
K-dramas On Deck as Full Sun, Three Days, and Wonderful Season Hold Script Reading — 13 Comments

  1. I watched bastketball and lee elijah was terrible in that drama. She can’t act at all.
    I love lee kyung hee’s dramas and i also like lee seo jin but i think i’ll pass wonderful season. the other casts are poor actor and actresses.

  2. Yoochun’s looking pretty well-rested and great here! And, Seojin’s costars in his drama – hahaaaaaa!! I feel awful but they’re quite bad in the acting dept. Hope all of these dramas do well!

  3. I loved Lee Kyung-Hee’s Nice Guy to bits and pieces and I was looking forward to her next drama but this cast is a mess… I mean it’s a big no from me. It’s definitely not on my watchlist. Same goes for Three Days – even though the premise sounds…err… interesting. I don’t know about Full Sun – I’m a sucker for melodramas. If it’s bad I can still drop it.

  4. Are they that bad? I hadn’t seen any of girls dramas before but I’m getting bad impression now! Too bad for Lee Seo Jin.

    None of these actually gave me vibes to watch. Though, Full Sun seems like my cup of tea except that I’m not a big fan of Han Ji hye. But truth to be said, the woman can act. And I’m getting the feeling of repetitive story here! Oh well, who cares a melo stays melo and I love it!

  5. Yoochun is looking super fine in that Rolling Stones hat. But I have to ask this again–are the rooms really cold at these cast readings because whenever I see these script readings everyone is still wearing half of their outdoor gear. It it like they came to my house in the winter; I am cheap, so we hardly have the heat on at my house. What is going on in these rooms?

  6. Not up for a melo right now and since I am already watching You From Another Star I will probably check out Three days since it has the most plot potential of the three dramas(plus I have this really big soft spot for Yoochun ). I’m pretty allergic to Taecyeon as an actor so not touching the weekend drama with a ten foot pole.

  7. I’m curious why anyone gave Lee Elijah work again. Taecyeon sucks, but I can understand why he was hired. But her…. WHY. Hopefully their parts will be easy to fast forward since they play a couple. Poor SeoJin. Avoiding that drama like the plague tbh.

  8. Definitely “Three Days”… YC’s drama choice has not disappointed me so far, and he can act. Hope Feb 26 comes sooner…

  9. Not one bit exited about any of those. Wonderful Season has a flop cast,Full Sun has good cast but flop plot, Three days has Yoochun, whom I am allergic to.

  10. I have immense love for lee seo jin but I think this weekender is just a bit too much for me. I see crazy plots all over this. Urgh!!! I am still heavily scarred form AHYI even after one year. That would be the closest that I go for watching any of these.

    YC does look rather nice here. More natural in his look. Suits him better.

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