that exists only as a photoshoot, or if they really did film it it will be edited out for censorship reasons.
    Anyway, I will check this out too out of my love for both Dylan and Bai Lu, but I still think that Dylan does not look like the tsundere CEO type, mostly like a 12 year old that has put on pair of glasses and tries to pass for a grown-up.

    • @Nena LOL on point withe the ’12 year old to pass for a grown-up’ vibe. Especially, in a supposedly powerful positions.

      it’s very distracting for me to get into the story. And it’s too difficult to forget the actor behind castings like this and see the character.

    • They released photos like this for another drama, can’t remember now which one, and of course edited it out of the final drama.

    • I agree with you. Dylan still looks like a baby and I have a hard time seeing him as a tsundere CEO. I felt the same way with Ahn Hyoseop, who I also think has a young boyish charm, in Business Proposal.

  2. It make me wonder, is c-ent didnt have other actor/actress? I mean, i often see 2-4 news drama from the same actor/actress (in the same years) 😬

    Also how can you act in many drama in the same years? 😭 Did they not prepared for the deep of each character or understand the script? it make me wonder LOL

    • I think you’re right for certain actors.. they probably don’t prepare much and just memorize the script and wing it. But there are other legitimate reasons that result in certain dramas being shelved for a long time, and suddenly they all appear at once.

    • Their agencies are milking from these popular actors and certainly would get them cast in as many dramas as possible. I doubt these young actors have much say to take or reject a project their agencies suggest. It’s all about revenues and profits actors can generate for their agencies. C drama has been prolific these few years while giving false impression to drama fans that C drama is gonna take over K drama. C drama does gain some market share in SE Asia, but mostly with very cheesy, cheaply produced mini dramas. It’s in the news. C dramas are getting attention from bigger international streaming platforms like Netflix, but still far from Kdramas when it comes to foreign investors’ interest.

      Given the vast market inside China, C-ent prolly isn’t motivated to produce quality dramas of international level, or at least Kdrama level. If they focus more on quality than quantity for quick financial turnout, the production values may increase.

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