Zhao Lu Si’s Journey in Upcoming Tang Dynasty Drama The Legend of Jewelry Goes From Slave to Dancer to Lady

The first BTS pictures are out of Zhao Lu Si in The Legend of Jewelry and it looks like a genuine rags to riches personal growth and evolution story. I’m still perplexed that her fandom so vociferously did not support her doing this drama but it totally makes sense for her. It’s a top billing female lead big budget drama with a whole trajectory of her going from a pearl slave to a jewelry designer. Her male lead being Liu Yu Ning is IMO great for them both, especially now with his bump up in popularity thanks to A Journey to Love, and they worked together before and I can’t imagine Zhao Lu Si agreeing to him as a male lead if they didn’t work well before. Plus his super tall height and her super tiny petite frame just looks so good together onscreen haha it’s such a fave of mine that tall dude tiny girl visual.

I have not seen many lead actress who can dance very well in ancient costume. Does anyone know if Zhao Lusi is a good dancer?
Yes, she can dance. You can check out her birthday concert group dance for Ping Pong on Youtube. Or her little dance with Yang Yang on Douban/Tiktok. Or various other shorts she does of her dancing in ancient costume (like that one she did when there was this dance challenge craze).
There is a dancing scene she did in Who Rules the World.
Zhao lusi’s fans so arrogant, even liu shi shi herself also liu tao no problem to accept liu yuning as the male lead in their drama. Lol.
Dear, this issue has been resolved for a while, no need for u to bring pass news here n beside LYN fans wasnt quite either,let make it not seem like it was a one side thing. This is not the news koala is blogging about today.let this situation die already, both fans have move on .
N beside this is not just ZL fans, it the fans in general of most of the porpular stars in c ent, they tend to voice out their opinions when the situation arises, n they all tend to be arrogant doing so. Let not direct it to one actress, if u have followed c ent for a while, u will realise it across board.
This issue started when rumors of LYN becoming the male lead for this drama circulated and his fans denied and rejected the rumor, some of his fans didn’t even liked LYN. This resulted in ZLS’s fans retaliating when the rumor eventually became fact. But there are underlying issues as well,it wasn’t really the main lead that her fans had issues with, it was the fact that the production team never finalized any decision for this particular drama (ie. whether it will push through or not) which resulted in Lusi unable to accept other projects and did not have any drama shooting for nearly a year which in the Chinese entertainment industry is highly unusual for a young actress. Her fans felt that the production team basically gatekeep ZLS from other prospective projects. That’s really the primary reason they wanted Lusi to drop this drama before. Plus the fact that the production company’s license to shoot for this drama was about to expire by December and if they didn’t announce anything with finality by the time their license expires, this drama will end up being shelved and Lusi might have just wasted a year waiting for this drama. Aside from that, there were the issues of having too many rumored leads who turned out to be just a rumor and those male actors’ fans started mocking and attacking ZLS because of it, calling her “desperate” so you can understand hopefully why her fans didn’t want Lusi to go through with this drama. Personally, I thought she still should go through with it else her sacrifices and enduring all those hate would be wasted.
Sorry I meant some of LYN’s fans didn’t like ZLS
Aren’t her fans pissed off with him because he went on record (aka his livestream) to clarify certain issues on his involvement – the production was to rumoured to have contacted so many young rising actors for the ML role but none materialised and she was being mocked that no young actor wanted to act with her/ billed under her. So it was made to seem that the production had contacted him much earlier and not so much that everyone else had rejected the role. Instead he clarified that he was indeed a very last minute choice amongst other matters. I really can’t remember much about this but I saw clips of his livestream and the guy’s very entertaining – he has NO FEAR.
I really like Lusi but not to the point where I would watch anything she is in, I need to like her ML too. After A Journey to Love, I will definitely watch this. I think the casting director made a pretty good move here.
Actually, LYN wasn’t even the director’s first choice. There were a few before him. He only got the script and signed the contract around mid September so casting wise, can’t really say that the casting director made a good move. It’s more like “send enough scripts to eligible actors and hope one of them sticks” But LYN is a pretty good actor with an incredible chemistry with Zhao Lusi. Their tandem was the popular favorite by most of the audience in The Long Ballad even though they were technically the 2nd lead couple. So majority of the fans are actually happy with the final choice.
I must be the few who don’t find Liu Yu Ning appealing. Because of that, I don’t like this pairing that much. I’ll still catch it since I like ZLS.
I was mesmerized by the facial and eye expression of Liu Yuning in the Long Ballad so its amazing that both are given another chance to act together. I find him so handsome with his long and lead body against the cute build of Z Lusi not to mention his unique singing voice. I love his musical scores. Since the drama is still in the making, BTS is good enough for me at this juncture. I really hope this will be shown on NETFLIX (with a refined English subtitles).
I am a huge fan of Zhao Lusi…but i don’t hate or make mean comments about other actors. I am very happy if my idol got an award or recognize by awarding body and entertainment media. Please don’t spread hate but love. If we do that how exciting and happy the chinese entertainment. We are just fans so we don’t have to make problems for our favorite actor especially on their love life. I will be happy if my dear Zhao Lusi is dating now… if she is not i am also happy. Whatever makes her happy. Bless her career. Happy New Year everyone. Spread positivity and love.
Wishing them both good luck for their new drama..that’s all I can..I’m a fan of Lusi and I really admire her so much because of her acting still is on other level which is why shes MY idol AND I will never change 🥹😂 I will hope too Liu yuning will do his best for this new drama because they are both deserve it 🤗❤️ GOOD LUCK MY IDOL LUSI ANS LIU YUNING AND GOD BLESSED 🙌 ❤️❤️❤️