
Latest Trailer for My Kingdom and Official MV of Theme Song Performed by Han Geng — 14 Comments

  1. Oh I like the song and yes, that director is multi-talented!

    Btw, is it only me or Wu Zun gives off some SSH’s vibes? I mean, not in the acting, but there’s something in his eyes and the way he moves that reminds me of SSH. Maybe I’m hallucinating…

    • Uh, not hallucinating at all. Years ago I said this in OT during a convo with belleza…….. Song Seung Heon is to Wu Zun is to Yamapi.

      They are representatives of Korea, Taiwan, and Japan, respectively, in the ridiculously chiseled faced + dead fish eyes acting. But I still LOVE them.

      • DEAD FISH ahahaha RLOF you got it right….but I think I saw a few intensity somewhere from CHUN in the fight scene and Hangeng keeps his Chin down so no eye contact LOL ;-P

      • So glad I’m not hallucinating! The good thing is, the three of them are actually getting better at acting, don’t they? Huh!

  2. Watched the trailer and now I want to see this movie. It looks like a movie that could do well in the West…violence- check, badass awsomeness- check, heavy metal riffs- check, opera- check, a girl named barbie- check! I think I kinda love this movie. 😀
    I wonder if it will be released in the US at some point even on dvd or limited release.

    • My Kingdom is slated for a worldwide release, hence it’s English title is so generic, since the Chinese title is Da Wu Sheng (Top Male Warrior Performer).

      Tee hee, “a girl named Barbie”. Heh, cute. Da S will be pleased.

    • Me too! Me too! Can’t wait for the US release.

      Do wish they could be a little more original/specific with the English titles though.

  3. Wu zun and Hangeng looks so much alike, it’s mind bogging. Hangeng is really talented. I don’t know about his acting but it can’t be any worse than Wu Zun. Wu Zun has got some serious competition. Though i do love both of them dearly.

    Not a fan of Barbie but i’ll still check it out anyways.

  4. A definite watch. The song…he sings it soft, as if lacking in chi. Wu Chun, I like him and I hope he will improve on his expressions.

  5. Han Geng is definitely a lot more talented on the musical front, but not sure about acting. I highly doubt that he’s any worse than WC. 🙂 Should be interesting to see even though I’m not a fan of any of them.

  6. You know what I will be looking forward to…. is analyzing the script of this movie making it operatic will not make it a good epic somewhat misleading movie….hmmm cause Harry Potter Finale is getting a bad feedback but hitting sales is it inversely related? LOL I’m not sure but it has something to do with Sales strategy and it’s a long talk….I don’t wanna get into it and make people here nose bleed….I’m turning into the elusive and very critical Ms. Piggy!!!! LOL!!!!

    I’m going into dumb mode… LOL 😉

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