
Fahrenheit in Korea as Ambassadors for Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau — 27 Comments

  1. Thank you for this. I love these guys, so I’m always thrilled to see you posting some news about them. But can I just make some corrections? ^^’
    Calvin is not recording a solo album. He released a photobook not long ago and he’s been hosting his own show for almost a year. And they held their first fanmeeting in Korea last year so this was actually their second time there. That’s about it. I hope you don’t mind =)

    I agree with your last paragraph. They’ve grown into such fine men! It’s good to see their stylists dressing them accordingly to the occasion for once.

    Jiro’s hair really looks bad. And I heard that he’s having some stomach problems (fluids retention or something like that), that’s why his face looks swollen lately. The poor guy!

  2. Could you please add pics of the boys with Suju members Ryeowook and Kyuhyun as well? Then this post would be perfect! I would just gaze at it constantly. XD
    The boys met when SJ-M promoted in Taiwan and Calvin got to know them.

  3. If they ever remake Boys Before Flowers they should cast these four as F4!! They look like they could be perfect for the roles.

    • I don’t think Taiwan will ever do a second adaptation of HanaDan, at least not while the Fahrenheit boys are in their leading man age. But if they did, I think these guys could do it, but only if Jiro plays Daoming Shi and Zun does Huazie Lei.

      Meteor Garden may be a decade out, but it’s still iconic. And, well… can Fahrenheit be F4 when there is still F4 around.

      Jerry, Vic, Vanness, and Ken. Until these guys are playing middle-aged daddies, I refuse to accept F4 isn’t doing another album. If I close my eyes, I can still see Jerry’s pinapple hair as Daoming Shi. Truly shiteous, but he was awesome.

      Also, Boys Before Flowers is the last HanaDan adaptation, but it’s probably my least favorite. I prefer the J-dorama Hana Yori Dango.

      • OMIGOD YOUR REPLY BUTTON, IT’S PINKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Whoops, sorry for screaming. But wahhh, I love this! How awesome! <3

      • Haha, could I possibly use any other color? 😉

        BTW, your squealing about Romance Town is epic. So happy there is one May drama you’re Gaga over. I will definitely watch it when I’m done with BL and LTM. I’ve got to keep my Yuri completist record going.

      • i’m so with you! i was caught up in the F4 MG when it released, realized abt BOF a few months after it aired. then discovered HYD. i’ve always preferred hanazawa rui character in HYD.

  4. Ok Sorry I just fell off my chair, who the hell (sorry but really laughing!!!!) put a pot of flowers on Calvins pocket….burn him at stake!!!! And Didn’t I say I love men in white….finally I can talk about Aaron on this site….the “Taiwanese Neyo”, finally they did his hair right!!!! 😉 I LOVE AARON’S SUITE !!!! Yes I love him in white pants!!!! nope this guy will always have a boy streak but man will it be sexy yup awesomeness, youth is always sexy, didn’t Michael Jackson feel so awesome young in his music, it’s called immortality!!!! Aaron is sexy!!!! :-p Wu Ji Zun is cute huh??? new thang !!!! first time I heard that usually people faint gorgeous!!!! 😉 Aaron is my man, love the tan coat!!!! Please rid of the black swan and be NEYO reincarnate although he’s not dead yet!!!! Aaron me and you BLUE MOON DUET at the piano now!!!! ahahaha 😉

    • OkAaron really does not have to take off anything to be sexy all he heas to do is SMILE I FIND HIS TEETH SEXY ODD!!!!!

  5. haha I am blind as a bat lol
    even though Calvin is my most favourite Fahrenheit member and that’s why I just kept looking at him on all of the pictures on this page, I didn’t see that flowers … I definitely need sleep if I don’t even see such an eye catching thing …. Ok off to bed ^^

  6. I saw both ,korean and japanese versions of hana yori dango,and i have to say the japanese ver. is far more better.
    p.s.thank you for the fast&fun recaps,my super ockoala!

  7. I’m so happy to see them altogether! I really thought they were eventually going to disband because of all the Wuzun issues and ending contracts and junk, but hooray! They’re together! They all look really good too 🙂 Wuzun<3

  8. I MISSED THEM!!! HOW COULD I MISS THEM??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…. *sighs* I didn’t even have spare time this weekend, but I would have put some serious thought into re-booking my weekend plans to get to see Fahrenheit in Korea!!!!

  9. Jiro, what happened to you??? What happened to your hair! You always look your best, this i can only take to be a sign of your poor health… please, please tell me you’ve got different hair in Absolute Boyfriend, please.

    also, now that they’ve disbanded, are they kicking Wu Cun out of the pictures in the airport?

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