MBC Drama The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract Apologizes After Being Accused of Plagiarizing Hanbok Designs in Latest Episode 6

This feels like a dumb thing to do and I’m glad there is an immediate apology and acceptance of the transgression. This weekend’s episode 6 of Story of Park’s Marriage Contract showed female lead Lee Se Young designing avante garde hanboks as part of the storyline. After airing, a hanbok designer called out the production for ripping off her designs and when showed side by side her design on the runway and the drama sketches it’s hard to deny. The production acknowledged the allegation, claimed it was unintentional and unknowing as the production outsourced this, and apologized for it. Park’s has been getting good buzz and rising in ratings so it’s not clear if this will impact the viewership.

I don’t think this issue will affect the ratings. I mean, let’s just be honest here. the average viewer is watching because they like the show and they’re entertained by it. Your average person won’t sacrifice their entertainement and won’t stop watching just because there’s an issue they’re not even affected by (not saying this is right, but this is how your average viewer probably thinks). so unless a cast member is revealed as some vile person who committed a crime or something, I just don’t see how this will affect the ratings. just my opinion tho
they should ask permission because tv/series is form of advertisement and design like that, which is also part of the female lead story line is something people do pay attention, give off the feeling like they don’t think the design as important,
I don’t think it will affect the rating or the drama perception,
it’s a mishap that’s been corrected
They should pay her, though.
Nice clothes, by the way.
By law, I think they should if the designer brings it to the court. Both sides might already have a deal behind the door.
“claim it was unintentional”, and it was – they never intended to get caught.
Outsourcing can be such a huge headache. I have seen lots of issues just like this, something got outsourced, turned out it was plagiarised. Anyway, it won’t affect the drama, why would it. General viewers don’t care.
The processus was wrong but they admitted their mistake and apologized very fast. There is no more issue.
I don’t think it will bother the viewers.
I bet apology also mean compensation and also publicity for the designer. It is a Win-Win in the world of business.
The “publicity” is wrong. You don’t use the art of someone else without asking and use the argument of more cover/publicity/etc to justify it.
It is wrong without asking for permission, most definitely. But to immediately apologise and admit the error is the right thing to do. The production company have to give acknowledgement to the real designer and give her brand and her due publicity. That is not wrong.
LOL. I just switched from My Demon to Park’s Marriage Contract per netizens’ recommendation. Ep 1 was fun so far as expected from an idol costume drama. I’m more warm up to LSY’s acting than KYJ’s acting in My Demon. I guess higher ratings of the former may be justified. Plagiarism doesn’t have an impact on my decision to watch PMC at all. That’s not my business to deal with.
they should be ok.. as long as there’re no history distortion / chinese related contents.
Hey, the hanbok designer is watching this drama… isn’t it a good thing? LOL. I thing the rating will keep on increasing. It is such an interesting drama with good cast.